May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 2

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One team is having a discussion as to whether they should be getting a gift for every family that has registered on this thread through AuntyBrat or will it be everyone who has some type of fish extender/stockening. I think I posed this question but thought I'd throw it out again. Anyone have any input?

We have another team put together! Things are coming along nicely. :cheer2: Lisa

I think once we get closer to the date when things may have to be ordered say 8-10 weeks out from the cruise, we ask how many will be participating.
Once we get an estimate we could have on hand a few extra, just in case.

I'm sure there are some people who are on this thread who may not want to participate.

Ok, I will make a few versions of the scanvager hunt. Do we want to do it on our own or in groups? It doesn't matter to me. It also works better if you have a digital camera to take pictures of the answers (plus it makes great scrapbook pages)! I may use more than just the book though. If you want to participate if you could pm me so I could start that would be great. I would like to know how many kids, teens, adults etc.

Oh if I don't respond right away I will be back we are moving this month so things are crazy around here!

UCSC's mascot is the banana slug (specifically, Ariolimax dolichophallus. In 1981, when the university began participating in NCAA intercollegiate sports, the then-chancellor and some student athletes declared the mascot to be the "sea lions." Most students disliked the new mascot and offered an alternative mascot, the banana slug. In 1986, students voted via referendum to declare the banana slug the official mascot of UCSC—a vote the chancellor refused to honor, arguing that only athletes should choose the mascot. When a poll of athletes showed that they, too, wanted to be "slugs," the chancellor relented. A sea lion statue can still be seen in front of the Thimann Hall lecture building.

Picture of a real banana slug:


If I remeber correctly the Banana slug is bigger than your average slug. the ones they had a Girl Scout camp were at least 6 inches long and about as big around as your thumb.
You poor, poor thing!!

So, do you have to send in more renewals or wait for the old passports to be returned??

Maybe you can call them and give a credit card over the phone??? Here is their phone number: 1-877-487-2778.


DH's passport was pokey. I was able to call and add on the expediting charges by giving them a credit card number.
Not snope but here you go:

The next time you are tramping about in the forest (which we hope is at least once a day, if not more) and come across a banana slug, sneak up on it and give it a lick. Not just a touch with the tip of the tongue, but a full-on 'puppy dog happy to see ya' kind of lick.

As you watch the slug shrink away from the sudden stimuli, you will notice a most remarkable chemical reaction: your tongue goes numb. The slimy trail of slug ooze is really the only adaptation for slugs to have a chance of survival when lapped up by some human-looking puppy dog. Truly biochemistry at its finest.

Note - this does not hurt the slug. It only spooks it a little. In no way does this entry condone slug abuse. Of course, how would you feel if you were just scooting along the forest floor, minding your own little slug business, when... slurp!!!... you got licked? So don't do this too many times to one slug. Just use some common sense.

And there you have it. So, the next time you are in the wet 'n' wild forests of the Pacific Northwest, bring a friend. Tell them you want to conduct a 'serious biochemistry experiment', in which you need their full co-operation. The rest is up to you.

I don't know if this is true for all slugs, or just a certain kind, but I have heard that they are good for nettle stings or insect stings. Can't remember where I heard that, probably in school when we were harvesting nettles!:scared: If you get stung, just rub them over the area and the numbing effect of their slime helps with the burning.
This is totally off topic but cute, so I am sharing.

I was at lunch today with our oldest DD. She is a nurse. The hospital she works at gives the nurses cell phones while at work. The patients call button goes directly to the cell phone. Her patient calls her, and says he needs someone to come to his room. She heads down the hall, he calls her again, she tells him she is on her way. By the time she gets to his door, he has called her again. She is in his room and asks " What can I do for you?"

He says he can't reach his call button. :)
This is totally off topic but cute, so I am sharing.

I was at lunch today with our oldest DD. She is a nurse. The hospital she works at gives the nurses cell phones while at work. The patients call button goes directly to the cell phone. Her patient calls her, and says he needs someone to come to his room. She heads down the hall, he calls her again, she tells him she is on her way. By the time she gets to his door, he has called her again. She is in his room and asks " What can I do for you?"

He says he can't reach his call button. :)

One team is having a discussion as to whether they should be getting a gift for every family that has registered on this thread through AuntyBrat or will it be everyone who has some type of fish extender/stockening. I think I posed this question but thought I'd throw it out again. Anyone have any input?

We have another team put together! Things are coming along nicely. :cheer2: Lisa

I would think that it should be a list of people that have registered or who we know are going but this list would have to be confirmed at some point prior to sailing. I know of one family on the list who is not sailing. Cabin numbers have to be confirmed as well (although I know these can change at the last minute).

Quick post and haven't read everything - dental surgery yesterday and still not feeling that great.

I would think that it should be a list of people that have registered or who we know are going but this list would have to be confirmed at some point prior to sailing. I know of one family on the list who is not sailing. Cabin numbers have to be confirmed as well (although I know these can change at the last minute).

Quick post and haven't read everything - dental surgery yesterday and still not feeling that great.


