Maureen's Journal...comments welcome

Hi everybody.

Felt like posting so here i am. Exercise is going fairly well. The 1 mile tape is just what i need, and lord knows so is the weight routine on it. I figure that in a few weeks i'll be able to work up to 2 miles as far as my legs go. The arms are another story. I used to walk all the time everywhere, but don't anymore. My new neighborhood really isn't suited to it, so this tape will help and is waaaaayyyy cheaper than a treadmill.

On an off note i pulled my calf muscle somewhere in my exercise on tuesday. Which figures seeing as how my calves are the only muscles that are actually developed enough to pull. As much as i weigh i am not afraid to wear skirts that stop at the knee because my calves really do look that good. The thighs as we all know are another story entirely.

On the bright side, since i started exercising on Sunday this week, I have already fulfilled my earlier goal of 3 days exercise. But i know it not enough so thursday marks a return to the exercise bandwagon. And yes, my calf will be ready to go, the pull was not bad at all.

**New Goal**

i realized earlier tonight that i haven't set goal for my tape workouts and i thought i should since i have 1 for my Pilates workout. So here it is:
***no less than 5 miles a week and a minimum of 2 weight portions of my 1 mile tape per week.

*It'll be really nice keeping track of how many miles i go each week since walking to the grocery store is not far. And the with the recent snow here, its really not a nice walk right now.

So there it is. And i expect it'll bring that 5lb clippie i've been craving for awhile. We'll see on monday.

Thanx for stopping by
And in case i haven't said so lately, cause i don't think i have:

Thanx for all the posts and encouragement in my routine. It keeps me on my wagon mostly since i know ppl are checking up on me.

maureen, that's a good idea to set out goals for yourself. and they are goals that you can reach. good job. you've been doing excellent, i'm sure that clippie will be yours in no time :bounce:

have a great day today :sunny:
Maureen, you're doing great with your exercise! I like the idea of using WATP and then Pilates as a cooldown / stretching routine afterward. I may have to try that.

I also like your idea of tracking how many miles you do each week. Maybe I'll start doing that and see how long it takes me to "walk" to Disney World which is 1000 miles away from my home. :D

I hope to see you sporting that 5 pound clippie very soon! With all your hard work, I just KNOW that it's right around the corner! :sunny:
Good morning all.

Just got done with a quickie weigh-in to see just how far away i am from my 5 lb clippie. Turns out i am only 1/2 lb away. Yippiee:Pinkbounc I knew i wasn't far cause i've been weighing myself a few nights a week to see how much i gain during the day from eating, and last sunday i stopped gaining back the weight to stick me at start, even though I'd lose almost 2lbs while i was sleeping. I hated seeing that scale go back up to my start weight. So now I'm at 285.5lbs. I can definitely lose that by monday, and hopefully even more.

I also realized that i need to revise another goal:
*This 1 being my pregnancy goal. Dh and i as noted have decided to start working on having a baby. And i believe in my first post i said i wanted to lose 40lbs. b4 getting pregnant. Well, now i will do my best to lose as much as i can, but this weekend is *try for baby number 1* marathon, and i hope we get lucky. So if i only lose 5-10lbs b4 i get pregnant then that's fine. I will just have to work hard to keep from gaining too much weight with the baby once i get pregnant. of course it'll be a few weeks b4 we find out, but I'll just keep exercising and tryng to lose while we wait.

Thanx for stopping by
Hi Maureen!:wave2:

I am really impressed with your goals and exercise! It is amazing how we can let ourselves get to this point and then suddenly seem to just "get on fire" about getting back in shape. I can't remember the last time I was this disciplined in my exercise and eating habits. I think it is great how you are alternating the WATP and pilates routines. For sure you're gonna see results in inches lost very quickly. I've decided that while I officially weigh in once a week, I *officially* check my measurements every 2 weeks. This way it will keep me on track for exercise as well as my new eating habits.:D

Good Luck with your baby making routine!;) But PLEASE don't put all your hopes on it for any particular month. If you wish so hard, when Aunt Flo comes round, it is SO depressing! It will happen when it is supposed to happen. With good fortune, it will be sooner rather than later. But it is all part of the big plan. So no matter what, keep up your exercise routine. If it shouldn't *happen* for you this month, just think how much better shape you will be in with an extra month of exercise! I don't mean to be negative, but I know I set myself up for such crushing disappointment month after month when we were trying to conceive. I am happy to tell you I now have 2 beautiful, healthy children, so it will happen when it is supposed to.:sunny: I hope that it is supposed to happen very soon for you!

Well, keep up your wonderful progress! And your positive outlook. You're gonna have a beautiful clippee with 5 lbs on it by Monday for sure!:teeth:

hey maureen, good luck with the baby-making :p . like sharon said, dont' stress about it too much, it'll happen when it happens. and as long as you keep up your healthy living, you'll be in better shape for it when it does! keep up the great work! :sunny:
Welcome to Monday

I'll get this overwith and report my monday weigh-in.
**287lbs. Up 1 from last week. So no clippie for me today.

