MAY 2020 WISH Challenge - Anything is Possible

I forgot to post some good news. Schools in Connecticut are officially closed for the school year. So I can continue to be safe at home. I've adapted to distance learning, and honestly, I wish that was the plan in place for the next school year. I can't imagine how we will socially distance and teach young children at the same time. Anyway, I'm good until the end of August, which gives me peace of mind. I am scheduled to clear out my classroom on May 28th. I already did a lot when we were first sent home in March. I had a feeling this would happen, so I took the opportunity back then. I will do the rest on the 28th, and grab the kids report cards and some more books so that I can finish the remainder of the year from home.
Oh, this is good news! I’m sure you’re feeling relieved.
Well, well, hmmm... let's start with a woohoo for yesterday, which for the most part was a lovely day. I got down to the beach for my morning walk, including walking on the sand at the waters edge. Mid-day I took a drive down to a community about half an hour away, where I lived for several years right out of college. Good to do/see different things and to reminisce.

Also woohoo, my blood pressure and blood sugar numbers are consistently trending down, I've been doing 12,000 steps per day and I think that has really made a difference. And I've lost -2 pounds so far, so maybe my -5 or so pound goal for May is reachable.

Not so woohoo... yesterday afternoon I got a notification from work, announcing a significant company restructure in just about every area except mine, Supply Chain and Technology... didn't exactly ease my mind, but I did manage to think about it without going in to panic mode. What they are doing sounds like the right thing, even though it is guttingly painful. A little later the head of Technology sent an email and confirmed no changes at this time, so I started breathing again... for now. Can't do anything about it one way or the other, we just need to get the economy going again and get people back to work.
Woo Hoo!
I'm in a pretty good frame of mind, considering. We remain healthy. So, mental health and physical health are currently under control!

I set up my first Telemed appointment for next Wednesday with my Allergy/Asthma specialist. By the grace of God, my asthma is mostly under control in spite of allergy season. One of the reasons I walk by the seashore is because there are no flowering trees to target me...just a fresh sea breeze.

I had only one student show up today for my online lesson. Only two have joined so far. I'm not gonna lie, it is much easier to teach one or two through a computer screen than 18. I cannot imagine how I would gain control of 18 four year-olds with all of the background noise in each household. I had a hard enough time just getting one Mommy to stop talking so I could read a story yesterday. Five of them are doing their work online and submitting through TEAMs. Most are doing the hard-copy work packets handed out at school every two weeks. Unfortunately there are a couple that are not participating in any way whatsoever in spite of all of my interventions to communicate and involve them. One of them has an IEP and was already really struggling in school with multiple services being provided to him. When my assistant and I call, the father is very fresh to us. I had to refer the family to the district as non-compliant. :sad1:

I'm up to date on my paperwork; all the student work has been graded with comments; YouTube read alouds have been filmed; parent contacts have been entered into Power Teacher; assignments have been uploaded to TEAMs; new work packets have been sent to my secretary. It feels good to accomplish my schoolwork and be in a good routine FINALLY.

Hope everyone is well.

I am going to woohoo that I have have been getting my steps in this week despite it being on the cooler side. Though the walk at lunch did not go great. I made DH do a raid (Pokemon Go). We can walk to it. Apparently he can't walk and raid at the same time like I can. Seriously you are just taping the screen on your phone. Not difficult to walk at the same time. We didn't win the raid and he got mad. Claimed we will never do a raid on lunch again and he lost about 1000 steps. He was so mad that he started walking at a fast rate for him which means I can barely keep up with my short legs. I just ignored him and did my best to keep up. We got home and he decided to throw all the stuff that was bad in the fridge on the table. Left over salad stuff because I stopped eating it last week. I was getting a baking sheet ready so I could put steaks on them to season them and get them ready for dinner. He got mad at that because I used a cookie sheet instead a plastic container. I did snip back at him about it. We talked about to get it all out and I merely mentioned that after he got mad he was walking really fast. Well that set him off again and he went back to the bedroom (his office right now) to work and I haven't seen him since. Hopefully he settles down by the time he is done with work. I have to say this is a woohoo too. This was the first fight since this all started. And it was over Pokemon Go! I think we are doing pretty good.
Only two have joined so far. I'm not gonna lie, it is much easier to teach one or two through a computer screen than 18. I cannot imagine how I would gain control of 18 four year-olds with all of the background noise in each household. I had a hard enough time just getting one Mommy to stop talking so I could read a story yesterday.

