More prayers needed for Kevin today (Update post 113)


Dec 17, 1999
Hey Gang

Kevin woke up this morning very scared and worried. The sight in the eye with the detached retina is worse than it has been over the past few days. He is worried that the retina as detached again as the symptoms are similar as before.

We are waiting to hear back from the eye doctor as to what we should do.

He is so worried that he may have to have another operation....

Your prayers and good thoughts would be appreciated.

OH NO. John please know you both are in my prayers.

Oh my goodness. My prayers and thoughts are certainly with both of you. I hope all goes well today. Please keep us posted when you have time.
Oh Kevin, :hug: Prayers, pixie dust and positive thoughts are on the way! :hug::hug::hug:

I'm so sorry you are going through this!!! :sad2:
Thoughts and prayers for this to be sorted very quickly. Must be very worrying.
OH NO! John both of you are in my thoughts and prayers!:grouphug: Please let us know what the DR says. Good Luck!
OMG!! Poor Kevin!!

I know you will come through this again. We are all here thinking, worrying and praying for you.

Get well soon!!
John & Kevin

I'm so sorry you're having to go through this.

Please know that we care so much for both of you and we hope that the news you get from your Dr is good.

Let us know if more prayers are needed!

:love2: :love2:

Love ya both!

oh no! Kevin I'm so sorry this is just not going well...I hope the doctor says it's a normal adjustment....
Poor Kevin - so sorry you are still going through this!

I hope your doc gets back to you quickly - sending you positive thoughts and prayers :grouphug: :grouphug:
So sorry to hear this update - it must be so frustrating and scary.

Wishing you guys much luck and prayers.
Oh, no! Poor Kevin. I'm so sorry that he's dealing with this. Y'all will be in my thoughts
My boss is recovering from two detached retinas. Hang in there and DO WHAT THE DOCTOR TELLS YOU TO DO in regards to recovery. My boss didn't and has had three operations in his left eye. They finally had to use a "buckle" or something like that to hold the retina in place.

May God bless your recovery.
Prayers and thoughts are with both of you.:grouphug:


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