Mom/Daughter duo goes to Disney again: To Celebrate BOTH our graduations!

Hey there!!! I followed your signature link from my TR. I don't know how I missed that you started a new TR - probably the craziness of the holidays and then going back to work.

I haven't had a chance to read yet, but I wanted to post and let you know I will be reading along and posting with comments soon! :woohoo:
I think I'm going to have to get one of those cupcakes next trip! What did you think of New Fantasyland? I think the details are fabulous.
Hey there!!! I followed your signature link from my TR. I don't know how I missed that you started a new TR - probably the craziness of the holidays and then going back to work.

I haven't had a chance to read yet, but I wanted to post and let you know I will be reading along and posting with comments soon! :woohoo:

Thanks for coming over to my TR!
I had fallen behind on all my Dis-stuff for a while after our trip. With getting DD ready for college, and with me working a ton of extra hours at my previous position, then getting the new job, I haven't had time for much!! But now, hopefully, I can get back on track with keeping up with my Dis-friends!!

I think I'm going to have to get one of those cupcakes next trip! What did you think of New Fantasyland? I think the details are fabulous.

We loved Fantasyland! There was so much more we still didn't get a chance to do! (Like the Dumbo, and the new Barnstormer, maybe next time!)
After we came out of PhilharMagic, we knew it was about to storm, so we just ended up near the HM, and when it started raining, we took shelter for a while here:


When the rain finally stopped, for the most part, we got in line for HM, since we were right there:


Then made our way to Pecos Bill for some food!


We decided to head over to Tomorrowland for a while:

And went to Buzz Lightyear ride:


This would be the last pic I had with with me in it, cause when it rains, my hair ends up a frizzy mess!!



Then we rode TTA, and the lights were on, in Space Mountain!




We then rode the Astro Orbitor, and for some reason, it made me really dizzy this time! :faint:


Then we went on Stitch's ride. I don't know why, but DD always wants to do this!


We came out and ran into this guy, who had to show us a trick! He made his broom stand up, all by itself! He was so cute, and funny!


Then to the Tea Cups, as I warned DD not to spin like crazy because of my previous dizziness, but did she comply...well no, of course, that only made her do it more.


We then went on It's a Small World. I told her if she was gonna torture me with Stitch, she was going to ride this!!! :hyper:

But I won't bore you with a ton of usual pics, but how about at least one!:


Then, we made our way to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, with a 20 mintue wait. Pretty neat riding it at night!


And then made way for a favorite treat!


A few night time castle pics, though my camera doesn' take the best night photos!




And that was the perfect ending, to a fun, crazy, rainy MK day!!

You guys got a lot done! Space Mountain with lights on!? That's cool to see.

A dole whip :cloud9: popcorn::
Okay - I’m caught up and back to comment! :laughing:

First, a big congratulations to both you and DD on your graduations! That’s fantastic!!!!

Totally jealous of your hour flight. It takes us an entire day to fly to WDW. :laughing:

Your hotel looks very nice - definitely all you could need in a hotel when you are going to be spending all your time at the parks. :woohoo:

Love the picture of your DD with the partners statue. She’s such a gorgeous girl.

Great CP pics. Isn’t that place so fun???

Love the pics with Minnie and Daisy. Don’t you love that new meet-and-greet? We had a ball there with all four characters.

Mmmm - Pecos Bill. I could use one of those burgers right now……

What an awesome and jam-packed first day at MK!! :woohoo:
You guys got a lot done! Space Mountain with lights on!? That's cool to see.

A dole whip :cloud9: popcorn::

I am surprised sometimes the amount of stuff we can get done in the day, considering we always go at the most crowded times!

Okay - I’m caught up and back to comment! :laughing:

First, a big congratulations to both you and DD on your graduations! That’s fantastic!!!!

Totally jealous of your hour flight. It takes us an entire day to fly to WDW. :laughing:

Your hotel looks very nice - definitely all you could need in a hotel when you are going to be spending all your time at the parks. :woohoo: That's so true. We are never in the room except to sleep and get ready anyway!

Love the picture of your DD with the partners statue. She’s such a gorgeous girl. Thanks!

Great CP pics. Isn’t that place so fun??? Yes, we love going there!

Love the pics with Minnie and Daisy. Don’t you love that new meet-and-greet? We had a ball there with all four characters. We didn't get to the other characters cause the wait was so long.

Mmmm - Pecos Bill. I could use one of those burgers right now…… I know!

What an awesome and jam-packed first day at MK!! :woohoo:

Great update and I love this picture!!! :love:

Thanks! I was trying to be a little creative. I just wish my camera took better night-time photos!
Here's a few of my favorite photopass photos from our MK day!

I was so excited to see the "Class of 2013" borders!







Coming up: Day at Hollywood Studios, meeting up with some family & friends, and 1st time at 50's Prime Time!!!
What an awesome day!!!

I love seeing SM with the lights's so cool to see how the tracks wind and bend in such narrow space!

LOVE the picture of the Walt and Mickey statue in front of the castle!

Sounds like y'all had a very productive day in the MK!
When I saw the title I knew I had to join in! A couple of years my DD and I went to WDW to celebrate my graduation. I was on the 20 year plan. LOL! Honestly, WDW is the best way to celebrate graduation. :thumbsup2

We arrived June 20th. We flew Allegiant Airlines, and had a normal, uneventful flight. We got hooked on flying for our trips! An hour flight is soooooo much better than a 10 hr drive, by yourself!! And I've always been able to get really good deals on Allegiant.