Dental Surgery!!! Did they give you good medicine at least?:rotfl:
I just had to post that I got a letter from the school a couple of weeks ago that we could opt out of parent-teacher conferences this year because my DD was doing so well. (Which the teacher encouraged) :rotfl: The conferences were this week and I found out that only 2 other kids in her class got this. I feel even better about making my decision for next year.:cool1:

We had something similar. Jenna has been a little down of late with her interactions with her classmates. Actually has been rather blue. We called her teacher and asked if she had noticed anything. We had been concerned last year when she was in Kindergarten that she didn't seem to interact with her classmates as she does outside of school. So when the school approached us about placing her in a mulitage class this year (1st and 2nd grade) we thought it would be perfect for her in social skills. Multi-age in Arizona is geared to social interactions. Anyway, her teacher said she did have some thoughts and would we like to meet at young authors night (Jenna had written a book on tall tales) Thursday night. So we meet with her last night and the teacher says that Jenna is just much more mature and passing the 2nd grade students in her studies. Her suggestion was for Jenna to possibly skipped 2nd grade next year and enroll in 3rd grade! Total shock to us. We don't think we want to do this, because at some point all things are going to level out. We don't want her to be the 16 year old Senior and not be at the maturity level she needs to be at then. In a nutshell, it was nice to hear that our daughter is doing just fine.
We had something similar. Jenna has been a little down of late with her interactions with her classmates. Actually has been rather blue. We called her teacher and asked if she had noticed anything. We had been concerned last year in her class that she didn't seem to interact with her classmates as she does outside of school. So when the school approached us about placing her in a mulitage class this year (1st and 2nd grade) we thought it would be perfect for her in social skills. Multi-age in Arizona is geared to social interactions. Anyway, her teacher said she did have some thoughts and would we like to meet at young authors night (Jenna had written a book on tall tales) Thursday night. So we meet with her last night and the teacher says that Jenna is just much more mature and passing the 2nd grade students in her studies. Her suggestion was for Jenna to possibly skipped 2nd grade next year and enroll in 3rd grade! Total shock to us. We don't think we want to do this, because at some point all things are going to level out. We don't want her to be the 16 year old Senior and not be at the maturity level she needs to be at then. In a nutshell, it was nice to hear that our daughter is doing just fine.
That is great!! I agree with you on the decision though. I already have to deal with DD being the youngest in all sports because they make the cut-off August 1 and her birthday is July 19. Why I will never know! She is already mature for her age in appearance if you know what I mean.;)
We had something similar. We don't think we want to do this, because at some point all things are going to level out. We don't want her to be the 16 year old Senior and not be at the maturity level she needs to be at then. In a nutshell, it was nice to hear that our daughter is doing just fine.

Both DH and I were the 16 year old HS seniors. I highly recommend you not allowing her to skip a grade. My youngest DD has always been the youngest in her class and graduated at 17. If she would not have double majored in University she would have graduated in 3 years at age 20 as quite a few of her friends did last year. Most have already started graduate school at age 20. We highly encouraged her to stay the full 4 years so she would get not only the academic but the social experience in University.

Things if you do not challenge your child sometimes do not level off. During the time I attended school in California you were allowed to take any level of course you could master. I was taking University courses in the last two years in high school. However, when tracking was done away with in the 1970's, that policy disappeared.

Do you have GATE programs in your school? In our private school this was not an issue as courses were extremely challenging and if a child reached a level than was beyond high school, they were allowed to take university courses for credit.

Just my experiences.
Hey everyone!

I was a year ahead in school and regret finishing college so quickly. I;m still "ahead" of all the people my age ( was the first to get married, start a FT job, have kids, etc). It's a little lonely being the only ones.
UCSC's mascot is the banana slug (specifically, Ariolimax dolichophallus. In 1981, when the university began participating in NCAA intercollegiate sports, the then-chancellor and some student athletes declared the mascot to be the "sea lions." Most students disliked the new mascot and offered an alternative mascot, the banana slug. In 1986, students voted via referendum to declare the banana slug the official mascot of UCSC—a vote the chancellor refused to honor, arguing that only athletes should choose the mascot. When a poll of athletes showed that they, too, wanted to be "slugs," the chancellor relented. A sea lion statue can still be seen in front of the Thimann Hall lecture building.

Picture of a real banana slug:

EEEEeeeeewww! Now why in the world would somebody suggest something so slimy and disgusting to be a mascot! What happened to fierce or even cute! :sad2: Look out for those slugs...they might slime you! :rotfl2:
I don't love them at all!! Someone on an earlier post wanted to know the story of how they became the mascots!!

Just wanted to help everyone with the diet today!!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
:rotfl: :rotfl: That'll definitely keep my appetite away for a while!
:rotfl2: my friend's daughter used to eat slugs when she was young!!!!:eek: We used to see her pop one in her mouth and we'd find her with all the slime round her lips afterwards!!!!!:eek:

Sorry, now nobody will feel like eating!!!!!:rolleyes1

NO WAY! Now I probably won't eat tomorrow either! :rotfl2: Wow...didn't she get sick from eating those? How old was she? Does she remember doing that? :rotfl:
UCSC's mascot is the banana slug (specifically, Ariolimax dolichophallus. In 1981, when the university began participating in NCAA intercollegiate sports, the then-chancellor and some student athletes declared the mascot to be the "sea lions." Most students disliked the new mascot and offered an alternative mascot, the banana slug. In 1986, students voted via referendum to declare the banana slug the official mascot of UCSC—a vote the chancellor refused to honor, arguing that only athletes should choose the mascot. When a poll of athletes showed that they, too, wanted to be "slugs," the chancellor relented. A sea lion statue can still be seen in front of the Thimann Hall lecture building.

Picture of a real banana slug:


At her outdoor education camp last November, (in the Santa Cruz mountains, no less,) my DD had to "kiss" a banana slug!!:scared:

DOUBLE EWWWWWWW!!!!!:scared1:

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