When we do iSee/Skype meetings at work - the group largely mutes their mic whilst the key person is speaking and then we un-mute to talk and then re-mute - to cut all of that background noise. With them being so young it could be tricky - but if the parents are in the background anyway - maybe they can help out as I expect your online lesson is fairly short as you are doing lots of different types of teaching ... (but I know that parents could be quite touchy at the moment with their perception of what learning should look like and what they should/shouldn't be expected to do).

  • I have to say this is a woohoo too. This was the first fight since this all started. And it was over Pokemon Go! I think we are doing pretty good.

I must admit your story gave me a little giggle - especially when he couldn't game and walk :) But was sorry you got into a bit of an argument. Funny timing - they were just talking on morning tv here about the psychological phases we are going through at the moment - we had the first which was panic buying and trying to get control, then lockdown and the novelty of pjs, no traffic if we went out etc. and now we are in the 3rd phase which is basically cabin fever - where we can get more irritated, depressed and start acting a little 'funny'. It did remind of times that I completely over-react to something trivial little thing after lots of other stuff has been simmering under the surface. But hats off to you for staying calm and having a good approach in these tricky times :flower3:

Woohoo Wednesday
(although because I was tired last night and could't do anymore screen time- it is now Thursday morning for me)
  1. I did 2 walks yesterday - just here in the neighbourhood - a 15 minute one in the morning by myself and then one with the twins last night for 30 minutes - we did the 2nd one even though it was dark - we are losing light earlier now. I am just walking at a slow pace at the moment. I have decided to just ease to increasing my activity and am happy with a gentle walk for now to get my body used to doing it - rather than trying to hit it too hard with a faster pace straight away - as I just seem to struggle a little with getting it all going - such as I ended up with a mild headache last night. So I figure slower and steadier, listening to my body is better.
  2. The scale is tracking downwards the last 2 mornings
  3. The kids are embracing their turn to cook a little more - I am getting less resistance from them and they are just coming down and getting started without being asked when they know its their night :woohoo: they still need some assistance and extra checking from me - but that's ok they are building on their skills :) its still a break on me to get up and look if meat is cooked enough vs doing all the prep and cooking!
I smiled at Piglet’s walk story as well! Considering we’re going on seven weeks quarantine, I think you’ve done pretty well! I have found myself a little quicker to get annoyed with things (including my husband!) this week. Especially if it’s a day where I haven’t been able to be outside very much.

4Mickeys, how nice to have some cooks in the house! Do they choose the menu? I think I might enlist my husband to cook one night a week!:thumbsup2
When we do iSee/Skype meetings at work - the group largely mutes their mic whilst the key person is speaking and then we un-mute to talk and then re-mute - to cut all of that background noise. With them being so young it could be tricky - but if the parents are in the background anyway - maybe they can help out as I expect your online lesson is fairly short as you are doing lots of different types of teaching ... (but I know that parents could be quite touchy at the moment with their perception of what learning should look like and what they should/shouldn't be expected to do).

I must admit your story gave me a little giggle - especially when he couldn't game and walk :) But was sorry you got into a bit of an argument. Funny timing - they were just talking on morning tv here about the psychological phases we are going through at the moment - we had the first which was panic buying and trying to get control, then lockdown and the novelty of pjs, no traffic if we went out etc. and now we are in the 3rd phase which is basically cabin fever - where we can get more irritated, depressed and start acting a little 'funny'. It did remind of times that I completely over-react to something trivial little thing after lots of other stuff has been simmering under the surface. But hats off to you for staying calm and having a good approach in these tricky times :flower3:

