Misty's Journey to the Princess Half Marathon 2012

Happy Mom2

DIS Veteran
Mar 1, 2010
So...it's New Year's Eve 2010. It's been a rough year for us. DH was laid off in September and like many other families, we are down to one income. We are extremely blessed that I work for a wonderful company, my job is secure, and our health insurance is excellent.

The hi-light of our year was our 1st trip to WDW. My DMIL paid for the entire trip, and I spent over a year planning it. Sure, we had our meltdowns, but it was even more magical than I expected. I cried the first time I walked down Main Street, the first time I saw the castle, when DD met Cinderella, and when DS met Buzz Lightyear, when I saw the Osbourn Christmas Lights. I also cried as we left Magic Kingdom our last night because I was so exhausted, but happy.

I was so excited to come home and look at the over 3,000 pictures we took in 5 1/2 days! Looking at the pictures, I couldn't deny it anymore... I'm not overweight; I'm not even fat; I am obese. I am sure the medical term would be morbidly obese. You know, I look in mirror everyday, and I knew I was pooh size, but for some reason seeing those pictures, it just hit me...I am huge, and I HAVE to lose weight. I have an amazing DH, who is pooh size also, but wants to lose weight, and two incredible children... DD is 5 and DS is almost 3. Thank the Lord, they are at a very healthy weight. I have worked hard to ensure they grow up with healthy eating habits, but I'm not doing very good at leading by example.

Seeing those pictures, I vowed to finally get in shape, and conquer my weight issues once and for all. I will turn 40 in the fall, and my hope, my plan, my goal is be healthy and fit. I realize I will not make it to my goal weight by then, and that's ok... I will get there. More than anything, I do not want my children to have my weight issues.

That leads me to my journal title... Misty's Journey to the Princess Half. While I didn't write a trip report, I enjoy reading others. I came across one about the 2010 Princess Half Marathon last weekend, and it was so inspiring. I asked my DH if I could go to Disney and participate in the 2012 Princess Half if I lost weight and got in shape in 2011.

DH - "yeah, sure."
Me - "You are only saying that because you don't think I will do it."
DH - "yeah."
Me - "ok, but I'm serious. So if I do it, I can go to Disney and participate in the Princess Half in 2012?"
DH - "sure"
Me - "ok, are you sure because I am going to do this?"
DH - "YES!"

That brings me to today. I got up this morning and walked 2 miles at about a 19 minutes/per mile pace. I did stop once to stretch some, but it couldn't have been more than a minute. I also purchase a small 2011 planner I can carry in my purse to record my food intake, and excercise.

The plan:
1. Portion Control - I am considering joining Weight Watchers
2. Exercise
3. More whole foods, less processed foods
4. Drink lots of H2O
5. Record food intake

Short Term Tentative Goal:
To walk in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure on February 19th. The reason it is tentative is because I am having a surgical procedures on February 2nd, and I'm not sure if I will be recovered enough to participate. If I am, you can bet I will be there.

If you are still reading, thank you for hanging in there. I promise not all my journal entries will be this long. I welcome any feedback and suggestions.

Here is to a healthy, happy year in 2012!! :cheer2:

P.S. I apologize for any typos. The kiddos have been crawling all over me.
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful time ringing in the new year. Personally, I was asleep before 11:00!

So, I got up this morning, weighed and measured myself. I've lost 10 pounds since I weighed myself last month! I feel like I am starting the 2011 off on the right foot!

It rained all night, and is expected to rain most of the day, so the track I usually walk is flooded. Guess I'll be doing Wii A/E Active or Wii Fit today. As soon as we take down our Christmas tree, we are going to get our elliptical out of storage. Yes, our Christmas tree is still up! DH is Catholic and he doesn't like to take it down until January 6th, so I just have a few more days.

Have a great day everyone!!!
Today I rode a bike for the first time in 20 years. :scared1: I kept telling my DD - half joking - that I was going to need her training wheels, but I did ok. I was wobbly at first, I eventually got the hang of it. :cool1: Unfortunately, I didn't get to ride for long because DD fell off her bike and hurt her knee. I'm still not sure how she feel off her bike, but she IS my DD! Poor child. I'm looking forward to going for another, longer rider one night this week.
I'm also training for the 2012 Princess Half Marathon. I'm also pooh-sized and have a long way to go... but I did lose 40 pounds last year, so I think I can do it.

