We both actually fell asleep on the sofa. We hadn't planned to, but we were watching tv (can`t remember what) then I had stretched out on one part, and Tom fell asleep as he sat in the middle seat......I swear when I woke up he hadn't moved the whole hour...….

But we did feel good after a snooze...….we loved this suite. Spending time in a room isn't always everyone`s idea of passing time, but we do like being in here.....the space is lovely.

We had arranged to meet a friend later, much later for a drink but for now we were heading over to the lounge for a drink and a chat......

We passed so many people we know on the way over......it was one of those days and always a pleasure to run into folks we know......and we are there just before they put out the offerings for the afternoon service.


I have some water and Tom has a coffee. We never use the Keurig machine as we don't like the coffee, so we usually order room service or have some coffee in here. Not everyone likes the coffee here, but we do, it`s not too strong.

I love the lounge when it`s empty like this......not something you see often around 4.30pm...….people do stop in just as service starts and then either head back out to the parks or pool time......or like us, and just pass some time as they aren't in any rush to go anywhere......


The offerings tonight look nice...….along with the usual salad choice there are crudites, cheese, crackers and dips with Orange Chicken for the hot dish which is very nice...….I do like a taste of that dish.




I do have a little plate of the chicken and some salad and it is as always, lovely...….

Tom goes for some cheese and the darker of the crackers......


We always enjoy our time in the lounge...it is such a lovely atmosphere in here and it was fairly quiet tonight.....I expected it to be busier but I guess most were still in the parks. We had spoken to a family this morning who were here for one night and only planned to have breakfasts in the lounge, with two days only they were concentrating on the parks......I agreed with them.

Once we were chatted out, we went down and decided to get the boat to Citywalk tonight...…..it was blazing hot...….lovely, but blazing hot!!

The boat was just arriving as we got there......and it was full to bursting with people.....and everyone looked exhausted......and glad to be back at the hotel......and one or two crying...….and that was just the dads!!!

The boat almost fills up and it`s a quick journey to Citywalk…….

We go straight to Margaritaville...….we fancy just sitting at the bar tonight and think we may have the Nachos.....we hadn't had it in a while and we did have fond memories of that huge dish being delivered to our table...…..

We sat round the far side of the bar as the place was busy, and we sat beside a couple after asking if someone was sitting there as there was an almost full drink sitting.…..the lady told us the person had payed the check and left.....so we sat down on the last two seats at the bar tonight.....

Big Irish Jack wasn't on tonight, it was Enrique and Nadia who we knew a little......Nadia recognised us as soon as we sat down...….I ordered a strawberry daiquiri and Tom had the raspberry one....lovely.

They do excellent cocktails in here!!!!


Before we ordered our second drink we ordered the much anticipated Nachos dish...……


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It wasn't quite as large and impressive looking as we had remembered it to be...…..

What had happened to the appetising looking huge colourful pile of nachos with loads of toppings from a good few years back.......…..I knew it had looked better, so went back in my pictures and found a few from when it was Margaritaville themselves who ran it.....and it certainly looked a lot better back then.


Big difference!!!!

I have to say, we wouldn't order it again. Ignoring the fact I forgot to ask for it with chicken instead of chilli which I don't really like.....it was still dry and didn't taste of much at all...….so we didn't eat much of it at all......we kinda nibbled on it as we drank our rum cocktails......eventually we laughingly asked Nadia to take it away......we would have kept on nibbling this not very nice food if she hadn't.

I ordered the classic blackberry margarita next and Tom had the 5 o`clock somewhere drink......

The drinks and chat were the best thing about the evening......food not so much. But the bar is a fabulous place and Nadia showed us some of her travel pictures from all over.....she is a well travelled young lady!!!

I rather mistakenly mentioned the last cocktail wasn't very strong...…they usually knock your socks off in here...….

Might have been a mistake!!!! Nadia made sure we could taste the alcohol in the next ones...…..wow!!!!!!



But, they were so tasty...…..



We were about to leave to meet a friend when Nadia told us someone had bought us a drink???

The place was busy, but we hadn't seen anyone we knew in there tonight, and if we did they would have spoken, not sent over a drink......we were perplexed....and the bar staff weren't telling who it was......a genuine mystery for us...….but we did take a drink and we asked for one we hadn't tried before......the Zombie...…..I had a coke as I had enough especially with the last drink being so strong.


We hadn't enjoyed the nachos tonight, but we had enjoyed the evening and it still wasn't too late.......
but, we thanked Nadia on behalf of the mysterious person who had bought us a drink. Thank you. We paid our check and headed to the shop.

