Meghan and Mikes At Home Wedding/Disneymoon9/18/10**THE DRESS

I'm sorry about your BM issues, and I know how you feel.

I'm getting married in Puerto Rico, so there is a greater cost involved with travel and such. (which is irrelevant because our one MOH and Best Man flaked)

I am a people pleaser two, but there has to be a line with compromising. If you want their hair done at a certain place, that's what you want, for $30 for an updo, I'm not quite sure what you would get :confused3

I would come out and ask them if they are seriously going to be able to commit. I asked my childhood best friend (of 17 years) to be my maid of honor and thought it to be a good idea at the time. She said she was good and was excited about it. I talked to her here and there on AIM, mind you she is in Jersey and I'm in AZ. She never really asked about the wedding, but the one time I talked to her I could hear the anxiety coming out in her voice about traveling down there and booking her rental car and such. Her mom was also getting into her head about the money. I had one of my other friends tell me that she is not taking her anxiety meds right and freaks out about everything. Then when she had lied to my mom, I had enough. So six months before the wedding, I had to force her into to talking about it and tell me that she could not make it. In the end, I just let her go and she didn't even realize the position she put DFi and I in, since we were spitting a house.

Just remember that if they are giving you issues now, you have a long way to go until you get to your wedding, you want someone standing with you that is going to be supportive and care about you. Not sit there and talk behind your back. If they don't have the money, they don't have the money. You could still invite them to the wedding, but maybe the responsibility of being in the bridal party is too much.

Okay, I'm stepping off my soapbox. It is your decision in the end. We just want you to be happy. :goodvibes
thanks girls :goodvibes i think when i write everything out it helps too, it lets out some frustration! I am calm to a point since i have time, but i unfortunately do have to have the dresses orderred and hair and make up apps. booked by next month (crazy right!!!) so i figure ill talk with them and get straight answers and whichever way it goes thats what it is

you would just think that planning is so much stress ( lots of fun but stress at times) that you would think your BM's would be there to help you and not hinder the process....:sad2:

nothing is ever normal or easy with my friends lolol
on a happy note...i just booked the grand floridian for the last 3 nights of our honeymoon....:thumbsup2 yeye for 2010 rates!
onwards and upwards :wizard:
most of my girls are fantastic..hands down, i asked them about hair and make is getting both done by her SIL (fine by me as she works for MAC and does hair phenominally)...another (actually my SIL) is getting her hair done by her cousin who is a hairdresser and does great work..and will get make up done with me...the other 4 are all getting hair and make up with me...and well we know the issues with me lovely additional 2....LOLOL :rotfl:

so i found another hair photo that i like..similar to the one i posted before...
the front of my hair i think i would do like sweep that way i dont look like a boy

im not sure if i would do a viel or not? i mean i would only wear it for the ceremony? i think i do want one? but then i dunno if its worth it?
i so want a tiara :bride:
so i spoke to both of my girls last night...the one who is complaining about costs didnt mention it to me once...when i told her the cost of the dress would be aroudn $200 she said thats what she was asumming all along...:confused3 in my head i was like whatever...that was her chance to talk to me about issues she may have been having...but since she swept it under the rug then i cant do anything about any rate im going to continue looking for BM nervous about the store that i have been thinking about using..they have really bad i think i dont want to use them...soooooo that gives me some more time......the other girl called as well with her new phone and i went over app. stuff with her and told her the dress stories as well and shes all set...i figure with her shes paying for the dress and shoes and actually she is goign somewhere else for hair and make up so if she flakes between now and the wedding im not really out any money on her (besides a bm gift..which hey ill just keep for myself :rotfl:)

annnnnnnnnnnnnd i started making my disney honeymoond registry :banana: disney always finds a way to make a not so fun day bright...hahahaha i love it

i feel like im back on track again :thumbsup2 ill talk to my make up artist on thursday, i have to make hair app on sept 12, my engagement shoot is sept 13...i know the dress i want ..i just need a place to buy it :rotfl2: ill find a bridesmaid dress somewhere..i know i will (and now that im not going to use this other place i feel more comfortable with having more time)

now i dont know what i should be doing...? oh yeh...waitng for DF family list....:headache: lolol
as far as a veil goes, i got mine for CHEAP! it was only 22$ on ebay with free shipping i might add!!! :lmao:
So if you want one but dont see it being worthe the money i'd look on ebay and other internet sites, the veil i got was the same one i saw at DB but they wanted something rediculouse for it... like 200$ because it is catherdral length. Or you can just borrow mine and drop it off at the BLT front desk and i'll pick it up when i check in! :wizard:

As far as the BM's go... you did what you needed to do now its kind of a waiting game so dont worry about it for now you have plenty of time to deal with them alater

And YAY for starting your registry!!! I'll hafta get you alittle something! :goodvibes
shopping spree yey!!!!!
so i was not in work mode today..instead i bought a dress and a shirt for my engagement photos.....
ephoto2.jpg mickey garter!