I also have the hubby who doesn't think I'll do it.

Wanna team up and prove them wrong together? :banana:
Hi Misty,

Congrats on getting started on the road to a healthier lifestyle. I started out with no physical activity about 6 months ago and I'm getting ready to do my first half marathon at Disney next week. If you keep at it you will be shocked at what you can do. :cheer2:

Good luck, I look forward to following along with your story.
Hi I am also turning 40 in feb 2012 and training for the 2012 disney princess 1/2 marathon. My daughters will be 5 and 3 then so it seem like the perfect way to celebrate for all of us. I have never done a race over 10 miles and that was 5 years ago so this will be interesting. Does anyone know the exact date in 2012? Thanks
I'm in it with you Misty! I decided to make my goal the Princess Half 2012 and have convinced my friend Mary (who lives in Cali and I am in NJ) to meet me there so we can do it together. It's so nice to have a buddy! As you know, you have a TON of buddies here on DIS! Let's all inspire eachother!

We have over a year to train so LET'S GET MOVING!!
Hope I can join a long with you.

I also plan on doing the half in 2012! :banana:

I have total faith in you that you will do this!
Oh congratulations to all o you!!!!!!!! YAY! :banana: I think it's so wonderful when you are getting ready to train for a run -- whether it's big or small -- I have done 5K's and always feel nervous before but great afterwards and then last May I did my first 10 miler -- I was a nervous wreck but cried when I finished -- I couldn't believe I did it -- You will get that same feeling -- it is such a rush -- even if you do a few 5K's before the BIG half marathon -- it will give you such confidence. I am doing my next 10 miler in Cape May, NJ in March and I have been training for that now.

Anyway -- I would LOVE to do the Princess Half Marathon in 2012 -- it's like a dream to do that -- Do you know when the exact dates are?

You can all do it -- I didn't start running until almost 3 years ago (I am 40 now) -- I start running because I quit smoking and wanted incentive not to go back -- so I truly believe that if you set a goal for yourself and really truly want to achieve that goal, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! :yay::hippie:
Great start to your journey! I'd love to do the Princess in 2012 too, but it'll depend on money. I just started C25K on Monday and I'm planning on a 5K in May.

Even if I don't make the 1/2 marathon, I'll still be here cheering you on! Go Girl!

It is great to hear about other pooh sized women using the Princess half as theie inspiration to lose weight! That is my goal too. I am doing weight watchers, and started a new exercise video series.

Check out my blog about training for the marathon. Its packed with health and fitness tips, tricks and reviews! I started it to keep me accountable!


Is anyone from south cental PA? I would love a buddy to workout with!

I am SO completly excited about the marathon and have lost about five pounds already!
Hello and welcome! It's a wonderful feeling to take charge of your health and life. I have done two of the regular 1/2 marathons at Disney now and they are wonderful. When I started training for the first one, I did a 20mm. I have already decided that while I will be back Jan 2012 for the regular 1/2, I am going to try for the Princess 1/2 also. I hope I get to see everyone there.

One piece of advise. Don't get discouraged and think that you can't do the 1/2 because you haven't lost enough weight. I personally know Pooh size people who have finished the 1/2 with smiles on their faces and thin people who haven't finished. It doesn't depend on your size, but on your training, stamina, determination and endurance.

Misty, you are very smart to work out with the WII on days that you can't get out. Core training is very important also. I will be here cheering you on. :cheer2:
I'm also training for the 2012 Princess Half Marathon. I'm also pooh-sized and have a long way to go... but I did lose 40 pounds last year, so I think I can do it.

I also have the hubby who doesn't think I'll do it.

Wanna team up and prove them wrong together? :banana:

Hey there!... I also have a boyfriend (although he's the same boyfriend that dared me to run the Pittsburgh Half in May) that thinks the Princess Half is a lofty goal... I'll totally join in with you to show them up... We don't see them running them, do we?

I also have about 100 pounds to lose before then... Ugh...

Where do you both stand with training/weight loss goals?


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