mac....I thought I quoted you there in the post above.....but it didn`t show......

It was a reply to your post though above....... ::yes::
Andrea.....good luck with your decision for your trip later this month.

It`s not an easy decision to make......I somehow think having the decision being made for us is somehow a little easier....when there`s nothing you can do about things, it just seems clearer.

But, I do think even if the flights did still go ahead, I doubt we`d be on them.

It`s an awful lot to consider though, hope you can do what`s best for you and your family.....:hug:
Andrea.....good luck with your decision for your trip later this month.

It`s not an easy decision to make......I somehow think having the decision being made for us is somehow a little easier....when there`s nothing you can do about things, it just seems clearer.

But, I do think even if the flights did still go ahead, I doubt we`d be on them.

It`s an awful lot to consider though, hope you can do what`s best for you and your family.....:hug:

Thanks, Carole! I'm trying to be casual about it, but I assume the owner of the rental house will be contacting me very soon about making final payment. If we don't go, I may be out the $200 deposit, but that's OK. He might let us transfer it to next summer. Our town is currently a Covid hot spot, and quite a few of our friends and acquaintances are sick right now. Thankfully, we have avoided it so far. I hope that maybe Seaworld and Busch Gardens might refund our tickets or let us use them past their 02/21 expiration date. Trying to pray and breathe and be patient! Sending hugs to you and Tom and Kyle!
Thanks, Carole! I'm trying to be casual about it, but I assume the owner of the rental house will be contacting me very soon about making final payment. If we don't go, I may be out the $200 deposit, but that's OK. He might let us transfer it to next summer. Our town is currently a Covid hot spot, and quite a few of our friends and acquaintances are sick right now. Thankfully, we have avoided it so far. I hope that maybe Seaworld and Busch Gardens might refund our tickets or let us use them past their 02/21 expiration date. Trying to pray and breathe and be patient! Sending hugs to you and Tom and Kyle!

That`s awful to hear that it`s hitting you so close!

By all accounts most companies seem to be being very accommodating to folks having to change plans this year. So, fingers crossed if you do decide to not travel, you`ll be able to defer the tickets, and the house deposit.

Hugs right back at you Andrea.......:)
We are supposed to drive down at the end of July, and I still have no idea if we should go or not. I'm okay with wearing masks and playing by the rules, but I am nervous about exposure and illness. We are supposed to go to SeaWorld, Aquatica, and Busch Gardens. If you have any feedback or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

I-4 Bound: while we all know there are no guarantees, if you can drive down, I'm thinking you're already a good deal safer and in control of your environment vs the confined public space of a plane.

UO is really going above and beyond to keep guests safe. (Granted, this is not first-hand experience - only based upon what I'm reading on Facebook from quite a few people who've been there and are reporting back.)

How do you fare normally with the heat and humidity of the parks in summer? I'm a lifelong Floridian and candidly, the only time I'm not hiding indoors in AC during July-Sept is when I'm at the beach. Adding a mask to the equation for most of the day feels like an automatic no-go for me until things cool off a bit. But many guests are totally fine wearing them and enjoying themselves - so that part depends upon your own tolerance, I guess?

I think you could still have a fun, safe getaway with a few precautions - maybe even a little more laid back/relaxing than a typical UO trip if that rental place includes a pool? But it won't be as totally carefree as pre-covid.

The only cautionary advice I'd throw out there if you decide to go: although greater Orlando and nearby areas are normally fun to explore, I wouldn't advise venturing to other parks, non-UO stores and entertainment too much right now. I just don't have the confidence that the same care and attention is being invested w/respect to enforcing covid safety as UO.
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We are supposed to drive down at the end of July, and I still have no idea if we should go or not. I'm okay with wearing masks and playing by the rules, but I am nervous about exposure and illness. We are supposed to go to SeaWorld, Aquatica, and Busch Gardens. If you have any feedback or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

I-4 Bound: while we all know there are no guarantees, if you can drive down, I'm thinking you're already a good deal safer and in control of your environment vs the confined public space of a plane.

UO is really going above and beyond to keep guests safe. (Granted, this is not first-hand experience - only based upon what I'm reading on Facebook from quite a few people who've been there and are reporting back.)

How do you fare normally with the heat and humidity of the parks in summer? I'm a lifelong Floridian and candidly, the only time I'm not hiding indoors in AC during July-Sept is when I'm at the beach. Adding a mask to the equation for most of the day feels like an automatic no-go for me until things cool off a bit. But many guests are totally fine wearing them and enjoying themselves - so that part depends upon your own tolerance, I guess?

I think you could still have a fun, safe getaway with a few precautions - maybe even a little more laid back/relaxing than a typical UO trip if that rental place includes a pool? But it won't be as totally carefree as pre-covid.

