May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 5

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Mary, I am sorry you didn't have the time to cruise with your mum. She must have been young when she died.

She was 63, so not a very good innings as they say. But better than my sister, who was only 55. :sad1:

Still, I was lucky to have the time with them that I did, and they both left me with many good memories.
She was 63, so not a very good innings as they say. But better than my sister, who was only 55. :sad1:

Still, I was lucky to have the time with them that I did, and they both left me with many good memories.

That is very sad for you - far too young. Good memories are a great thing.
Looking at all the kids pixs - our cruise is going to have the best looking kids around!
Great pics John - you guys sure crammed in alot. I love that the AG store has a boutique for the dolls, how cute!

Potty training is going well (knock on wood) she wore big girl princess panties to school so hopefully she will be in the same clothes I dropped her off in when I pick her up.
wow school drop off was crazy this morning. All the new kids were very unsure and didn't want thier parents to leave. It was very unusual.
It was also a traffic madhouse coming to work. I work basically 5 minutes away from home and it's a straight shot to work but you have to pass by two elementary schools...and today was the first day back! The cops were having a field day as well with all the people going over 15 mph.
So have all the schools in Florida started back today? It will be quieter in the parks for all the Brits that seem to be leaving at the moment!!!
Don't worry Deb, I can't see the pics either, same red X's!

How are you feeling?

Hi Lisa, I have good days and bad days and I'm muddling through it all...exhaustion, illness, never ending to do all kind of takes its toll, so I try to find down days and rest inbetween. My spirits are high and my outlook is still good. I know everything is for a reason. I know there are many bright spots among the dark and I have two cruises to look forward to. After the cruises, John and I will be readying to build our retirement home in DE. That's going to be great! Life goes on and when you get thown lemons, you make lemonaide.

Thank you for asking. It's very sweet of you. How are the boys? Are they starting school soon and are you ready for it? What grades will they be in? Hope all is well in your family too!
:flower3: :hippie: :flower3:
So have all the schools in Florida started back today? It will be quieter in the parks for all the Brits that seem to be leaving at the moment!!!

I know our county (Sarasota) as well as Manatee County started today. They usually go back earlier but they changed dates this year.

Hi Lisa, I have good days and bad days and I'm muddling through it all...exhaustion, illness, never ending to do all kind of takes its toll, so I try to find down days and rest inbetween. My spirits are high and my outlook is still good. I know everything is for a reason. I know there are many bright spots among the dark and I have two cruises to look forward to. After the cruises, John and I will be readying to build our retirement home in DE. That's going to be great! Life goes on and when you get thown lemons, you make lemonaide.

Thank you for asking. It's very sweet of you. How are the boys? Are they starting school soon and are you ready for it? What grades will they be in? Hope all is well in your family too!
:flower3: :hippie: :flower3:

Oh Deb.:hug: I do so hope things pick up for you very very soon. You really must feel bad sometimes, but on here you are so positive, and that in itself is a great aid to healing. Keep taking care, and together with the wound care beginning this week those legs are going to get right!
so I was late coming in today and it seems as though the day is flying by!

I am going to be good and hit the grocery store for lunch stocking up on a week's worth of frozen dinners and snacks!
Well I have 2 days off before 4 more 12's and talking on the boards more has gotten me more excited about the cruise :cool1:

Going in a bit to fabric store to get some material to try and concoct some form of fish extender, very limited here on the sewing and craft skills so we'll see what I can do_Ordered our lime green tees too.

DH and I were looking at DL hotels as we want to say for 3 days there and then were going to Vegas for 4 days and fly home.My boss flipped when I gave him my slip for 27 days off but ive been saving my PTO for awhile to do that .
I saw someone was going to stay at Candy Cane inn, anyone else staying anywhere? We just cant decide on one. Looking for one with nice pool as I think Sunday when we get in we'll lounge around get our land legs and then go to the parks Mon and tues and head to vegas on wed. Anyone else up for Vegas for a few days, they have the kids quest there in some of the casinos, its almost like the ship. You check them in and they have a huge playground and games and they give you pager and its $5.50 and hour or so. When we lived there bethany loved it.
ok im starting to get like Holly with the rambling LOL
If you don't feel like making your own fish extender, Pahrumphgirl made a whole load for us early on, and I know is up for making more. They are excellent.
Oh Deb.:hug: I do so hope things pick up for you very very soon. You really must feel bad sometimes, but on here you are so positive, and that in itself is a great aid to healing. Keep taking care, and together with the wound care beginning this week those legs are going to get right!

Thanks Marilyn, it's friends like you with your care and support that make all the difference. You're truly a positive light shining in the dark. I'm going to be ok. I take one day at a time and I do the best I can do to get the most done possible. I'm more worried about DH John. Men need to fix things and when it's out of his control to fix it and it mounts up to so many things...he is really having a much harder time than I am and there's little I can do to help him. So my concern is more for him than me. But together we will get through this rough patch and move on to brighter days. It's just hard sometimes right now. But I know it's only temporary....the one thing you can say about life is that it constantly changes like the tides of the never remains the same. So we have that to look forward day down the road when everything that needs to be done is finished and our health is restored and we can move forward in a more positive way.

Of course, being in 5122 on Mickey's ship in just two months doesn't hurt either....that will go a long way to bring smiles back on our faces!!!!
:wizard: princess: :wizard:
Now, 5122 is YOUR cabin right?? Then that is special.

Still GTY for May - I rather think the Cat 6's will be the last to be allocated, though as they have been selling the odd one they are not overbooked, so they should be able to allocate now! Well I think so anyway. Can't believe they don't realise we NEED to know!:lmao:
Well it has gone cold here!:sad2: We had our heating on last night and I think will tonight. What a summer we have had! Can't wait till I am complaining of being too hot next May, and I think we will be at times!

Does anyone know if there are many bugs and biting insects around on the PC cruise? Wondering what spray to bring.
Oh, and my feet are freezing here! I have been wearing fit flops all summer, but I am beginning to need socks and they don't go too well with them. going to have to get my Crocs out again.
Well it has gone cold here!:sad2: We had our heating on last night and I think will tonight. What a summer we have had! Can't wait till I am complaining of being too hot next May, and I think we will be at times!

Does anyone know if there are many bugs and biting insects around on the PC cruise? Wondering what spray to bring.

Not sure about the ports but I would just bring a bottle off Cutter or something like it.
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