The Margaritaville store is full of colourful and cute items......and we did succumb and buy a few fun items including a new sign for a space we have on the kitchen walls.






We are now the proud owners of a couple of M`ville tees ::yes::

Heading into Citywalk the aroma of the burgers from Cowfish and similar places surrounds us and we do regret getting the nachos. But, at the same time now we knew we wouldn't order them again.




We took a few pictures before meeting up with a friend and we passed the rest of the evening chatting which was lovely......

Eventually we said our goodnight and we set off for the boat back home......it was later than we thought, but we didn't feel too tired, so we went back to the room, ordered some tea and coffee and watched some tv.

It had been another lovely day and we were becoming increasingly aware that the days were passing us by......it didn't feel quick at the time, but looking back it certainly was a busier trip than we thought.

We went to bed around midnight or maybe just after......and as always I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow......the heat we were experiencing was fabulous, but I guess it was tiring us out a little too.

Tomorrow was Lake Eola…..
Always en;joy reading and seeing your pictures, Schumi. Looks like some great cocktails were drank. And yay, would like to hear about Lake Eola. Sad to see that pile of chips. For some reason, we have never ordered them, and from a last visit, it's a no place we're might eat again. We don't eat at Toothsome again, either, and even my kids are not fond of their ice cream. I do enjoy walking around City Walk though, particularly at night.

And looking forward to that heat next month. We all love it hot when in FLA.
Always en;joy reading and seeing your pictures, Schumi. Looks like some great cocktails were drank. And yay, would like to hear about Lake Eola. Sad to see that pile of chips. For some reason, we have never ordered them, and from a last visit, it's a no place we're might eat again. We don't eat at Toothsome again, either, and even my kids are not fond of their ice cream. I do enjoy walking around City Walk though, particularly at night.

And looking forward to that heat next month. We all love it hot when in FLA.

Thanks Lynne...…..

We went to Lake Eola last September and really enjoyed the farmers market, so we knew we wanted to go back again. Nice place.

Yes, it was a disappointment with the nachos.....but heyho…...we are enjoying M`ville again after a hiatus, so I know what you mean.....once or two poor meals is enough to put you off. Yes our rum cocktails were lovely!!!!

I`ve never tried Toothsome desserts, but they`re not very appealing to us at all...….so doubt we ever will either...…..

Oh I`m sure you`ll get some gorgeous weather next month!!!
The Margaritaville store is full of colourful and cute items......and we did succumb and buy a few fun items including a new sign for a space we have on the kitchen walls.


Oh my gosh, I love that sign! One of my best friends loves margaritas and I'm planning on seeing what I can bring home to her. That just might be it.

By the way, that's too bad about the nachos. I've heard so many good things about the nachos I was thinking we would share a platter among us.
See, we loved the nachos and I'm not a chili person. However, I was not familiar with the "other" nachos from before so maybe it's my lack of comparison elevating the inferior version.

Those drinks do look amazing. We may have to go back just for the bar.
Oh my gosh, I love that sign! One of my best friends loves margaritas and I'm planning on seeing what I can bring home to her. That just might be it.

By the way, that's too bad about the nachos. I've heard so many good things about the nachos I was thinking we would share a platter among us.

:welcome: along Disney Addicted......glad to see you here!!!

That sign is cool......I got it for another friend who is maragarita crazy too.....lol......we bought another one just as bright and sunny looking.

The nachos were our biggest disappointment food wise the whole trip....which could be worse. It used to be so fresh tasting and full of toppings...….won`t order it again.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the report...….:wave2:
See, we loved the nachos and I'm not a chili person. However, I was not familiar with the "other" nachos from before so maybe it's my lack of comparison elevating the inferior version.

Those drinks do look amazing. We may have to go back just for the bar.

I hate chilli…..I really do....but this had hardly any on anyway....it was all black beans which I detest and can`t eat......but I did manage to nibble on the chips and sour cream/guacamole...….so, yes, big disappointment as we remembered the original version. Other folks who ordered it when we were in got the same looking portion too. But glad you enjoyed the portion you guys had!!

Yes, cocktails are fabulous.…...no short pours here......we much prefer sitting at the bar in here.
I finally caught up again! Now I'M off for NYC tomorrow! I feel like we really should run into each other one of these days in NYC or Orlando! <3

Glad to hear it Alice...…..

