May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves...May 2008 Repo Thread...Part 9

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A couple from Yorkshire have gone to Hawaii to get married. Their luggage went missing. 2 bags have been located and on their way, but the dream wedding dress is in that big pile of luggage somewhere and won't make the wedding tomorrow.
How sad!

How sad!


That would be devastating. We renewed our vows on the cruise ship and the afternoon of our ceremony my veil was returned from being steam pressed and it was all ripped along the bottom. I could have cried. The wedding coordinator was very good. He took it to be repaired and they did as good a job as one can do on ripped fine net.

Have a Magical evening.
well woody, you can have some of my limoncello over rasberry sorbet. I also have orangecello.....Not as good, but will do.
. . . I'm trying to find her some great deal to get over there but thought I'd better post in case anyone is going ATA to Florida (I'm not sure if they fly there or not). In any case, go to ATA's website and it explains what to do if you are booked on their airline.
Can you say "bankruptcy"?

You're in for a treat!

I saw the Boss twice at the beginning of the tour in October, and will see him again next Monday and Tuesday.


I can't wait! We will be in a Suite which will be sweet! I'm getting to be comfy and not standing up the whole concert. Very unlike me at the Pirate party on the Magic! I like to be dancing with everyone!

That's's nice isn't it!:thumbsup2 I think we went to the same Dr.....Shawrtz:confused3 I figured if he's giving surgery to pro players we would be in good hands....I had DH go first(I was chicken) he had better vision than me vision was not very good. It's been almost 3 years since I had lasik and it is awesome. I know so many people that have gone to him...he's THE Dr. to go to he is really good at what he does. You'll get to enjoy this trip even better now:goodvibes

:confused3 no shots here????? I'm getting worried should we? I don't like the idea of DK getting shots if they don't need them. Well, at least you know you are safe.:thumbsup2

we are doing tour excursions, dolphins, beach ...nothing like a jungle or you think we are ok? I guess I should run it through their Dr. and mine.
hep A isn't for the jungle. its for the food handler who didn't wash his hands properly!!!!!!!! get it if you can.

i have both but i have a health issue so i needed it!!!
Since we are 20 pages into Part 10, come on over and join us, this thread is now dead. See you in Part 10!
Hey everyone....
My good friends kid (who aspires to be an actor) went down to LA for an audition yesterday and got a CALL BACK for tomorrow. His experience has been call backs equal jobs! Keep your fingers crossed...this is a big movie starring Bruce Willis! He and his mom are so excited, as are we. He is in the Wall E movie this summer but he isn't sure what his part was. He had to wear a red rubber suit with tubes all over it and do his parts in front of a green screen. They didn't explain if they were animating him or what. Anyways, I am just bursting with joy for him. This is what he's wanted to do since he was little. He got a tv movie on hallmark when he was in 1st grade and after that his mom said that if he wanted to continue he had to go to public school and not private school, because they were pulling him so much to go to auditions. He chose to go to public because (and say this like a 7 year old) this is what I want to do....

I'll let you know how it ends up, but keep your fingers crossed.

Sounds exciting.

MARILYN - you can always have them mailed to me if you want to.

I'm looking at options thanks Monica!!:thumbsup2

I finally got my act together and got the pics from my meet w/ Mary & Patrick from the camera onto the here we are after having enjoyed a good meal at Whispering Canyon, and LOADS of good talk :goodvibes


Thanks for posting. Looks a good evening.

We got our ressies for the grand Californian for the 25th. We will get to see some of you cruisers again! hooray!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

See you there.

Well, they called him today the same three times they called me. The 3rd call was to tell us he's not allowed to come tomorrow to the first day of spring break day care, and they wanted him picked up right after K at 3:30 because they didn't want him coming to the after school care. :scared: Yup, he was that out of control. The teacher couldn't even get him to lunch because he couldn't stay focused enough to walk single file with the other kids to the cafeteria, so he had to stay behind and was brought his lunch in the office.

ANYWAY, it worked! He called me on his way to pick Tyler up to tell me about all the phone calls today, I told him I already knew, and he finally said, "I feel so bad for him because when I talked to him on the phone he felt so down on himself because he's trying so hard but can't make his body cooperate. OK....I'm willing to give meds a try, but I'm afraid we'll lose the happy kid that Tyler is and that he'll become zombie-like from the meds."

I assured him the doctors don't want him like that either and they'd adjust his dosage if that happens, but that we can't let him continue to have trouble every single day. And neither of us can keep getting multiple phone calls a day at work or miss work when he's suspended. AND to let Tyler flounder isn't fair either. The school psychologist told me today that his IQ score was extremely high, but he's just not able to get that knowledge out academically. How frustrating must that be for him to know that he knows the stuff he's supposed to know but can't get it out.

SO.....GREAT NEWS ---- DAD FINALLY SAID YES TO MEDS!!!!!! Not that I'm all for it, sure it makes me nervous too, but I think sometimes it's needed in conjunction with the other therapies when the situation is extreme.

good news Holly.
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