MICKEY & US: Day 11 - A new member of the family.


<font color=6666CC>Ya-ya sister!<br><font color=gr
Dec 12, 2001
Carol (40, British) – dangerously Disney obsessed.
Roland (35, German) – puts up with me somehow.

Mickey – our beanie, on his first trip `home´.

Wednesday 1 May 2002

The usual start to the day; breakfast in our room. Then we went for a leisurely stroll round the grounds, taking lots of photos as we went. We were going to Epcot today so Mickey would be coming with us again. We left Judy G. (our Mousekeeper) a note from Mickey saying that he was going to Epcot and that he hoped she had a nice day. Then I forged his signature, copied from our photo. (Oh yes, I'm a master criminal.)
We called at AKL on the way with what was sadly our last room request. Eliza wanted us to have a King room (she was trying to be nice bless her) but when I'd said ok to it I hadn’t realised those are the handicapped rooms. We wouldn’t enjoy the room if we thought someone might need it more than we did so in the letter I asked to cancel that request, but we’d still like a quiet second or third floor room with a great view of the animals please. When we got to check in, the CMs were gossiping away in little groups – it was so bad that we felt we were intruding. I found one CM who seemed just as excluded, gave her the letter and started worrying. She obviously had no interest in it whatsoever. She’d `see it was passed along´. Hmmm.
Even with all that we were still at Epcot by eleven. Spaceship Earth had a huge wait – well, 20 minutes seemed huge after last time.
We went to Innoventions West first and did a home entertainment presentation we both enjoyed – we WANT their home cinema! We wandered round the hall a bit but even though it was fairly empty, nothing grabbed us enough to stay so we headed for The Land.
Living With the Land’s FP time was 30 mins – we managed everything else whilst waiting for it. The Circle of Life was fun – we vote they make Simba, Timon and Pumba Environmental Ministers – they couldn’t do a worse job than the ones we’ve already got now could they!
Guess what Roland liked best about Food Rocks? A bonus point to everyone who said the air conditioning. We weren’t exactly wowed with this though as we didn’t fall asleep I don’t suppose it could have been too bad.
We really enjoyed Living With the Land, despite the CM. He’d been doing it too long. In order to stop himself dying of boredom because he was saying it all for the umpteenth million time he’d fallen into the inflection trap. `What’s that?´ I hear you ask. (I've got good hearing). It’s when someone starts playing around with the way they pronounce and stress words; it makes it far more interesting for the speaker but can be downright ludicrous for the listener. The ride made me want to do the Behind the Seeds tour but it was just SO hot in there – I don’t like to imagine a whole hour of that heat.
Time for food again. I had a chicken noodle soup that was delicious and Roland let me have his crisps. He felt good about his vegetable wrap because he knew his body would appreciate the vitamins. Unfortunately that noble thought was the best thing about it - he said it was pretty tasteless and boring.
I was so disappointed that the ride at The Living Seas was down. I don’t even understand why it is. Otherwise we liked the place a lot, preferring it to the similar things at Seaworld though it obviously can’t replace the whole park. The tanks were much roomier and we could view them so much better - we spent a long time in here.
Innoventions East grabbed us just as much as its counterpart. Video games and the like just seem a waste of a good holiday.
I was sure a friend of mine would love a Figment beanie so we went in search of that next. The biggest disappointment of the whole holiday was that there was no Figment ride. I'd hoped for a soft opening but it didn't happen. Shame. (Thankyou to everyone who thought `There’s always next time´. It’s what I consoled myself with as well, the hope that there'd be a next time). Nancy had said that the shop by Honey I Shrunk the Audience sold Figment merchandising and she was, of course, right. To get there we had to get past the CM desperately trying to drag people into Honey I Shrunk… He wasn’t happy about letting us get away from him until I explained my mission, then we were forgiven. His face lit up as he gave us specific instructions on where to find things - obviously a Figment fan! I found a cute little Figment with magnets in his paws – my friend’s going to love him!
We looked at the shops and stalls on the bridge as we crossed to World Showcase but we didn’t linger for long. I wanted to see Off Kilter and we wanted to get as much as possible done before then. I don’t know a lot about Canada and we were both looking forward to it. We certainly hadn’t known they have that sort of architecture there and had spent a while on our first day wondering what it was from across the bay. We really liked Canada, particularly the shop. Now we’d been on a mission in every shop we’d been in since we’d arrived – to find a friend for our Mickey. Roland favoured another Mickey, I just wanted something a little out of the ordinary, something we couldn’t get here. The trouble was, our boy’s so beautiful – honestly he is, I'm not being biased. His face is just so cute and the others paled into comparison beside him. (Good job he can’t read or this would really go to his head). Canada solved our problem. Roland wasn’t convinced at first but the three of us looked as pleadingly as possible and he weakened. (He wouldn’t have it any other way now). So that’s how we acquired a new member of the family – an Eskimo moose. He and Mickey are now affectionately known as `the moose and the mouse´, or just `the boys´. (Just in case you missed it, I admitted to my insanity in Day 9).
By the time we’d done the shop it was nearly time for Off Kilter. I'd read a lot about them (from my extensive trip report reading I know that there are people who base their holidays around them) so I was well set up to be disappointed. But I wasn’t. They were great fun, obviously putting their heart and soul into it. I can't see myself ever organising a holiday around them but I'd definitely recommend them. Only do yourselves a favour, bring a sunshade or something. Nothing I read prepared us for the venue – we knew just how broiled lobster feels and that’s only the teeniest exaggeration! Roland managed to get a bit of semi-shade but still ended up feeling ill. I ended up so red we thought it was sunburn but I was just overcooked. You have been warned….