Have a wonderful trip to NYC...….yes, we keep missing each other!!! One of us keeps picking the the wrong dates....…..:rolleyes1

Have a blast...…...

Image result for satan called he wants his weather back meme

Today was to be another hot one......very hot...….so we had decided last night to head Downtown and visit Lake Eola again. It has a lovely little farmers market and is a beautiful place to spend a few hours.....

I can`t remember what time we got up this morning, but it was around our usual time. We do much prefer to be up early and begin the day, and folks are often surprised when we say we have never once made EE at Universal...….no real interest in doing it I guess. With EP it`s never been essential or even needed to see and do everything we want to do on our trips. But, yes, we are early morning people I guess.

Once we are showered and dressed, I decide I am absolutely starving this morning......so our walk over to the lounge is rather swift this morning

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We don't meet anyone this morning as we wander rather quickly over, and Tom gets the coffee and water for me as I make toast while I nibble on a little mini muffin and then a pastry...….and we do enjoy our breakfast as always. Some fruit and meat follows and once I felt I was better we sat back and had a chat and a giggle.

We were talking to the staff as as always and noticed we were getting a side eyed glance, and not in a nice way from someone this morning.....lol.....guess everyone can`t like you!!!!

One of the guys asked me if I knew something, so I went up to see if I could help, and I could! So, I was happy...….and young Colby is the young man we call son #2.….we`ve known him since he was much younger and he does feel like a second son at times......lol.....bless him!!!


We sat for a little while and eventually we headed back over to Sapphire to get the car. It was just around 9.30 now and by the time we got there everything would be set up.

Crossing over the top of the I4 you can see just how the landscape has changed in the last years by Universal......you can see this view from miles away...…..


It only takes around 15 to 20 minutes to get into the Downtown area, we do take the I4 just for familiarity, I`m not sure if there is another way, but for us it`s convenient and not as busy this morning.

Parking Downtown can sometimes be difficult. Especially as we don't really know the area well and the one way system isn`t the easiest to navigate. All the spaces on the roads near the lake are always taken at this time on a Sunday too. We had thought we would park in a lot we saw last year, it was much closer than the multi storey we had used. But, when we got close you had to put in your credit card details to use it.…...eh, no thanks. So we drove back one block and found the same building we had used before. They had a sign up saying public parking was available on the second floor and wasn't really that far to walk...….

Although this heat today I did wish we had parked closer!!!

But, we are at the lake in 5 minutes or so. On the outskirts of the lake, and throughout it, there are a lot of homeless people around. More than I expected to see, and although there are a few of them, they have never once approached us or made us feel wary in any way. It`s not nice to see, but there doesn't seem to be any issues with them.

The lake itself is beautiful.





It is very much a family occasion on days like this.....there are families everywhere with joggers alongside dogs too. In this heat I have no idea how anyone walks quickly let alone jog!!!!


It is the most beautiful place to walk around and it does get busy......but the paths are fine to saunter along...….and everyone chats too which is lovely......we stopped to pet many dogs along the way.....including a very fierce looking Rottweiler who was the biggest puppy ever!!! I`m always wary of dogs with massive strength like they obviously have, and I think this man saw the unsure look on my face as they approached us...…..and stopped to chat......the dog was called Rudy as he did have a slight red birthmark on his nose....so Rudy was short for Rudolph…...lol......I`m still not overly keen on those types of dogs, but this one was a gentle giant.....I hoped! Especially as he tried to lick my face, I never let dogs do that, any dog, so hoped he wasn't too annoyed as I swiped him away.....lol...….

We wandered further round and we were feeling the heat today......I didn't think we would be here for too long today......although we did stay longer than we thought.

We wandered round the water path and didn't go to the stalls straight away, we slowly took our time and wandered over to where we knew was a shady area and relatively cool for a while...….






I had indeed found some shade...…..


The view over the water is stunning and so peaceful despite there being quite a lot of people around...this was where last year I had got talking to a much older gentleman who had moved in with his daughter. It had been a very moving conversation and I wondered today what had happened to him...…..



Tom wandered off to take some pictures as I sheltered under the trees and there was a lovely little breeze appearing now......this was lovely. Although there were a lot of ducks around......and swans too. And we all know swans can be quite vicious if they feel threatened. One of my neighbours years ago had his arm broken by one hitting him with a wing......so I was very wary as they waddled past only a few feet away....but the ducks were worse to be honest.....they were all hissing at each other and didn't look happy at all...….

So I sat very still!!

Tom meanwhile was snapping all around and got some lovely little snaps of the area...….