I attribute it to a very odd weekend. It was a baby making weekend for us so hopefully in a few weeks i'll have good news about the results of that. But, if i don't we'll just try again next month. I admit to being very excited about it early on, but by the end of the weekend I found equilibrium and am fine if we have to try for a little bit b4 hitting the jackpot.

2nd off thing about the weekend was my feeling off. Had nausea both Saturday night and last night during Superbowl. Saturday's was so bad i needed a blast of cold water in my face. Last night's hung around for awhile but didn't get to Saturday's level. And since i've never heard of nausea hitting so quickly after conception I'll assume i had some kind of bug. And i hope its gone away. Nausea is very rare for me so i hope its gone away.

So, I'm going to add in a few more official weigh-ins this week. Because i really believe that if i had had a normal weekend without the little bug, then I'd be grabbing the 5lb clippie right now.

That's it for now. Might be back later today.

Thanx for stopping by
Hey there,
My girlfriend gets nauseated everytime she ovulates. Maybe the babymaking anxiety contributed? I know you'll get that clippie in no time. Here's some pixie dust,:wizard:
Hey Maureen!:sunny:

Hang in there girl! That 5 lb clippee is just around the corner. I'm sure of it! If you stay Op and keep up the exercise You WILL make it! I know I got a little discouraged when I didn't see the scale move as much as I wanted when I started. But I regrouped and I figure when it comes off slower they say that is better. Maybe it means it would go back on slower too?!:crazy: So just stay with it. There's gonna be a big WHOOSH coming up for you!:teeth:

Got on the scale this morning to find that i am just at *285* Just a day late is all. So i grabbed my new clippie and with luck, and exercise and some more pixie dust maybe i can reach 10lbs b4 another 2 months rolls around LOL.

i promise to keep working at my goal and probably withing the next couple of weeks i will add even more exercise. I'm doing about 30-40 minutes per day right now with the WATP tape and Pilates. Not as much as i should be doing i'm sure, but right now this as much as i can take. Won't be long b4 i can go longer though. And I'm already trying to decide how to add to it. I'll let you know what i decide.

As for the weight section on WATP, i think i'm doing pretty well with the every other workout routine. Last week i did 10 reps of each weight lift. Yesterday i was up to 14 reps. So that is really coming along.

Thursday is my 2 month anniversary in WISH and i'm thrilled to have gotten this far. Its also official measurement day. And I'll warn you now, I'm basically expecting little or no change this month, but i know that it will happen.

See ya Thursday
hey maureen, congrats on the new clippie! it looks great on you :smooth:

and you are doing great with the exercise. you shouldn't push yourself too hard. if you are doing all that you can handle right now, stick too it. or if you want to add more in, make sure to do it slowly so you don't end up injured.

oh yeah, and congrats on 2 months on wish! how exciting :)
HI kiddies

As promised i just finished taking my official measurments and here are the results:

**waist: 50 in.
**upper arms: 17 1/2 in.
**thighs: 30 1/2 in.
**calves: 18 in
**chest: 49 in

As you can see, not much has changed. Though my thighs have added a 1/2 inch(no idea how that happened). And my arms are down 1/2 inch and my chest is down 1 entire inch.

These are pretty much what i expected. Though its nice to see the weights having an effect after almost 3 weeks use. Next month should see even better results for my upper body at least. So check back here on 3/5 to see my next measurements.

*Thanx marsh for the congrats on my anniversary and my clippie. This place is such great motivation for staying on track and being with Dh is a very conducive environment for my goals. Don't worry about me doing too much. I have learned to quit when my body tells me to during exercise. But I do like to think ahead as to the next phase especially when i know its not so far off.

OT:All the baby threads are killing me over on the community boards. Its getting really hard to try and wait for Aunt Flo to show or not. She's due on the 13th. But i have a question for those who've been pregnant: Was your early pregnancy plaqued by really whacked out dreams? Or being more tired than usual? I have had both for 3 days now and these both usually happen with Aunt Flo. I'm really trying to keep my feet on the ground but my sleep escapades are not helping(BTW: I am NOT dreaming about being pregnant, though the thought that i am came to me in half-sleep 1 night).

Thanx for stopping by

edt for spelling
Hi Maureen!:wave2:

You are really doing great! Glad to see the tape measure and scales are confirming it for you! Keep up all the hard work with the exercise. I can't wait to see what you've got for us on 3/5!:smooth:

As to the pregnancy questions, can't comment on the dreams. I'm lucky enough to usually be a person who falls asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and I know nothing until the alarm goes off the next day.:crazy: As far as tired, there was one pregnancy where I was tired beyond anything I ever knew before. But each pregnancy is different, so you can't really say. I would say that it is probably a little early to experience "symptoms", but you ARE the person that knows your body best....We'll keep our fingers crossed for you!:teeth:

Hi kiddies:)

Was gonna check-in yesterday, but i was busy in the daytime and b the time i got on after midnight last night i found out the servers were going down at 1am. So i just waited till today to post an update. And here it is.