The only cautionary advice I'd throw out there if you decide to go: although greater Orlando and nearby areas are normally fun to explore, I wouldn't advise venturing to other parks, non-UO stores and entertainment too much right now. I just don't have the confidence that the same care and attention is being invested w/respect to enforcing covid safety as UO.

Thank you! We are going to SeaWorld, Busch Gardens, and Aquatica. My Universal Annual Passes have expired unfortunately. I have been watching videos to see how SeaWorld and Busch Gardens are handling safety and distancing
Carole, I'm so sorry you may well have to give up your September trip too. I know that you you know you will be back, but it is still a disappointment. (((hugs)))

So good to see you Cara!

We are quite resigned about it now if I`m honest.......I think there`s also a feeling of relief as it doesn`t sound very appealing to be there with the restrictions talking to friends there.

However, we do have plans to take a week in September and go somewhere with Kyle as he has around two weeks vacation to still we may hire a house in the middle of nowhere in England and just chill out, long walks, log fire, pub meals and stargaze if the skies are clear. And we`ll love doing that.

Nov/Dec remain to be seen too. But, we`re fortunate, I know that.....and there`s next year too!!!! Nothing much defeats us Cara.....always a silver lining ::yes::

But, hope things are going well for you. I often wonder how you are doing and how the treatment is`s been a heck of a time for you these last yes, it`s always nice to see you pop in........and thank you.....I take all hugs, and sending them straight back at you.......:wave2:
Whenever you go I'm sure you'll have a great time. I think maybe waiting a bit will make it that much better (except missing all of your friends at the resort). I'm trying to look on the bright side for you.😁 It just doesn't seem normal to do much as most restaurants here have limited menus, limited seating etc. Florida's Mayors seem to be shutting down things differently than their Governor, so not sure of individual areas.
I was watching a review of the new Bourne stunt show today, and remembered I needed to check on your trip! I absolutely understand why you would decide to skip September. FL is having a rough time right now. And I have to say, all the actors in the show were wearing masks. It just felt weird and looked odd, and made me think about if I would feel like I’m not having the carefree experience I expect on vacation...

We’ve eaten at Vivo a few times, and my favorite dish was a fried green tomato appetizer. That’s really more Southern than Italian, I think, and it’s delicious 😋

I hear you on the hair salon appointment. I was able to go a few weeks ago and I feel like a new woman. Now I just need to get to the nail salon, but I’m giving that a little more time as they just recently opened here. I like to skip the first rush and give them time to really get their safety procedures down.

I admit I’ve never seen a Bourne movie, should I rectify that?
Nov/Dec remain to be seen too

I cant even think about things being this bad then. Praying the vaccine trials that start later this month work and it happens sooner rather than later. I know its wishful thinking, but I think thats about all i got right now. We have had tons of new cases in our county the past couple weeks and it is only about 1 percent of the population. You would think it would be more.

Great that you will be able to get away with Kyle. I envy your stargazing skills. Our consist of, " gee the moon is big and low in the sky" or " Boy the stars are bright tonight"

sorry about the possibility of not being able to travel in September.. it stinks.....

hopefully things will change for the better, and you'll be here during the holidays!

Awww thanks.......yes, it kind of does stink a little. I know you know that feeling!!!

Fingers crossed for Christmas, but I think we have accepted that won`t happen either unless a miracle happens.......I`ve heard they do sometimes

Thanks for the virtual hugs....... :wave2:
Whenever you go I'm sure you'll have a great time. I think maybe waiting a bit will make it that much better (except missing all of your friends at the resort). I'm trying to look on the bright side for you.😁 It just doesn't seem normal to do much as most restaurants here have limited menus, limited seating etc. Florida's Mayors seem to be shutting down things differently than their Governor, so not sure of individual areas.

Yes, Tink, absolutley we know we have better times ahead without the restrictions and limitations in places inside and outside of the Resort......oh yes, I can look on the bright side completely now......we have to

We are fortunate although we do miss everyone there, we keep in touch with several folks at the hotels there, so we have that constant contact with friends there. That`s a nice part. They think we`re being sensible too, so that helped with the decision too.

Good to see you, hope things are good for you too :wave2:
I was watching a review of the new Bourne stunt show today, and remembered I needed to check on your trip! I absolutely understand why you would decide to skip September. FL is having a rough time right now. And I have to say, all the actors in the show were wearing masks. It just felt weird and looked odd, and made me think about if I would feel like I’m not having the carefree experience I expect on vacation...

We’ve eaten at Vivo a few times, and my favorite dish was a fried green tomato appetizer. That’s really more Southern than Italian, I think, and it’s delicious 😋

I hear you on the hair salon appointment. I was able to go a few weeks ago and I feel like a new woman. Now I just need to get to the nail salon, but I’m giving that a little more time as they just recently opened here. I like to skip the first rush and give them time to really get their safety procedures down.