We are about an 8 hour drive, and I would love to fly one time. I flew to Orlando a few times for work, and the just over an hour flight is so much better than driving for nearly 8 hours. Allegiant does have great deals. I've checked on them a couple of times since we live between the ATL and GSP airports, but my travel dates have never worked out to take advantage of their deals.

Our first full day would be a day at MK,...

Best first days start at MK! Didn't you just love New Fantasyland?! I love it. I know many people are just meh about it, but for me it is like they picked up Belle's village and the Beasts castle right out of the film and plopped them down in central FL. I'm a HUGE Beauty and the Best fan. One of my favorite movies of all time.

I'm super jealous y'all got pics with Minnie and Daisy at Storybook Circus! That has been on my list for our last two trips, and it just hasn't happened.

Can't wait to read more about your adventure!
Awesome PP pics!!! pixiedust:

Thank you!

What an awesome day!!!

I love seeing SM with the lights's so cool to see how the tracks wind and bend in such narrow space!

LOVE the picture of the Walt and Mickey statue in front of the castle!

Sounds like y'all had a very productive day in the MK!

Yeah, SM was really neat, seeing it in a different way!
We had a great MK day, and we would definately be going back on this trip!

When I saw the title I knew I had to join in! A couple of years my DD and I went to WDW to celebrate my graduation. I was on the 20 year plan. LOL! Honestly, WDW is the best way to celebrate graduation. :thumbsup2

We are about an 8 hour drive, and I would love to fly one time. I flew to Orlando a few times for work, and the just over an hour flight is so much better than driving for nearly 8 hours. Allegiant does have great deals. I've checked on them a couple of times since we live between the ATL and GSP airports, but my travel dates have never worked out to take advantage of their deals.

Best first days start at MK! Didn't you just love New Fantasyland?! I love it. I know many people are just meh about it, but for me it is like they picked up Belle's village and the Beasts castle right out of the film and plopped them down in central FL. I'm a HUGE Beauty and the Best fan. One of my favorite movies of all time.

I'm super jealous y'all got pics with Minnie and Daisy at Storybook Circus! That has been on my list for our last two trips, and it just hasn't happened.

Can't wait to read more about your adventure!

Thanks for joining in! You're practically my "neighbor", if you live between ATL & GSP! :thumbsup2 We loved Fantasyland, but wish we had more time to get pics with Goofy & Donald, though...maybe next time!
Hollywood Studios Day!! (Saturday, June 22, 2013)

We arrived at HS, and came across the new, cute, Monsters Inc display, right outside the gates:





Today, we were meeting up with family & friends. They drove down a few days before us, so we planned a couple park days together.

Introductions from L to R:

My aunt, (She is only 2 years older than me, so we have grown up together our whole life, and we're pretty close.), Family friend, Aunt's son, Aunt's DD, Me, DD. All 3 girls are celebrating graduation!!!!

So we decided our first celebration dinner would be at 50's Prime Time, a first for all of us!

But first, a few pics!




We made it to our ADR for lunch at 50's Prime Time. We had to wait a few minutes, so I had to take some pics. The place was so cute!







DD had the meatloaf dinner:


I had the "meat-less" lasagna, which I was relunctant to try, but our waitress said it was really good, and it was!!


This table was right across from us, and I thought it was too cute!


The waitress came out and presented the girls with some celebration cupcakes! We told them about the girls graduating when we made the ADR!



In addition to the cupcakes, my DD wanted this!


And I got the cheesecake:


When we were heading out, our waitress had us get this picture!


We had a great time there! The girls "got in trouble" a couple of times! :rotfl2:
Once with the cell phones! The waitress said "NO Cell Phones, this is the 50's!!!" And then with the elbows on the table! :rotfl:

Then we stopped to watch some street performers.



And the girls went to ride ToT:


We then went to see The Beauty and the Beast show:


Coming up: More HS!

Well, I got addicted to your trip reports today! I was going to get SO MUCH done, but noooo... read all of your reports and love LOVE them! :lovestruc

Congrats on working so hard and getting your new job! Your daughter is just gorgeous! It's so fun reading about your adventures together.

One question, did she give any more thought to the Disney college program?
Yay for HS! That's really cool that you were able to meet up with fam and friends...I'm sure that made the trip even better!

Love the pic of all of y'all at 50's PT...too cute!
Well, I got addicted to your trip reports today! I was going to get SO MUCH done, but noooo... read all of your reports and love LOVE them! :lovestruc
Thanks for joining in!! I appreciate you taking time to read my previous TR's!!

Congrats on working so hard and getting your new job! Your daughter is just gorgeous! It's so fun reading about your adventures together.
Thank you!

One question, did she give any more thought to the Disney college program?
She hasn't decided for sure if she's going to apply. She already has changed her major and isn't sure about missing any time away from school. But I think applications come out in February, so she's gotta decide soon!

Yay for HS! That's really cool that you were able to meet up with fam and friends...I'm sure that made the trip even better!

Love the pic of all of y'all at 50's PT...too cute!

We had a good time when we met up with them, but we're so used to doing our own thing, it was different, but still fun!

Great picture!!! And his look cracks me up!!! :rotfl2:

Thanks! I don't know why, but he had that look in just about EVERY picture! Guess he got tired of being around all us girls!!!! :rotfl:

Joining in a little late! So good so far!

Thanks for joining in!


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