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DIS Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
Why, yes. We are taking our infant daughter to Disney World from October 24-November 1. Our little baby Belle will be all of 9 months when we go. (Start her early is what I say!) Oh--and her name really is Belle, as in the princess. (Well, technically Arabelle but we call her Belle.)

We're fortunate enough to have family in the area that we will be staying with for half of the trip and then the second half we're staying on property (Resort TBD) so we'll have access to a pool and to make it easier for us all to take a rest when we need it.

It's been quite a while since I've spent time on the DIS Boards but I am so glad to be back to surround myself with others who share our love for Disney. (It's been a couple of years since we took an official trip to Disney, too!)

So stick around as I share my plans. There will be lots of Food & Wine talk and I'll even share how I'm attempting to best prepare ourselves for a trip with a little one in tow!

See Ya Real Soon,

Rachael, Greg, and baby Belle



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