I admit I’ve never seen a Bourne movie, should I rectify that?

The whole mask thing is part of it.....restrictions too played a major part. Of course if the flight ban into America isn`t lifted we wouldn`t have a choice anyway.....but I think I`m glad we made the decision we did on our own. I didn`t want to do that initially, but I like to change my

I agree with you, it wouldn`t seem as carefree as it should be. It`s a long way to come to have so many restrictions in place. Even if they are lifted, the virus is still so virulent enough to still be a worry.

I love tomatoes, but can`t eat them anymore, but that`s a dish I`ve always wanted to try. I was surprised I liked Vivo as much as I did.

oh new hair makes a huge difference doesn`t it!!!! Mine was spending most of it`s time either in the longest ponytail I`ve ever had, or up in a huge messy bun....I can`t pull that look off and it look as nice as some folks can!!! I am more Miss Trunchbull with a salons haven`t opened here yet, same with beauty salons.....should be soon hopefully.

I`m not a huge fan of the Bourne movies, but I did kind of enjoy the first one. The last one sucked completely, with Jason Bourne only uttering 288 words in the whole movie!!! I was so bored.......Tom who does like the movies hated the last one too.

Hope things are good with you too, and hope your area is doing better too.....some areas are definitley doing better than others....... :wave2:
I cant even think about things being this bad then. Praying the vaccine trials that start later this month work and it happens sooner rather than later. I know its wishful thinking, but I think thats about all i got right now. We have had tons of new cases in our county the past couple weeks and it is only about 1 percent of the population. You would think it would be more.

Great that you will be able to get away with Kyle. I envy your stargazing skills. Our consist of, " gee the moon is big and low in the sky" or " Boy the stars are bright tonight"

I think we all hope for a vaccine, or at least better control of the treatments. Some hospitals over here are saying how things have changed how they are dealing with patients......trial and error. Kyle also has said he doesn`t want to go if it`s even remotely similar to it is now. I understand where he is coming won`t feel like a vacation.......

Oh must be worrying for you if cases are rising around you! It feels worse when it`s so close.....we aren`t too bad here but have had cases close by.

I have learned so much from Kyle. It`s always been a hobby of his, and we all enjoy it. Some of his pictures are amazing, I keep telling him, and others who have seen his pictures say he needs to create a coffee table book of the images. I`m biased of course, but he is good. He`s desperate for the dark nights to come back so he can get back out imaging. It`s so light even in the middle of the night here, just never completely dark.

Hope all is well with you........... :wave2:
So good to see you Cara!

We are quite resigned about it now if I`m honest.......I think there`s also a feeling of relief as it doesn`t sound very appealing to be there with the restrictions talking to friends there.

However, we do have plans to take a week in September and go somewhere with Kyle as he has around two weeks vacation to still we may hire a house in the middle of nowhere in England and just chill out, long walks, log fire, pub meals and stargaze if the skies are clear. And we`ll love doing that.

Nov/Dec remain to be seen too. But, we`re fortunate, I know that.....and there`s next year too!!!! Nothing much defeats us Cara.....always a silver lining ::yes::

But, hope things are going well for you. I often wonder how you are doing and how the treatment is`s been a heck of a time for you these last yes, it`s always nice to see you pop in........and thank you.....I take all hugs, and sending them straight back at you.......:wave2:
Carole, I am doing well--thank you for asking! I am past the first phase of chemo, past surgery -- just having targeted infusions (for HER2+, which is the top of cancer I had) every three weeks through the end of December. These are not chemo drugs, and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. I had a complete response to the chemo, with no evidence of disease.! My energy is coming back, and I am dropping some of the weight I gained from the steroids. I'm seeing my Radiation Oncologist today to see if she thinks I will need radiation. All in all, it has gone about as well as it could have, and I am so very thankful.

We have friends who have a beach house in Florida, and they are lending it to us for two weeks in September. We booked Southwest flights on points when they were $39 oneway. It was like they were paying us to fly! Not sure if we will a) feel safe going or b) feel safe flying (it's only a little over an hour flight, and SWA is requiring masks and flying at 60% capacity), but we have the reservations for now. Once we get there, I plan to lie under an umbrella, cook or grill, or just do takeout. No touristy activities for us. We shall see. Like you all, we know we will have other opportunities if this doesn't work out.

And we have our new grandson arriving in November, so that is the best blessing of all.
Carole, I am doing well--thank you for asking! I am past the first phase of chemo, past surgery -- just having targeted infusions (for HER2+, which is the top of cancer I had) every three weeks through the end of December. These are not chemo drugs, and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. I had a complete response to the chemo, with no evidence of disease.! My energy is coming back, and I am dropping some of the weight I gained from the steroids. I'm seeing my Radiation Oncologist today to see if she thinks I will need radiation. All in all, it has gone about as well as it could have, and I am so very thankful.