Woohoo Wednesday
(although because I was tired last night and could't do anymore screen time- it is now Thursday morning for me)
  1. I did 2 walks yesterday - just here in the neighbourhood - a 15 minute one in the morning by myself and then one with the twins last night for 30 minutes - we did the 2nd one even though it was dark - we are losing light earlier now. I am just walking at a slow pace at the moment. I have decided to just ease to increasing my activity and am happy with a gentle walk for now to get my body used to doing it - rather than trying to hit it too hard with a faster pace straight away - as I just seem to struggle a little with getting it all going - such as I ended up with a mild headache last night. So I figure slower and steadier, listening to my body is better.
  2. The scale is tracking downwards the last 2 mornings
  3. The kids are embracing their turn to cook a little more - I am getting less resistance from them and they are just coming down and getting started without being asked when they know its their night :woohoo: they still need some assistance and extra checking from me - but that's ok they are building on their skills :) its still a break on me to get up and look if meat is cooked enough vs doing all the prep and cooking!
I appreciate your feedback. During staff meetings, we mute ourselves while our Principal speaks and type in questions in the chat feature. She mutes herself to yell at her kids lol. Unfortunately my kids can't type or read, and to make things more complicated, the majority of my parents do not speak English making verbal communication difficult. The mother that had talked too much yesterday remained quiet today. So she was able to pick up on the social cues.
Amazing how in a little over 24 hours things can change. Actually in about 16 hours. Here is the time line note all times are Mountain Standard Time
Monday 8 PM talked with DH on his meal break at work and let him know the cost of having the place we are having the transmission on the truck done at tow it at a reduced rate. DH thinks that he can drive the truck that does not go in reverse and it grinds in all forward gears a little over 7 miles in to be repaired. I mention that he should at least let FIL know what he is doing so he can get a ride home. DH is all it's Tuesday tomorrow I don't have to be to work I can walk home. We won't even talk about the lack of sidewalks along a good portion of the route he would have had to take. I plan to call and get the insurance switched from my car to the truck in the morning.
Tuesday 3:15 AM DH and I both in different places realize that we don't have plates on the truck because it broke down on us before they were due last year and we didn't license it. He walks in the door home from work and I tell him that I had just realized that fact and he tells me he realized it as he was pulling in the private road we share with family off the . in road. I end up going on our county website to the vehicle licensing page to see if I can figure out the cost of the plates along with finding out if they are open or if it's by mail only. This involved a fun process of attempting to figure out the manufactures suggested retail value of the year make and model of our truck which is then multiplied by a value based on how old the vehicle is to get the taxable value. This is then multipled by a different number to get the county option tax which is added into all the state numbers. I even attempt to go on the renewal site for motor vehicles in my state and check the price using the vin number only to find out that it's been too long since it was registered and can't get the information. OK figure that I will call the sattelite office in the morning since that is the one we plan to go to as the main office is by appointment only unless you want to drop your payment at the box in the main door with the renewal card and then wait for them to mail your stuff. No same day appointments when you call either. Set my alarm and turn out the light to go to sleep. It's about 4:30 AM now.
8:30 AM My alarm goes off so I get up take my thryoid herbals and call the sattelite office so I can get the cost of the plates. Shocked to see it is quite a bit more than I had figured. Like $40 to $60 more based on the price range I was given. Try to call the main office as their computers are set that they can do searches by vin numbers and not just a general what's your year make and model. Go back to sleep.
9:45 AM I wake back up and see that DH and 15 year old have gotten 12 year old dressed (I did set her clothes out for them the night before) and DH is getting her to put her ipad in her backpack. She conviently can't find her backpack until she has gone from her room and gotten Pug (stuffed dog) and her waterbottle. 15 year old was busy playing animal crossing. Told DH the cost and we figured a plan of he would go to the auto parts store after 12 year old was done with her speech and occupational therapy (there are not a lot of people there especially on a weekday so I was fine with her being there for a short time). When he gets home if 15 year old and I have not gotten out to clean out the truck he will either help or if it looks like he can make it into the sattelite office before they close for the noon hour he will head into the town with the sattelite office and get the tags for the plates. DH asks for the number of the towing from the place we are going to use in case he breaks down he can call them.
10 AM DH leaves with 12 year old to go her speech and occupational therapy he calls me when he gets there to let me know he is still waiting for them to come out and get her (current policy is the kids are escorted to and from their vehicles by a therapist or aid). He suggests that he go to the main location to get the tags for the truck. I tell him that he can't because they are by appointment only.
10:35 AM my dad calls and asks what we decided. I tell him we are going with the lower price place and that DH is planning on driving the truck in. My dad says he doesn't think he will make it to the neighbors not even 1/4 of a mile up the road. I also tell my dad that we will have to get the plates, I don't tell him that we haven't gotten the truck cleaned out because he will be get out there now and do it. I haven't had my breakfast yet and besides there is a podcast to watch in about 20 minutes and I'm not missing the Dis.
Noonish or so DH and 12 year old arrive home from town. I mention that I have not gotten the truck cleaned out but will go out as soon as I finish my tea, I also mention that I need him to bring me the laundry from the dryer so I can sort that to what belongs to aso. I finish my tea and get the clean laundry sorted into everyone's piles, and get my socks and shoes on and ready to head out. DH gets back from bringing the trashcan back from closer to the main road where we have to take it on trash days as they won't come in our long private drive (the only reason they come in that little bit is there is a spot for them to turn around and not have to back out onto the street) along with the mail that has been collecting in the mailbox for the past few days. I tell DH as soon as I am done I will be out to help clean out the truck, he tells don't worry about it he's got it. I say ok I will call the insurance company and get the insurance added. I am on the phone leaving a message with them as all the agents were busy when he brings things in from the truck that can be saved and are not obvious garbage. When he finally comes in I tell him what my dad had said about not even getting to the neighbors and he tells me that my dad ismore in likely right because of how it was driving and grinding just to get it to the front of the house along our private road from in the pasture so I could work on cleaning it out. He actually finally agrees that it would be best to pay and have them tow it in to have the repairs done. I deal with the insurance and he calls to arrange the tow. Once they arrive and have gotten the tow done I did ask DH if he was going to go get the tags for the plates on the truck and he says because it was not being driven and won't be ready for a few days we will get those on Friday. He went and took a nap and I took one as well.
I wake up and it dawns on me that I have a receipt from when we got the plates on the truck in 2018 in the tax file. I go looking and the number on there is much closer to what I had figured early Tuesday morning. As I we will need to get tags this month and they are due in June again I might have to pay an entire year to be able to drive it for a little over 7 weeks and that is if I renew it at the end of the June not the first part. I met to call the main office today Wednesday but got busy with stuff and it slipped my mind until after they were closed.