We'll post my weight that i just got from the scale and amazingly I am down 1 whole lb from yesterday. So now i sit at *284*. 6 of 10 lbs gone for my next clippie:bounce:

Next is exercise. Been going at it pretty good. I did make 5 miles off my WATP tape last week, but just. It was an ood week for me sleepwise and stuff. But now i feel pretty normal and very peppy. So, i foresee no problems holding me back from wanting to do 5 miles this week.
** I am going to modify my weight routine just a little bit. I read over the weekend that muscle groupe should have 2 days of rest between workouts. So instead of sticking to the mon-weds-fri weight that i'd been doing with the weekend off, I'm going give my arms 2 full days of rest between weight sections. I did weights last night so the next time I'll do weights is on thursday.
And then I'll do them again on sunday.

**New goal time
I've done so well with my exercise recently that i feel confident it is going the right way. My body looks and feels loads better even though the weightloss is just starting to kick in now. So my next goal is for my diet.

**I am going to attempt to add more fruit to my diet. I am really hoping to stick with this, since i have never been much of a fruit eater, but i will do my best. To that extent right now i'm trying to add apples and bananas to my diet. If anybody has any smoothie recipies or any recipies at all for these 2 fruits I'd love it if you'd send them to me. I expect bananas will be harder for me because i never liked them so much. Apples have a better taste to me. So i think this may turn out to be a harder goal but with your help i know i can get there.

*Good news*
Still won't know till friday if AF is going to show. I'm hoping not, but i'm fine if she does( iswear). However, Over the weekend and last night I noticed a few changes in myself. On saturday i went to have some potato chips to keep my tummy happy since i hadn't eaten in a few hours. And to my surprise after just 3 I stopped. My brain said you don't want those so i didn't eat em. i wasn't going to have a lot to begin with but to stop at 3 was something I'd NEVER done b4. And i now have a whole bag on chips in my house that i can confidently resist. Believe me that's a first for me. Usually i could resist for awhile and then just have to have em and tear into the whole bag. So I think we can call my munchies jones officially *CONQUERED*::yes::

Might be back later with more but right now i gotta go keep my tummy happy.

Thanx for stopping by
hey maureen, so many things going on!

*on your way to a new clippie, you'll be there before you know it
*good idea on teh weights, it's definitely good to give your muscles rest between working them out ::yes::
*that's great that you're adding more fruit to your diet. it really is good for you. apples and bananas are a couple of my favs! i odn't know any smoothie recipes (sorry!), i just eat them plain most of the time. i'm also a big fan of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries...pretty much any berries :p
*good luck with aunt flo. let us know what happens! :)

looks like you're doing a really great job. keep it up :bounce:
Ok, so i've made it to thursday of the week. AF showed up yesterday and is wreaking havoc today. oh joy. I'm fine about not being pg yet. I know it usually takes longer than 1 month to get it right. Just that AF brings all kinds of moodies, sleepiness and general side effects with her, and i want them to go away.

New goals are hereby pushed back till AF leaves. I never do well starting anything healthy new while she's around, so i know better than to try. This does not mean that i'm giving into anything off my current plan though. I'm still exercising and eating as well as i can, and sticking with my water. But the fruit thing will just have to wait a little bit.

The good news is that AF will be gone b4 monday so hopefully when she leaves this month she'll take all the weight she brought with her. Fortunately, she only brought 2.5 lbs this month. So i'm thankful for small favors.

Thanx for stopping by and letting me vent.

Sorry things didn't work out this month. i hope Aunt Flo won't be too much trouble this month. Keep up the good work, and Good Luck this cycle.
Hi Maureen!:wave2:
I'm very impressed with your goal setting and positive outlook. I think that is a major part of the battle in and of itself. I hope you get a big woosh when AJ leaves this weekend. If you can't be pg, at least you should have that scale cooperate, right?!::yes::
Keep up the great work with your exercise routine. As you said, even if the scale doesn't move too fast, at least you are helping your body grow stronger!
Tuesday again. I'm starting to think my official weigh-ins should all be on tuesday. For some reason i tend to do better on tuesday than on mondays. Go figure. Anyhow just a short update today.

weight: *284* AF left and for once took all her gifts with her.

exercise: Still doing my WATP tape and the weights when appropriate. Also following my Pilates cooldown afterwards. The good news is my legs are finally starting to get with the program. After weeks of doing the tape and Pilates my legs are now stronger and i added 2 more exercises to my Pilates routine last night. It took a lot longer than i thought to get them to turn from silly putty to developing muscles. Now if only i could lose some inches around my thighs so i can into my new pj pants.

That's it for now. Thanx for stopping by



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