We did eventually wander out of the shade and headed towards the stalls...…..we were walking on the path behind a couple when all of a sudden a huge plume of vaping smoke surrounded us...…..he had puffed on one and I`m not sure they know just how much plume comes out of it......gross!!!! And no, it wasn't a pleasant aroma...…..this guy looked like he was on fire!!!!

We went into fast mode and bypassed them...…..yuk!!!

There are some lovely stalls and some unique ones too...….we did have lunch plans, but these Cuban sandwiches looked amazing!!!!


And some of the fresh produce around was beautiful......I don't like corn on the cob, but the size of them......they were huge......peaches, tomatoes and watermelon were all the same...….the peaches looked especially good.


There was one lone stall selling freshly made lemonade...…..and we were thirsty now. So we bought two glasses of the delicious looking drink.....and seeing them freshly made with huge lemons was very nice.....and it was delicious.….I had doubted when I saw it if it would be lemony enough, but it was…..and I love sharp lemonade....so this was perfect, not too much sugar.


We drank our lemonades and then began to wander into the stalls and we would try not to be tempted by some of the offerings we would encounter today......


More to follow...….

We found a little shade in the form of this parasol while we drank our lemonade...…..we did need the shade today as the heat was tremendous.....I`m not sure the real temp gave an accurate reading as it felt much higher...…


There was a rather unusual ATM in the market...…..not sure who thought it a good idea to have it look like an old fashioned UK call box.


This guy was the most enthusiastic of vendors we have ever seen.....as soon as we got close he began to tell us how good his product was......and loud too...…..and was very surprised we didn't want any.....oh dear!!!


There is a fairly large seating area in the centre, some of it is in shade but a lot of it isn't......we aren't fans of eating outside generally.....but we weren't having lunch here today anyway.


Tom loves honey. Not for me at all.....unless it`s honey mustard dressing!! We didn't buy any....but he was tempted...….


These guys do amazing trade here......and the aroma will knock you hungry even if you aren't....….they have all sorts of options from hot dogs to chicken to burgers……..and it did look good!!



This was the stall I was waiting for...…..I had remembered him from previous visits and the products are excellent and so different...…..


I have to admit.....I always make my own bbq sauce......because store bought ones sometimes have MSG in those types of sauces of which I am allergic to, and sometimes they label it under different names, I find it easier to make my own....and it is delicious even if I do say so myself......but I do like dry rubs and some hot sauces we just can`t get over here.....and this guy sold the best of the best!!! And some of the more unusual.

Our suitcases were going to weigh a ton this time!!!!!



We did however, purchase a few items...…. :rolleyes1

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Oh dear!!!! Tom just said they were going in my suitcase...…..lol...…..

There were a few other stalls as we headed out, cookies, popcorn and a bread stall...…..which did look nice, but we had everything we needed for today.


The market and Lake Eola are definitely worth a visit...….I`ve never been midweek down here, so have no idea what it`s like then......but for a Sunday and you`re looking for a quiet time for a few hours, this is an ideal place to come visit. It`s so peaceful and there are plenty of spots to just sit and chill out and watch the rest of the world do what they do on a beautiful Sunday morning......

We wandered back to the car, Tom grimacing slightly at the weight of the products we had purchased...….lol......I keep saying I`m not a shopper......but...….I`d regret not buying these...…..

Image result for Idont like shopping meme

You can justify almost anything if you put your mind to it...…..::yes::

Once we get back to the car, the aircon goes on full blast!!!!

I drive us to the Ale House on Kirkman...…...one of our favourite places to eat or just go for a drink in the evenings...…..and this one we did like......as I`ve said before, it`s not as touristy as some of them......much more local.


We don't feel like sitting at the bar today......we want to sit and chill out and take our time with lunch...…..


It`s fairly quiet for a Sunday so far, but there are more folks sitting outside at the rear of the restaurant......far too hot for us to eat outside today...….

I wanted the zinger salad with one of the hottest sauces on the chicken, and some honey mustard for the salad...….I think it was the second hottest one they offer...…..I do love this salad......


Tom wanted the chicken and shrimp cobb salad with no blue cheese.....and that's what he got...….


Both dishes were lovely.....salad was fresh and tasty and the chicken was as spicy as I liked it......and Tom`s cobb salad was super nice too....the chicken was so tender, although I did think lukewarm shrimp was odd.....have them hot or cold, not in between...…..but they were tasty.