Wednesday update on the truck
Place called DH who tried to call them back person not in when DH got the message. They were playing phone tag. 4 PM DH leaves for work and since I don't want them calling him while he is driving to work or just as he is clocking in I call them back myself. Found out that the reason the service manager has not returned the call to DH is that he had no childcare in the afternoon and has gone home (due to limits on the number of children being reduced a lot of places are only taking full time children of essential care workers only and some are even restricting that to those costco considers essential care workers being medical personel and emergency services forgetting about the people working keeping our cars on the road, the grocery store shelves stocked, and making sure that people in hospitals and prisons have food to eat so what too bad figure it out and if you can't arrange childcare between you and your partner (if you have one) then you can take off the time that you can't.
I get a list of what is wrong with the truck and a breakdown of the cost on all the parts and the labor. Come to find out that it is not the transmission but the transfer case and a bunch of other things including the intake manifold, spark plugs, spark plug wires, and a fuel filter. I tell them I need to call my dad who is a retired heavy highway mechanic and see what he thinks he and my DH can do ourselves and will call them back. Call my dad we can do every bit of it including the transfer case but since it is in and won't drive without the transfer case being done have them just do that unless DH and I want to spend the money and have them do the work. My dad says we have a transfer case in another truck out in the pasture but when I told DH that when I called him really quick before he went on shift to let him know what the shop said and what my dad said he said he agreed with me that it had a good chance of not working.
One truck the 4 wheel drive is put in manually on the floor which means you have to be at a stop when you put it or out of 4 wheel drive and the other truck (the one out on the far end of the pasture) the 4 wheel drive is electronic and can be changed while driving down the road just by pushing a button on the dash. Not that according to my dad you want to do that because it can cause transmission problems so only do so in an emergency like your sliding and can't stop for a few minutes to put it into 4 wheel drive.
Do they choose the menu? I think I might enlist my husband to cook one night a week!:thumbsup2
When we first started I was doing the planning - but know as I am getting burned out with being the one to come up with ideas all the time! I am getting them to give suggestions for their cooking nights - This week we have had sausages and vegies, chicken kiev and vegies and tonight is steak and vegies - last week there was butter chicken, spaghettii bolongnese all NOT cooked by me :) They know they have to try and include 'healthier' things for me - but I am also giving a little some nights - just so they will keep motivated to do it - but they do cook me zuchini instead of pasta for spaghetti nights.

Unfortunately my kids can't type or read, and to make things more complicated, the majority of my parents do not speak English making verbal communication difficult. The mother that had talked too much yesterday remained quiet today. So she was able to pick up on the social cues.

So much complexity at the moment! Good luck - you have done a great job adapting so far - I am positive you will find a way to adapt to some 'noisier' lessons :)
1) my daughter and I have been running a mile and walking another mile about every other morning.
2) I organized and ran my first online parent meeting.
3) I did better with my snacking Mon & Tues and dropped a pound. Heading in the right direction!
OK I know it's Thursday but since it happened on DH's Wednesday Night Shift it counts as Wednesday.

