Medical Help???


DIS Veteran
Nov 19, 2003
First of all, what's a GAC??

Ok, here's my issue. DS7 had a kidney transplant in September. Here at home we go to the doctor several times a week. We are going to WDW and staying on property Jan 6-14. Docs have ok'd the trip, but DS will have to have his blood drawn several times duing the time we are there. We didn't get a rental car (should we????). I was hoping that there would be some assistance on grounds or that someone could come to us. The blood draws consist of nothing more than a finger stick.

Any info is appreciated!:teeth:

P.S. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we THERE yet??:earsgirl:
A GAC is a Guestt can get them at Guest Services..City Hall in MK. They will entitle you to, well, guest assistance:D We've never used one, so can't really help more than that...actually, I don't know about the bloodwork either...:confused:

BUT...I just wanted to say so glad for you and especially Josh...what better way to celebrate a magical "lifegift" - than to go to the place "where magic lives"....have a wonderful trip!!:sunny:
A Guest Assistance Card (GAC) is given to people with "invisible disabilities" or special needs. It is designed to alert a Cast Member of these needs. It covers the individual concerned and members of their party, to a maximum group size of six. There are stamps or other indications of the needs.

In the case of Josh, if he for example cannot do prolonged walking or standing, you could get a stamp that allows a stroller to be used as a wheelchair in lines instead of parking the stroller and standing in lines. (However, at the time you are going the lines should not be long.)

A doctor's not is not necessary; however if you do get one make sure it is in English and not medical terminology. You would have to go, with Josh, to Guest Services at the first park you go to. The GAC will be valid at all Parks for the length of your stay.
Wow, I've gotten some great info and I really appreciate it! Looking at Josh, you probably wouldn't even know that he has medical issues. He tired VERY easily last time we went, but that was before transplant. He is still recovering though.

I had heard (somewhere) that there were "visiting nurses" that might be able to do a blood draw. Any info on that?
Your best bet might be to contact a dialysis center in the area or the dialysis center you used before your son's transplant. (Here's a link to a site with Dialysis Center lists) Even though your son has had a transplant, the Dialysis centers would likely know who/where the tests you need could be done and what would be needed to order them. A Home Care agency would generally be able to do blood draws, but they would need a referal and orders from a doctor to be able to do it (speaking as a past home care nurse).


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