Our favourite parts of O Canada! were the snow scenes, if you know what I mean. But we enjoyed the rest of the film as well! Just as with Norway, we came away thinking we’d like to go there sometime. We admired the waterfall next. Roland would have liked to admire it for an hour or so – anything cooling was all right by him!
We’d wanted to try the fish and chips in the UK but it was too close to our PS at Restaurant Akershus. Fish and chips is something we really miss (though the only time we ate them in London was when we went to Brighton for the day or up to Yorkshire). We could write a long list of things we’d miss and a lot of it would be edible! There’s a British shop in the next town where we can get a lot of things (for a price) but it’s just not the same as popping into Sainsbury’s supermarket. Sigh. On the other hand, it’s an awful lot better than nothing at all. We managed to just miss The British Invasion (again) so we just wandered round the UK taking photos. We had a quick look in the pub – very authentic apart from the no smoking signs and the barmaids.
We sauntered through France, Morocco and Japan, soaking up the atmosphere. By the time we got to America, Roland felt really ill. It was obvious that what he needed was a bit of cool but it took some arm-twisting to get him to sit down in the American Pavilion. He was frightened they’d make him watch the American Adventure again. I assured him Disney wouldn’t do anything as heartless as that (!!!) and as there wasn’t really alternative he gave in. It’s a lovely sit down in there, possibly the best in all WDW. Comfy benches, blissfully cool and pretty surroundings. It was just what Roland needed (wives are always right!) and after a little while we were able to meander on.
Roland had been so busy snapping away last time we were in Italy he’d missed the shop. He stuck his head round the door this time and rapidly decided he hadn’t really missed anything.
We had another look at Bavaria, I mean Germany. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!) We arrived in Norway 20 mins before our PS but Roland didn’t want to go in early as the heat had taken the edge of his appetite. Funny that, the only thing that takes the edge off my appetite is food. We decided to have another look at the shops in Mexico to while away the time. I don’t know why but Mexico was the only country where I kept asking myself how authentic everything was – I happily accepted everywhere else I didn’t know at face value. Guess I'll have to go one day and find out.
Back to Akershus then and I met my hero – Mike the chef. Never have I ever met anyone who took allergies so seriously. He wouldn’t let me have any of the bread, not even the potato bread I knew I was ok with. He was afraid of cross-contamination from the tongs. Instead, he went and got a stack of about 20 slices, just for me. He said he’d brought so much as it was beginning to get busy so he might not be able to get me any more later. He also told me whether or not it was safe for me to eat every single dish displayed. When he realised almost every hot dish was out he went and got me the pork minus the sauce – four huge slices of delicious pork. I took it back to my table with a lump in my throat. Eating out can be quite scary for me. I do ask about things but the info isn’t always reliable (understatement!) so to find someone so caring and considerate was very special. Thanks Mike, I'll never forget you!
Now all that was the upside to dining at Akershus – the downside is what’s become known in our house as `Akershus-full´. If you’ve eaten a bit too much, we call that `Boma-full´. Unfortunately I didn’t stop at Boma-full that night – I went the whole hog and then a bit more for good measure! Well, Mike had been so kind as to get me the food, the least I could do was eat it. And we’d promised ourselves Rice Cream for afters as well. Oh the shame of it – I had to give Roland half of mine. I felt SO ill. I couldn’t move without groaning. I couldn’t walk past a bench without sitting down but that hurt too. Roland says I was green for an hour. We VERY slowly made our way to the car – never was I so glad not to have to wait for a bus. I dread to think how I'd have felt if I'd had to stand for one and then in one. Would I do it again? You bet! Akershus is wonderful, but I think I'll stop when I get to Boma-full next time.
Remember Mickey’s note to Judy G.? Well, he got one back! `I missed you today Mickey. Hope you didn’t get too much sun. Love Judy G´ with a big smiley underneath! He was a very happy mouse – a new friend and a lovely Mousekeeper, both in one day!
We thought a walk round the grounds was in order, and we hadn’t looked at the Alligator Bayou section much. It was nice and dark so we were able to see the interiors of some of the rooms quite well - I was amazed how many people leave their blinds open with the lights on. There might not be any difference in the room layouts but we still much preferred the mansion rooms. The colours are so much prettier – we’re not fans of brown at all.
Roland refilled his mug again. So did I but it was for during the night. I hadn’t even room left in me for an ice cube. Surprisingly, we both slept well.

Next, Day 12 – Good things come to those who wait.

Glad you found a partner for Mickey;)

I can really feel the pain with you Carol...:) We have all been there, that stuffed feeling..:D

Great report, cant wait for the next part..:)

Congratuations on finding Mickey a new friend. I am looking forward to seeing the new Figment ride. See there's another reason to go (if you needed any more) :D ;)
Aw, you might have got Mickey a girly friend:D

Love Epcot . . . off to read the next one now, I hope:rolleyes:
Twinnie – I'm all the girl my mouse needs! Maybe he needs a penguin too!

Next time… two of the nicest words there are!

You've now answered my question to your earlier post. Obviously the restaurant in Norway does have hot dishes! Mind you have you left anything? LOL I REALLY know what it feels like to have pigged out so much that you feel sick. Things are just so hard to resist, and after all you couldn't offend the poor guy could you.!!!! Carolyn
Akershaus full? I'm sure we've all done it!


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