Woo Hoo DH got his first overtime in a week in 8 weeks. The last week he had overtime was the week of March 8-12 (ok 13 for him since he got called in for an extra shift). It was about 15 minutes. This was also the first night that they have not done cleaning like sweeping the docks in order to get their 10 hours for their 4 10s shift schedule.

Also Woo Hoo the repairs on my truck are going to be about 17% less than we had expected. There will still be things that can be done but we can do those ourselves and not only save on the labor costs but we won't have to pay the mark up on the parts and will be able to use DH's discount as an employee of where he works and get an even better discount than what I get with my AAA card. We learned that one when he stopped to pick up a part for a vehicle on his way into work so he would have it early the next morning and he had his name tag on. They told him as an employee of company you get this percentage of a discount. I am figuring between the discount on the parts for what we do ourselves and and the money we will save on labor we should save over 50% of the total project for what we would have paid if we had the shop do everything. And that is basing the discount on the parts on the mark up from what it costs them to get the parts.
Good morning, all, and happy “Thankful Thursday!”

For today, let’s try a 3-2-1 thankful.

I'm thankful for:

3 scholarships - DS and two of our nieces were awarded scholarships last night by their grandpa's Lodge. :flower1: In addition to being extremely grateful for a bit more toward next semester, the “presentation” was done over Zoom, and it was really nice to see them!

2 cats - Even though they drive me nuts sometimes, I love having little purring cuddlers around, especially during times like these!

1 day closer to a cure/vaccine/not-so-scary times.
Hello all :)

3 - My 3 kids for taking a walk in the rain under umbrellas with me this afternoon.

2 - L & S friends for about 25 years!

1 - The neighbours kitty who visits us most days - sometimes more than once - we get the pats and snuggles without the responsibility lol
Good morning!

3-My little family of daughter, son in law and grandson. They bring me so much joy, especially these past few weeks. I’ve been watching a video of his Rube Goldberg project this morning.

2-My nieces-bonus daughters, love them dearly-what amazing young women they are!

1-My husband of 40 years and love of my life. Getting through this alone but together.
Wow, I cannot come up with thankfuls in a 3-2-1 format... For 2) I can do my kitties, who are such good company and for 1) I can say my neighbor who I've always been friendly with, but have actually talked to more in the past two months than in the 10 years we've lived next to each other, just can't come up with a 3.

I can also say I am so thankful for the books I've just read that are helping me navigate thru what is happening with work. Yesterday I leaned heavily on the mantra from Gabby Bernstein, "My faith is stronger than my fear". We got another email yesterday saying there were town-hall meetings today with the leaders in the different tech areas, to go over changes. I think most of the call will be to go over work priorities, and which efforts will be highest priority going forward. I fully expect there to be headcount "trimming" based on those priorities, but don't know how much of that will be gone over today... the call is optional for anyone on furlough. My area, Supply Chain, is the center of the universe in the current day retail landscape, so it isn't like we aren't going to have work to do. And in my immediate area we're already down two PM's, so "trimming" could be to not fill those positions. Won't know more until the call at 11am, but in the meantime will trust that the best outcome will happen, even if it isn't what I envision.
I wasn't on yesterday, so my WooHoo Wednesday was that even thought my eating hasn't been perfect (far from it actually), I've been tracking everything, so it's a start while getting back in focus. I searched yesterday and discovered that MFP doesn't keep food diaries past 2 years any longer. I was hoping I could revisit what I used to eat when I was doing well on my diet. It's funny how I seem to forget what I even ate while I was losing weight. I know I enjoyed (for the most part) my food choices, but I'm having trouble coming with meal plans.

Thankful Thursday
3 - I'm very thankful for my three children. They truly are the lights of my life. With my youngest graduating from high school this year, I'm still getting used to this new phase of parenting mostly grown kids, but I am still loving it.

2 - (I had a hard time with this one), so I'll go with I"m thankful that there are only 2 days left in my workweek. I'm very thankful to still be working, but I supervise some people that have been very anxious about coming in to work. so it's been challenging trying to keep everyone safe and happy. I think overall we've gotten there, but it's been emotionally draining some days.

1 - I'm also very thankful for my husband. We work for the same company so he's been facing similar challenges, but it's different for men I believe. They handle pressures so differently. I'm thankful that we've had each other to lean on through everything going on.

I should add since I'm new - I'm also very thankful for this group. Everyone is so thoughful and welcoming. It's nice to have a place to come read about people's days and gratitudes!


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