The menu is lovely in here, and prices are incredibly cheap for the portion sizes, and quality is high too.....we always enjoy our meals here.


We passed almost an hour and a half in here today just chatting and it did indeed get much busier as we sat. The bar filled up quickly and lots of general sports comments...…I have no clue with American sports.....I don't have much of a clue with British sports like football...….unless it`s cars....then I get it.

We left to go back to the hotel, and looked again to see if there had been any changes in the status of the bridge over Kirkman...….and surprise......no there hadn't been.



This bridge was taking longer than necessary. It had already gone months over the initial announced timeline, and no one ever seemed to be working on it. We had passed many times, sometimes late at night, and there was never anyone there...….so goodness knows when it will be completed.

It has moved on a bit since we took this picture. But not by much.

We drove the short drive back home and dropped the car off before setting off up to our room and drop the purchases off...….I got changed too as I wanted to do a quick laundry run.....just a few things......including this dress as we planned to go to the beach tomorrow and this is incredibly light and quick drying if it got wet...….

So, very boring late afternoon of laundry and drying...….but we did go and sit down by the pool for an hour while the laundry was being done.

This had been an incredibly quiet day for us....not much had happened so not too much to write about, but we love days like this.

We`ve never needed to fill our trips with "stuff" every day......we can have some down time where we don't actually do anything...….won`t suit everyone, but for us it`s perfect.

Tonight we enjoy Kobe for dinner......
I love your dress. I gravitate towards corals, and it looks as if it would be nice and light to wear in that heat. Looking forward to hearing about your meal at Kobe. We've enjoyed it in the past.
Yes, online shopping is so much easier than dealing with some of the issues we have in dealing with "people" And it is a shame. We have a lovely village with a few unique little independent stores and the town next to us has local deli`s and similar, we try as much as possible to shop local, but for bigger purchases, online is becoming a more regular option for us.

I attempt to patronize the privately owned, local shops in my area too. Admit to loving a good romp thru the outlets :).

Online shopping is not responsible for the death of the malls, it’s a result of high prices, limited stock/sizes & poor service. Will say you were on the receiving end of a true crock of crap when it came to the response you received from the Mall’s management. Doubly stunned to read of the store clerk’s behavior. The antithesis of service

Not a huge fan of the Margaritaville chain, especially the Orlando one when it comes to food quality, but often have dined there when others in our party request it. Will say many of their standard offerings have been tweaked, not for the better but the chicken & burgers there still work for us.

Nice to see another nice, simple but well-done meal at Millers. Never tried the Cobb salad, didn’t catch it had shrimp in it there, interesting....will have to give it a whirl.
I love your dress. I gravitate towards corals, and it looks as if it would be nice and light to wear in that heat. Looking forward to hearing about your meal at Kobe. We've enjoyed it in the past.

Thanks. Yes, it is such a thin material so it`s cool...which is why I wanted to wear it to the beach the next day.....hence the laundry.....

Kobe coming right up...….:thumbsup2
Those salads do look yummy!
I'm actually enjoying a salad with cold shrimp while reading, lol!

They were super nice......I may have stolen a few pieces of the bacon bits......lol...…..

Hope you enjoyed your salad.....I adore shrimp!!!!
I attempt to patronize the privately owned, local shops in my area too. Admit to loving a good romp thru the outlets :).

Online shopping is not responsible for the death of the malls, it’s a result of high prices, limited stock/sizes & poor service. Will say you were on the receiving end of a true crock of crap when it came to the response you received from the Mall’s management. Doubly stunned to read of the store clerk’s behavior. The antithesis of service

Not a huge fan of the Margaritaville chain, especially the Orlando one when it comes to food quality, but often have dined there when others in our party request it. Will say many of their standard offerings have been tweaked, not for the better but the chicken & burgers there still work for us.

Nice to see another nice, simple but well-done meal at Millers. Never tried the Cobb salad, didn’t catch it had shrimp in it there, interesting....will have to give it a whirl.

The shrimp are a little lost in there I have to admit...….yes, any meal we`ve had from there has been lovely.....no complaints......

We enjoyed M`ville more when they operated and ran it.....the menu was larger and food was always fabulous....but I agree, it`s not the place it should be food wise. Those nachos were just not the amazing dish they used to be...….

The Mall still haven't responded to the second more specific email....doubt they will now. Yes, some stores don't seem to have the amount of products in store that they should......I don't feel guilty for shopping online......but do now and again, like a good root around stores....the store assistant well, she lost a sale......hope she did think a little but doubt it.


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