..and lastly flip flops to wear during the wedding...heheehe

just because i wasnt motivated to do work doesnt mean i wasnt motivated to do anything else! :wizard:
Ok love that dress and top!!!!

Mickey garter is ADORABLE and those flip flops are to die for!!!

I love online shopping!!!
Gotta love hardly working, when your working hard at online shopping!

Great finds! The dress and shirt are adorable. Yeh for starting your registry!
so i am bidding on a pair of earrings..although i havent officially bought my dress i know i am definately getting it so im okay with buying not a hair piece yet because im not 100% on my hair..but that an entirely seperate topic lol...anyways im bidding on these earrings

right now im the highest bidder but it doesnt end until tomorrow...also the store im buying from has 6 in im hoping if i get outbid they will give me a second offer ( i know places *sometimes* do that) or i will make them an offer...because i really love these earrings and they wouold go perfect with my dress...they would really compliment the jewel that is in the center of my dress.....grrri reallly need to get the photo of me in the dress from my moh

oh yeh and im not wearing a thats why im excited about these earrings ..there is alot of detail in them and they are a decent length ( i think...4") so they should really do the trick!
love love love those earrings! :thumbsup2 They're perfect for that dress! I hope you win... watch it like a hawk! :surfweb:
shopping spree yey!!!!!
so i was not in work mode today..instead i bought a dress and a shirt for my engagement photos.....
ephoto2.jpg mickey garter!

..and lastly flip flops to wear during the wedding...heheehe

just because i wasnt motivated to do work doesnt mean i wasnt motivated to do anything else! :wizard:

Oh that's the dress I was going to get for my e-pics too!! Good taste!
i thought i saw it somewhere before :rotfl2:

i definately wont look like that model in it though hahahahahaha
well okay so ...i didnt win the earrings the auction is still open...BUT the seller has a bunch of i sent in a best offer to them..and im waiting to hear from them to see if they accept or what they are willing to there is still a chance
im hoping :cutie:
i bought the earrings!!! the seller and i went back and forth but i finally got them for a price i was comfortable with! and they shipped :cool1:

now onto more pressing things....a new moon teaser is coming out today :happytv: and im obsessed with the new miley cyrus song :rotfl2: ( yes im 25 its okay....)

okay back to wedding planning.....
...well at a parents decided they wanted to add 6 more people to their list because its only 6 more people righT? that brings our list up to 205...WITHOUT df parents list....:sad2:
...hence the miley nod up top..if i werent listening to her catchy new song i would potentially be upset....but instead im dancing at my desk ..oh and planning a long weekend in january to florida to take a break ahahahha..i just dont care anymore..its too early for me to care..everyone seems to say its too early for me to im taking a back seat for now...

You either sound really excited or deleriouse!

I'm glad you bought the earrings and i can wait to see them! so take pictures missy! popcorn::

You are going to have one crazy wedding guest list! I dont think i could get up infront of that many people :sad2: But coming from a large italian family it would ABSOLUTLY become that and would make DF's family look tiny!

i had an AWEFUL week at work so i havent posted here...i had some jerk tell me i was rude to him on the phone ( i sound like 10 on the phne and my yelling voice sounds like a yapping dog how can i be rude?!) and hes going through managers galore and his agency to make sure everyone knows about it...the down side to this all is i have been crying my eyes out for 3 days....i think mainly im stressed about wedding stuff and it came out this way...the upside every single manager knows me and knows i am never rude no matter how much i may want to be so im not in any sort of trouble...and the agency is mike's his mother (fmil) got the call from our company about the complaint..and her only concern was for me and how i was handling things..not the jerk on the phone...but ive just been kind of down bc of it all...ive stepped way back from seems like when i try to talk to my mom about it her answer is "you've got plenty of time" its like she isnt fully supportive and any idea of mine she doesnt like and i try to remind her its my wedding not hers she just throws it in my face that shes paying for....on top of it all mike and i dont live parents thing..they say if they are paying im living at home until the ok i casually brought up how id be moving my stuff in around end of next august/labor day and they flipped ! like no way andthen they said they would move my stuff when i was in disney---well i said NO im moving my stuff i want to be settled before hand...then my mom was just like we can cancel the wedding no need for a wedding if your living together..i was like ok moving my stuff there 2 weeks before the wedding i wouldnt concider living together..but i didnt argue i changed the subject bc its a year away its not worth it to fight hence the whole stepping back from planning....still havent heard from the church...dont know what to do on that...i lately have been thinking did we rush on the venues....if nobody is going to be supportive then i would have said screw everyone and done this all in disney my way...but deposits have been put down by my parents....

....ugh why does it always seem like my posts are so negative! this is supposed to be happy times :rotfl2:

oh well off to country fest tomorrrow pirate:
Awe meghan you sound really stressed hun. I think its a good idea to take a step back from wedding planning. Dont worry about that jerk on the phone. I get mean people all the time, and i know it can totally ruin your day/week but you hafta let it just roll of your back. Apparently that guy was having a bad day and needed to take it out on someone.

Go have fun at country fest and de-stress!


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