MAY W.I.S.H Thread:

I think the week went ok. Now that the weather has warmed up and I've pulled out my short sleeve tops I'm noticing that they are loose. It's so nice not to have tummy bulges bumping my shirt!!

Tomorrow the twins' eldest brother has two baseball games in our town, and mom is driving over from her town (just a mountain pass and 100 miles away!). So all the siblings will be together (kinda) with their mom. After the game everyone is meeting at grandparents' house for pizza and cake.

In the middle of this I have a date with a couple girlfriends. We're going to sit on a porch and drink tea! That should be lovely.

I need to crunch numbers, but am thinking that we may need to visit Florida to see DS2 perform, assuming they will be open to the public. And since we're there we may just have to visit WDW. Lots of decisions to make!!
Yesterday I had fun watching my son & his friends play baseball. Always a joy for me! It was a fundraiser non-league game to raise money for a memorial for some college baseball students who died in a car crash and to help with medical bills for the one survivor. Unfortunately alcohol & excessive speed played a role in the accident. The coach is great in that his focus isn’t just baseball, but about developing respectful young men and helping to teach them life lessons. So not just about helping the families, but also talked about responsible driving and how one mistake can have great impacts on your life. Such a sad story, but hopefully using this story to help others could save lives in ways we don’t even know.
The drive to my Sister's yesterday was calm and relaxing. Her town was getting pretty busy, but we were able to get in to a place for brunch. We drove up to Seabrook, which is a planned community ala east coast coastal communities, and did a bit of shopping. Then we drove on to the beach at the access point by her house and got stuck. But a couple other old women were nearby and between the four of us we managed to get out... and everyone of us knew what to do, which was pretty cool.

Today is going to be very low key. I took a car load of stuff to the animal rescue garage sale yesterday and have enough more sacks ready that I think I'll make a drop off at Goodwill today. Then as mentioned I'll probably work on the front deck and if I can get it cleaned up enough I might go get some annuals to pretty up the flower boxes.

Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Drawing a blank on something social for today (it was bound to happen, this brain is tired). So how about we all go out and do something fun then come back and share about it.

We attended a small graduation cookout for our niece - just about 15 people in her parents' back yard, but it was nice to be together with family for something happy!

I spent 4 hours at the car dealership, but I left with my new ride!

I love it!!

Self care today will be time outside and enjoying not cooking. - DS took us and DH's folks out to breakfast, and dinner will be delicious chicken left over from yesterday. (SIL made some sort of berry BBQ sauce.)

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms. :flower3:
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Had a lovely dinner with family today-enjoyed our afternoon together (we ordered our Magic Bands!) and playing with their puppy. It’s a little chilly today, so made a cup of tea, turned on the fireplace and read my book. I have leftovers for dinner, so no cooking!
Sounds like everyone is having a good weekend’
Today I taught the twins how to strip a bed and then how to put nice, clean sheets back on that bed. Took forever!!! But we'll be practicing it every week so they should be pretty good by the time they go back to mom. :rotfl2:

DS1 is traveling so won't hear from him as he's out of the country! DS2 called but didn't come over because he has a sore throat. It's really bad timing because he's a voice major and this week is finals week. Chatted with my mom and DH chatted with his mom so family was covered! Other than that it was just a normal day. You know, scrubbing the toilet, grocery shopping, ho hum stuff!
Yesterday was pretty low key for me. Started out as usual…meal plan & prep, went for a 3 mile walk, virtual church service. Then we went to my parents for lunch. Came home mid-afternoon and had a pretty lazy rest of the day…watched a little Fuller House, then picked a new-to-us movie to watch, and had takeout for dinner. Definitely didn’t eat great, but back on track today!

I’m motivated by last weeks weight loss and my upcoming Disney trip. I shouldn’t have any more treat days like yesterday, so hopefully I can stay on track!
It has been a crazy busy but good several days. First I finally weighted myself after feeling like April was just a mess. I was down almost 3.5 pounds. So I am keeping the momentum going.

We have been talking about getting a new car for me for awhile now. Mine was at almost 110,000 miles. DH did not want me driving to work next winter with it. On Thursday out of the blue (on our lunch time walk) decided this might be the time to get one. He knows I have hated my car since the day I got it. I had 24 hours to find a car after mine was totaled. I settled and the car was just an ugly color. We had already narrowed it down to 2. The Mitsubishi Outlander (that is the car I was driving) and a Nissan Rogue. There were a few options I wanted but not necessary. We looked at the Outlander on Thursday night. I really liked it but was not as comfortable driving it. Being so short I have a hard time with lots of cars. Mitsubishi redid the entire car. It was much bigger and harder to see out of. Saturday we went to Nissan and I cam home with a brand new Rogue. DH was also ok with getting all the options. I have heated seats, steering wheel, and side mirrors. One of the options I really wanted was power seats. I can see better in cars with power seats and I got them. It was a great day.

Afterwards we drove out to DH's mom's (60 miles one way), my moms and the DH's grandmother. We decided to see the mom's on Saturday because we were getting almost 2 inches of rain on Sunday. Fast forward to Sunday and many places got 2 inches of snow. We just got sleet in my city. I woke up Sunday to breakfast in bed and a Dumbo Pandora charm. After a video call with DH's family we went for a drive. I wanted to feel comfortable driving in the rain before driving on the highway to work in rush hour. DH took me to my favorite local chocolate spot to get me chocolate covered strawberries. We did a bit of running around and then we were home the rest of the night. DH made me an awesome steak dinner. It was really good.

DH has been great in getting to get my minutes in lately. I will be sitting on the couch talking myself out of finishing my time (all in my head) when he asks me about it. So then I will get up and do it. It is a nice little nudge I need to get it done. I did miss Saturday though. A lot of sitting happened.


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