MG-CON- The party's over


<font color=deeppink>MOM upside down is WOW!<br><f
Aug 15, 2001
Since I've been home I have tried several times to write this post and it always comes out way too long and sentimental but here's one last try:
First of course, to the USO/IOA employees and especially chef Mark. Kieren, Second Cook and all the Mythos staff: job VERY well done, we had such a pleasant gourmet meal in such a wonderful atmosphere. It was especially nice of Chef Mark to come out and tell us about the dishes he is developing and allow us to sample the special creations he had made for the Spanish Princess. As I told you that day I fully expect to see you doing that red snapper dish on "Great Chefs" one day (not to mention the outstanding lobster/corn bisque)! Kieren(I hope I spelled it right) had the wait staff hopping and was especially helpful with my especially picky kids!
I wish I had taken down the names of the folks in guest relations that made it possible for my daughter, my son and myself to ride on the Jester float the first night of Mardi Gras. My daughter has told me several times since then it was the best birthday present of her life! We had so much fun it was incredible!
And wasn't it a hoot that the one place the parade decided to pause was when we were right in front of the MG-CON crowd? that was TOO FUNNY!
Speaking of that motley crew...
MG- what an incredibly sweet lady! Who else would travel thousands of miles to get here and arrive bearing gifts for us all? Okay, okay, so chocolate covered squid was NOT at the top of everyone's gift list, but my daughter just loves the hula-teddy and thanks you from the bottom of her heart! (Was I the only one that did not catch until way later that MG not only stands for MolkaiGram but MardiGras as well?)
Renee: it's odd to say I enjoyed meeting you because it felt like I was seeing an old dear friend again. I wish we lived closer & could hang out all the time (then agan maybe not- we'd definately get ourselves into trouble before long!)
Barry and Robert- they made my day- imagine an old fart like me being escorted through the park by 2 young hunks! and thanks to both of you for helping out with my kids and especially to Robert for helping down the stairs in back of mythos with my son's chair. Now we gotta figure out a way to keep Barry from napping on the JP river ride!
:p ;)
MIB- what a character!Thanks again for helping CJ hone her MIB skills. You should change your name to mushroom cause you are a FUN GUY:smooth:
Kelly it was great chatting with you about your journies- I could talk travel all day and we almost did! LOL:cool:
H2Jag- Thanks for the pics- It was fun running into you and yours in the Dr Seuss area- maybe next time we meet I won't keep mixing up your wife and daughter's names!:D
MsDiz- sorry we didn't get more chance to chat- next time I'll sit closer to the Goddess end of the table!
I told y'all I was bad with names and I apologize to those I've left out- I did not forget you I just don't remember the names and besides I guess this post is already WAY too long and I hope it doesn't get booted for not being of general interest and...

BTW- I posted a link to some pics on the trip reports board!
You forgot the Rocket:(
But that's okay, I was only there for the end of the day;)
Just when I thought I had stopped pining and whining about not being able to go to MG-Con, THIS happens!


Suzysezitso NICE! What a great group of people and I'm still JEALOUS that I couldn't make it! Only question is.....

:earseek:TWO young hunks????? :earseek: Maybe Robert, but.... that was SOME party!! :tongue:
Suzy thinks I'm a hunk? I'm now her best friend. :)

I didn't notice Suzy on the float until I saw her son. Then I wanted more beads!
The pics are great, Suzy!! Could you let us know who everyone is??? I know most of the faces, especially the Bad Boys, but need to know who the other lovelies are! Is that my friend Donna between MIB and BH in MYTHOS?

Quote from my son when he saw the pictures:

Is that BARRY?? Wait, are they in MYTHOS??? I DON'T want to see anymore!!

The nut doesn't fall too far from the tree....:p
Is that my friend Donna between MIB and BH in MYTHOS?

Um...actually, that's me! Donna is directly across from me, you can't see her all that well. The picture is just a little dark so it's hard to see the faces...

The Hawaiian shirt must have been your clue, cuz I hope I don't look like I could be a "Gram" yet!!! :D :eek: :( (not that Donna DOES either, mind you!!!! :rolleyes: )

Oooooops, Suzy! I got confused because you called yourSELF "old"!! You're a spring chickadee, girl!

Donna does put you into the mind that you'll meet an elderly Hawaiian woman, though I KNOW she's not! Now we've got to break the visual of Barry as a HUNK!
Donna does put you into the mind that you'll meet an elderly Hawaiian woman,

Ok...I'm putting on my boxing gloves now! :mad: Do I LOOK like an elderly Hawaiian woman???:confused: :( :eek: :confused:


Gosh...I gotta get some anti-aging cream, I guess!!! :rolleyes:

Ok...I'm putting on my boxing gloves now! Do I LOOK like an elderly Hawaiian woman???
Okay everyone calm down! :p
What we have here is a failure to communicate! :bounce:

In the Mythos pic on the left front to back:
MIB999999(MrH as he is known in the parks), The young and beautiful MsDiz(Karen), Barry, Robert Walker and MsDiz's Thing One-

On the right front to back:
(my kid)CJ, Renee, Donna(MG herself!), Camille, Serena and peeking over her head is Jim(H20Jag). I apologize, but I don't remember the screen or real name of the last dude, I don't think it was rocketman as he joined us at the MIB shootout...

Missing from the table pic but in the outside groupshot: Kelly (In the other spiderman shirt), my son John Henry and myself (trying to hide behind my kids)-
Thanks for the compliment Robin but I've earned every grey hair I got LOL
I have more photos but I can't figure out how to add more to that page... oh well! I need some lessons from Robin who seems to know how to add anything to a post.... heh
Originally posted by MsDisney

Ok...I'm putting on my boxing gloves now! :mad: Do I LOOK like an elderly Hawaiian woman???:confused: :( :eek: :confused:




:earseek:YIKES 2, Karen!!:earseek: Lord knows I didn't mean to imply that ANYBODY fit that discription... gosh, I sound like my ex trying to explain himself out of a sentence!

Looks like I not only know how to put anything IN a post... I can manage to put my FOOT in my mouth!! :p

And speaking of putting ANYTHING in a post.... how about this!

LOL - I understood before I actually finished the last post that Robin had not been talking to me...but I decided to go ahead and post anyway!

It was kind of fun watching her back-pedal though! ;)

None of us look like elderly Hawaiian least none of the women could maybe put a grass skirt on Barry and be on the right path....gosh, never mind...I can't go to sleep now with THAT image!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Thanks so much for bringing my elderly-looking face up to the boards for even the laziest DIS people to view...I really appreciate it! :mad:

Originally posted by Barry Hom
If I wear a grass skirt, I'm not wearing underwear. :)

Great...we'll stand you alongside MIB999999 with his kilt and NONE of us will EVER get a decent nights' sleep again!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Karen:D :jester:
Speaking of grass skirts and Hawaiian ladies... has anyone heard from MG? I am starting to worry...:confused:
Suzy: I got an email from MG. She's safe in Molokai but last I heard her giant suitcase was not as lucky!

The last guy on the right is "Robvia"! You thought Barry was quiet, Rob is even more so!! What a nice group!
Originally posted by Barry Hom
If I wear a grass skirt, I'm not wearing underwear. :)
Is that your way of saying we'll have to find an extra long grass skirt?
You have it correct Kelly since my kilt is also extra long!!!:smooth: ;)

This image might make for an interesting Halloween Horror Nights scene


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