
My niece has no job now and she has started an Etsy store making masks. I bought a pack of Pooh’s fat quarter bunch at Walmart (last one available at the store), and I am paying her to make 8 masks out of them for me. I have asked her to make them bigger and wider as the ones she’s selling now are similar to the Disney ones (by looking at the pics posted by FigmentSpark). The mask slips down when I try to talk in them. They all have the nose wires. I think the Disney patterns look more fun. Too bad that Walmart is sold out of them online and they are rarely available in stores now.

My niece has no job now and she has started an Etsy store making masks. I bought a pack of Pooh’s fat quarter bunch at Walmart (last one available at the store), and I am paying her to make 8 masks out of them for me. I have asked her to make them bigger and wider as the ones she’s selling now are similar to the Disney ones (by looking at the pics posted by FigmentSpark). The mask slips down when I try to talk in them. They all have the nose wires. I think the Disney patterns look more fun. Too bad that Walmart is sold out of them online and they are rarely available in stores now.

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Hi Hon
I would love to have a look at her store.
Can you post a link?
I have 8 for me, with 5 from Old Navy on the way. Kiddo has 7 or 8 with 5 on the way from Old Navy. It's funny how masks have become such an accessory now, I was going to buy a new lipstick the other day and realized no one would see it. I'll have to settle for some pretty masks instead I guess!

Ok but we all wear masks to protect others. It’s not the same as medical staff wearing proper PPE to protect themselves against the virus when treating people. That’s an entirely different situation.

If you have also kept your distance from others, and others have been wearing masks you are very unlikely to be “covered” in virus. Think about it. Do you go home and have a shower and change your clothes every time you are out?

The “germs” in your mask when you take it off are your own (unless like I said you a medical professional in close contact with someone).
Wow, all i can say is I don't think I'd let even my hubby cough, sneeze, talk "moistly" close enough to me to get my NECK wet! That's just gross :P

Remember, we're talking about droplets that come from others and if your neck is that badly contaminated you've been much closer than 6 feet to someone who is not masked. I'd be more comfortable with others just pulling the mask down like that than if they take it off completely - where are they putting it after they take it off? Are they going to put the same one back on? Since my mask is to protect you and yours is to protect me, I'd rather they keep the interior of their mask against their body like that when they want to eat/drink.
One day I was lining up outside an LCBO store waiting for my turn to go in. Suddenly I heard someone sneezed behind me, not once but 5-6 times. The guy in front of me turned around looking behind me, and I turned around too. There was this lady holding a phone in one hand and a mask in her other hand about 12 feet behind me. I was not sure if she covered her mouth with her sleeve or not when she sneezed. It was a breezy day and the wind was blowing in my direction. I quickly turned around and put away my phone. You bet I took a shower and washed everything on me that day after I got home. If there’s wind, the droplets can travel farther away and suspend in the air for a longer time. Can they get onto my neck? I am not sure but i wouldn’t risk it.

I have read that you can store the mask in a clean plastic or paper bag (preferred) when you need to remove it. Make sure you clean your hand before and after taking it off as well as before and after putting it back on. It’s better to change to a new mask after taking it off to eat. The Duke University School of Medicine says you can put it on a paper towel with the outside of the mask facing the paper towel.
I wasn't trying to be snide or discount what the image showed, nor was I trying to make light of the seriousness of the situation. Once again, failed by social media! I'm aware of the possibility of "perfect storm" situations, even been in a few myself over the last (omg can you believe this) 5 months since i started wearing a mask. I just need to remind myself that I'm doing the absolute best that i can to keep both myself and others safe & healthy. I think we need to be aware of our surroundings and to be fully present whenever we are outside of our own safe places.

My comments come from living in an area of the country where our numbers are extremely low and the fact that I don't go many places where i might come into contact with others. If i dwell too much on the numbers I'm seeing elsewhere, focus too much on the people who are not as careful as I am and spend too much time playing out worse case scenarios I will become housebound by anxiety.

When I'm out and decide to take a mask off (after cleaning my hands) I pop it into an empty milk bag (the little ones) They get washed, dried and then ironed (eventually since i have so many!) and then placed in a paper bag (better for long term storage to prevent possible mold growth since that's an issue for me!) until i head out when I will carry several masks with me in ziplock baggies. I'm not sure when/if I'll feel comfortable enough to eat in public but when that happens the mask will go into a bag and I'll put a new one on after.