We have friends who have a beach house in Florida, and they are lending it to us for two weeks in September. We booked Southwest flights on points when they were $39 oneway. It was like they were paying us to fly! Not sure if we will a) feel safe going or b) feel safe flying (it's only a little over an hour flight, and SWA is requiring masks and flying at 60% capacity), but we have the reservations for now. Once we get there, I plan to lie under an umbrella, cook or grill, or just do takeout. No touristy activities for us. We shall see. Like you all, we know we will have other opportunities if this doesn't work out.

And we have our new grandson arriving in November, so that is the best blessing of all.

Well that is just amazing news Cara!!!!! ❤

I`m so happy to hear things have gone as well as you hoped over the last few months!! No evidence of disease is the words you want to hear for sure and it all sounds so positive.......and I really am so happy to hear that today......

And what a wonderful plan for September!!! By then I`m sure your energy levels will be through the roof and you`ll be able to enjoy sitting and is an art to be able to relax I`m told.......::yes:: Wow on the flight prices.....yes, I wouldn`t have turned them down either.....I`d sit on the wing for that price and I`m sure you will get your September trip for sure.

And of course, yes......the grandbaby coming in November.......that is always a blessing!!! I`m sure you`re counting down the days till the new little bundle arrives......

Your news is all so lovely Cara......better health, a trip and new grandson to look forward to!!! i`m so happy to hear all`ve had such a rough time, the worry alone must have been dreadful on top of the treatments. But, you are seeing a very happy future now....

Take care and don`t be a stranger........:wave2:
The whole mask thing is part of it.....restrictions too played a major part. Of course if the flight ban into America isn`t lifted we wouldn`t have a choice anyway.....but I think I`m glad we made the decision we did on our own. I didn`t want to do that initially, but I like to change my

I agree with you, it wouldn`t seem as carefree as it should be. It`s a long way to come to have so many restrictions in place. Even if they are lifted, the virus is still so virulent enough to still be a worry.

I love tomatoes, but can`t eat them anymore, but that`s a dish I`ve always wanted to try. I was surprised I liked Vivo as much as I did.

oh new hair makes a huge difference doesn`t it!!!! Mine was spending most of it`s time either in the longest ponytail I`ve ever had, or up in a huge messy bun....I can`t pull that look off and it look as nice as some folks can!!! I am more Miss Trunchbull with a salons haven`t opened here yet, same with beauty salons.....should be soon hopefully.

I`m not a huge fan of the Bourne movies, but I did kind of enjoy the first one. The last one sucked completely, with Jason Bourne only uttering 288 words in the whole movie!!! I was so bored.......Tom who does like the movies hated the last one too.

Hope things are good with you too, and hope your area is doing better too.....some areas are definitley doing better than others....... :wave2:
I am pleased to report we are doing well and our state is one of 4 with declining COVID rates. We are continued to be blessed with no one in our immediate family affected.

I am on the fence about our October trip. It would be our first HHN, and we really need a vacation, but it’s over a 3-hour flight (I know, nothing like yours!) but enough that it feels like an issue. I hav rat bought airfare yet. I guess we’ll keep mulling it over...

I will look for the first Bourne movie. I did watch the first Transformers before riding the first time. I don’t think it was necessary, I liked the ride better than the movie 😉 In any caw, it’s exciting to know there will be something new for the next visit 👏🏽
Hi @schumigirl! I'm sorry you likely won't make the trip in September, but I agree with your thinking (even without the travel restrictions). I'm probably less risk averse than most, but it's still a little scary. I rarely get sick, and generally recover quickly, but there are just too many unknowns with this virus. I hear of "minor" complications like losing your sense of smell, and that actually sounds horrible to me. If it was just a fever, headaches and coughing, bring it on, but I need to smell and taste my food!

The mask requirement at the parks would also a problem for me. I have to wear them pretty frequently now as I go about my day, but almost entirely while indoors. I don't like wearing them, and I can't imagine doing so for an extended period outdoors. In Florida. In September. Yikes! Can you imagine wearing them on a day like the one we met in St. Augustine?! It would be suffocating!

We have not done any real travel this summer. We cancelled our week in Colorado and a weekend in Savannah. We are still planning our neighborhood day trip to Ichetucknee Springs later this month, and I MIGHT look into a weekend in Orlando in the fall. It is just one of those lazy summers. My son is a counselor at a sailing camp, but me and my daughter are mostly hanging around the house. She did a sleepover with friends last weekend--both parents are doctors--but otherwise the most we've done is cruise Target and a local used bookstore (wearing masks of course). Anyway, good luck with your travel planning, and I still hope to see you all again someday!


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