MAY W.I.S.H Thread:

While it sometimes feels like your life is filled with responsibility, you also know how to make time to become an expert at your favorite hobbies. After a period of soul-searching, you learned that life is all about that balance between your duties and your personal goals.
Since DH got his shot yesterday, we didn't have anything planned for this weekend. As I tried to quietly leave the bed this morning, he said, "My arm hurts!" He wasn't feverish last night so hooray!!

Scale wasn't happy this morning. I didn't leave decades so I'm not super unhappy! Need to figure out what went wrong because I was under calories according to MFP and I did get walks and weights in this week. Oh well. I'll keep plugging along!!!
I got Milan, which was a surprise as I was sure it would come back as Belle.

Yesterday I got the promotional packet that goes with my Disney card explaining the rewards program. If I start using it as my primary card I’ll have enough points by Sept to cover my food costs. Wow, why did I not think of found this sooner.

Going to work on the front porch flower boxes today, getting everything cleaned up and pretty so I feel like sitting out there in the evenings. Pedicure is this afternoon. Then maybe dinner out somewhere?
Yesterday I got the promotional packet that goes with my Disney card explaining the rewards program. If I start using it as my primary card I’ll have enough points by Sept to cover my food costs. Wow, why did I not think of found this sooner.
And don’t forget that you get Disney Visa discounts when shopping & eating. And they used to have a special Disney Visa photo shoot with free 5x7. Not sure if that’s still a thing…
It’s Self-Care Sunday!
When we started self-care Sundays at the start of the pandemic, I believe our focus was on mental/emotional self-care. But there is more to self-care than just the mental and emotional piece. Which are of self-care will be your focus today and this week?

Currently, my self-care focus is physical. I’m pushing myself with my running and my body is feeling it. My 5k is coming up on Tuesday. But I was so sore yesterday after my run that I didn’t know if I’d be able to run it. Luckily, I’m feeling better today. But I will still focus my workout on stretching and using my foam roller. I’m also focusing on my eating to try to lose a few more pounds before Disney! The countdown has begun!
Yes, physical care is at the forefront lately because I need to get these extra pounds off. I just don’t like the way I feel when my clothes are a little bit tight and I’m not eating right. So that’s a big focus right now.
I would like to address my spiritual self care in the sense of some volunteer work on a regular basis. I thought I might start with our local food pantry. Knowing people (especially children) are hungry is just heartbreaking to me.
8 years ago, I was home from school with pneumonia. That morning, I got a horrific phone call from my daughter's guidance counselor telling me that her best friend died overnight. Screams, tears. I called my husband immediately to pick up my daughter from high school. We had to tell her that her best friend never woke up. I cannot begin to describe the devastation and grief.

Every year around this time, a little brown rabbit comes to our yard for a brief visit. I have seen this bunny many times over the years, and this year my husband saw it instead of me. I feel her spirit whenever these visits occur and truly consider them a blessing.

Today, DD and I will get her favorite flowers and visit her grave. Then we will get frozen yogurt, eat it at the beach, and watch the waves while we remember her.
8 years ago, I was home from school with pneumonia. That morning, I got a horrific phone call from my daughter's guidance counselor telling me that her best friend died overnight. Screams, tears. I called my husband immediately to pick up my daughter from high school. We had to tell her that her best friend never woke up. I cannot begin to describe the devastation and grief.

Every year around this time, a little brown rabbit comes to our yard for a brief visit. I have seen this bunny many times over the years, and this year my husband saw it instead of me. I feel her spirit whenever these visits occur and truly consider them a blessing.

Today, DD and I will get her favorite flowers and visit her grave. Then we will get frozen yogurt, eat it at the beach, and watch the waves while we remember her.
I can’t imagine what that must have been like. But I love that you have that little brown bunny come to visit you. And that you and your daughter spend time together remembering her friend. 💕:hug:
8 years ago, I was home from school with pneumonia. That morning, I got a horrific phone call from my daughter's guidance counselor telling me that her best friend died overnight. Screams, tears. I called my husband immediately to pick up my daughter from high school. We had to tell her that her best friend never woke up. I cannot begin to describe the devastation and grief.

Every year around this time, a little brown rabbit comes to our yard for a brief visit. I have seen this bunny many times over the years, and this year my husband saw it instead of me. I feel her spirit whenever these visits occur and truly consider them a blessing.

Today, DD and I will get her favorite flowers and visit her grave. Then we will get frozen yogurt, eat it at the beach, and watch the waves while we remember her.
What a lovely way to remember her. :hug:
Self care today... I did not go to Port Townsend. I’d had a rough night and woke up with an allergy headache. I’ve been thinking my body is not liking caffeine and yesterday pretty much confirmed it as I had had three Arnold Palmers with my lunch.

My self care is also focused on physical. I need to get out of this feeling crummy stuff. This week I am going to switch to chia pudding and fruit for breakfast, simple proteins and hopefully rice for lunch. Not sure about dinner, maybe protein drinks. I also need to do a sauna and am thinking seriously about an ionic foot soak. They are strange but I’ve always felt better after doing them, so it is worth a shot. I’ve also started taking probiotics.

My pedicure yesterday was wonderful. Today I did go to Lincoln Park and have been doing more on the front deck. Another beautiful summer day.
Self care today... I did not go to Port Townsend. I’d had a rough night and woke up with an allergy headache. I’ve been thinking my body is not liking caffeine and yesterday pretty much confirmed it as I had had three Arnold Palmers with my lunch.

My self care is also focused on physical. I need to get out of this feeling crummy stuff. This week I am going to switch to chia pudding and fruit for breakfast, simple proteins and hopefully rice for lunch. Not sure about dinner, maybe protein drinks. I also need to do a sauna and am thinking seriously about an ionic foot soak. They are strange but I’ve always felt better after doing them, so it is worth a shot. I’ve also started taking probiotics.

My pedicure yesterday was wonderful. Today I did go to Lincoln Park and have been doing more on the front deck. Another beautiful summer day.
A pedicure sounds wonderful! I’m scheduling one as soon as I get home!
Self-care focus:

Right Now
Recreational/Social - very carefully adjusting to doing more things and being with more people again. (Today, DH and I saw our first movie in a theater since before the pandemic!)

This Summer
Environmental - decluttering......again, but with hope for more progress this time!!:rotfl:
I will be working on environmental health when the twins go back to their mom in a month-ish. So much purging and re-arranging to be done. Not to mention all the deferred maintenance on the house that has been going on for years and years!

My emotional pillar is a little weak right now. It's hard to send them away (although we are ready to be alone again!). We have a date so guess it's official.

And in good news one week from when they leave we will be in Florida!! No park visits, just being a sloth by a beach! i cannot wait!!


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