Conversations like this are essential for us as we move forward towards the other side of this, we learn from each other, think about things that haven't crossed our own minds, and add new actions to our arsenals. I'm grateful that I live in a country that is taking this illness seriously and that in this space we are able to have civilized discussions.
As most of you know, I have to wear a mask all day at work. This is how I deal with my masks when eating at work and I'm not changing mask (I usually try to change my mask after 3-4h so lunch time is usually a good time to do it). Since my desk is within the lab, I cannot eat at my desk. That means I have to eat in the atrium or cafeteria where we only have single tables set up. The hospital has disinfectant available to clean our table before eating and after it's clean, I open a paper towel, only touching the outside of it. Then, I clean my hands with Purell, remove my re-usable mask and fold it so the inside of it is enclosed and put it on the opened paper towel. I try to only touch the elastic loops or the sides of the mask.

If I only want to drink from my water bottle, I remove one ear loop with my opposite hand, drink and put the mask back. Not ideal but we have to find ways that make sense. For me, it's to know at all time where the inside of my masks is/touching. Just like I learned over the years to be very aware of what my hands do at all time when working to prevent cross-contaminations.
Knowing what is the inside and outside of the mask is why I now make masks using "pretty fabric" on the outside and an old "flat" sheet on the inside.

#1 its really soft from all the washing, high thread count to catch those droplets.
#2 it's obvious what is the inside and the outside.

It means an extra seam when sewing but I feel it's well worth it and it stretches the use of my expensive "pretty fabric" further.
So what I've been doing with our reusable masks is washing after each use using laundry detergent plus the Lysol laundry additive daily --- where I have to re-use a mask during a day I bought some Lysol Max spray and spray it both sides between each use and let it sit for a few minutes to kill anything on it . I've bought about 25 re-useable masks between amazon and etsy (for a house with 3 people) so we can always have extra masks available.

Fortunately one of the guys at work had mentioned back in January that he ordered medical masks and I was able to order about 100 of the level 3 medical masks (not N95's) from a dental supply company --- which got us through the thick of things before the re-usables arrived. We figure we'd want to assure we have some options for DS14 when he goes back to school to change masks during the day so he can change reusable masks. We've ordered some additional level 2 disposables just so he has them in his backpack at school.
DH and I had a debate on whether kids will have to wear a mask at school this fall (so far, elementary school students in QC are all going back to in-person teaching in August unless they are high-risk). I am betting they will have to when not seated at their desk. DH doesn't think it will happen. I know that school staff and teachers had access to free PPE in the schools that re-opened in May but was not mandatory.
I was just discussing this with my sil over the weekend. I'm thinking that with the wording being said in Alberta from our medical chief, that masks will be mandatory for the kids when they go back to school. So i told my son, I would get him a couple of different ones, sew a few for him, and I have a stash of disposable ones as well. The dh when he has to wear masks on site, I have given him the disposable ones. The cloth ones make his claustrophobia go into overdrive. The disposable ones he can tolerate a little better.

We have also been very lucky here in Alberta. The government has bought and provided disposable masks for all of us to get. We can just go to a drive through at McDicks, A&W, Tim's and I'm sure there might be a few more businesses that will give you a package of 4 when you ask for them. They also bought more and give a package of 8 and have made sure that more remote places, reserves and other more isolated communities can receive them as well. So I have been getting a package here and there when getting my morning tea.
here will be people that don't have the means to get a mask - sold out in lots of places in our town. If you don't have a cc, hard to order online. Someone like my bil with schizophrenia would have no clue about figuring it all out, or being responsible enough to wash one properly. So if he's on a bus a few times a week, wearing the same mask that hasn't been cleaned, is that safe?
THIS!!!!!!! THIS has been my question right from the begining of when there was talk about using masks. Those who are using homemade masks, how " clean " are they really???? Are you going to make sure that they are clean and sanitized like a good percentage of the population will do...but what about those who will repeatedly use the mask without washing it, or at least...give it 3-4 days between uses so that the germs will hopefully die.

I struggle...because we can't sanitize our whole world and surrounding. All I can do, is do what I can to protect myself, family and friends. I will wear a mask ( if mandated or if I'm feeling under the weather or suffering from allergies to stop all the stares and rude comments ) to protect others around me. I will wear one now if I feel like a store/building is too crowded. If we are outside, I don't wear one. I want to set the example for my kids to follow and wear one to protect those around us.


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