(More than)A FIVE years of Trips! -- TR Started! Day One - updated 6/10

First up, I hadn't read any of your thread until I just stumbled upon it now, but I just wanted to say I felt bad for you that things didn't work out with your WDW trip - but really pleased that ultimately your situation is much better. Sometimes I think fate just steps in when we don't realise it's for the best and after we've stamped our feet and had a bit of a whine usually we can see its for the best. I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of your AP and now I'm going back to read through a bit more of your thread!
First up, I hadn't read any of your thread until I just stumbled upon it now, but I just wanted to say I felt bad for you that things didn't work out with your WDW trip - but really pleased that ultimately your situation is much better. Sometimes I think fate just steps in when we don't realise it's for the best and after we've stamped our feet and had a bit of a whine usually we can see its for the best. I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of your AP and now I'm going back to read through a bit more of your thread!

Yay! I have a reader! :wave2: Thanks for joining in!

I hope you enjoy reading all the old PTRs and see how much changes in five years!
Our Itinerary! This will probably change but it feels so good to write it all down!

May 23 - Leave Phoenix, stay night somewhere along I-5
May 24 - Drive to San Francisco, see one attraction tonight
May 25 - San Francisco - still figuring out details
May 26 - San Francisco - still figuring out details
May 27 - San Francisco - still figuring out details
May 28 - Drive to Santa Barbara and do nothing, recover from SFran busyness
May 29 - Beach Day and more doing nothing while staring at the ocean :cloud9:
May 30 - Head to DISNEY! Get APs, check-in to hotel and hope for pixie dust for our anniversary
May 31 - OUR ANNIVERSARY - celebrated by waking up early for EMH at DCA, in true homage to our honeymoon where we made it to rope drop every morning in WDW, night will end with dinner at Blue Bayou and Fireworks
June 1 - EMH and DLR with an afternoon by the pool
June 2 - If its up to me, we'll go to the parks this morning, but since DH has to drive home, its up to him ;)
Yay! I have a reader! :wave2: Thanks for joining in!

I hope you enjoy reading all the old PTRs and see how much changes in five years!

You have more than one reader :goodvibes I'm glad you posted your AKA post. Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. (OK, lifted right from a Garth Brooks song but it is really true).

From your agenda it looks like you're going to have a marvelous trip! Can't wait to hear all about it.
You have more than one reader :goodvibes I'm glad you posted your AKA post. Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. (OK, lifted right from a Garth Brooks song but it is really true).

From your agenda it looks like you're going to have a marvelous trip! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Yay! Thanks for letting me know you're reading! :)

Thanks for the Garth Brook's song lyrics - it is so true. I'm still bummed we didn't go, (of course, who wouldn't be?) but I know that someday we'll go on a cruise and see that "blue water" I've always wanted to experience. Now I'll just have that much more information and knowledge going into the planning next time, probably a few years out, though!

Just need to get my SF planning more concrete and then I can be excited about the fun we'll have there too. I could probably go on a DLR trip tomorrow and do okay touring and dining with all my past experiences, yet I find myself planning Disneyland stuff soooo much more than the other parts of our trip - whoops! :rotfl:
Looking forward to hearing your SF plans, I'm doing 5 nights SF and 3 nights Anaheim in November and although I've been quite a few times before its great to hear other people's plans and maybe find something new!
Looking forward to hearing your SF plans, I'm doing 5 nights SF and 3 nights Anaheim in November and although I've been quite a few times before its great to hear other people's plans and maybe find something new!

I look forward to my SF plans too! (That is, if I can stop planning Disney and actually plan the first 7 nights of our vacation, :rotfl:) I'm going to write a post about our hotel woes now. ;)

Oh and November at Disney is one of my favorites - we love the decorations! :thumbsup2 Do you have any favorite places to visit in SF? Or more importantly, any places that you like to eat?
So Saturday night DH and I sat down on our laptops and decided we would not do anything else that night until we decided upon and booked a room for SF. We had been searching for a week or so and couldn't decide on a lot of variables:

  • Location
  • Budget
  • Parking Fees

Eventually we found some great deals down by the airport. We figured we could take the BART or drive to the attractions each day, and then return to a quiet, inexpensive, but very nice room each night. We found a hotel called the Bay Landing Inn. It is a newer hotel and features free hot breakfast, free wi-fi, and free parking.

Like Disney, Free parking is a luxury item in SF. And it isn't a $15, $25 or even $30 a day parking fee. More like a mandatory valet at $50, $60 or even more! And some make you pay $30 to park your car around the corner...so yes, we've learned that parking is a luxury in SF. I found out that a friend of my sister's who lives in SF actually rents her driveway because of parking issues in the area. Oh wow, such a different world to me!

So we were happy with our rate, about half of what we would have paid in the city, and that was without parking. Plus, there was free cancellation up until 24 hours before our arrival. So glad we did that because...

But then last night I started checking the BART timing and costs. I looked up schedules and realized that everything would be a pain to get to. And if that got old and we drove, we'd have a terrible time finding safe parking, as opposed to the cheapest and hope for the best. I got this uneasy feeling of us being frustrated, me not able to go back in the middle of the day to rest (true Disney touring plan style ;)), DH fed up with driving in traffic, or spending hours on public transit. FWIW, I don't remember the last time I rode public transit since where we live, it is truly awful. Unless you count the Disney buses. :laughing:

I was up til 2 am last night looking at other hotels and then spent some of my work day looking. I ended up looking for advice on a travel forum and was met with a lot of people agreeing that I should change hotels. I got a lot of helpful information and we're now going to stay at this gem - it is rated #16 out of #236 hotels in San Francisco; but it shows it's age and lacks modern hotel amenities. I present, the Coventry Motor Inn

DH is going to call tomorrow morning and see if we can get a AAA rate. The current rate online right now is $50 cheaper than when I checked 9 hours ago. Hoping that by calling he can get a better rate! :goodvibes

EDIT:We got the room booked this morning (May 1st) at Coventry Motor Inn for a rate of $650 over Memorial day weekend. Best Bonus? We're less than 2 miles from Walt Disney Family Museum where there is also free parking. It is a great feeling when you realize you've made the right decision!
Do you have any favorite places to visit in SF? Or more importantly, any places that you like to eat?

SF for me involves a lot of shopping (so much cheaper in the US) so some of my favourite places to visit are Macy's, Old Navy, Gap and Sephora! Seriously though, I love to do the hop on, hop off bus and explore areas around the stops. Golden Gate park I like for a slow day wandering and the Ferry Building for the farmers market, I also find the cable car museum fascinating. Food wise I'm a solo traveller so I tend not to do proper sit down restaurants, I do go to typical tourist spots - Lori's for breakfast and I love the Boudin bakery soup bowls and snickerdoodles, went to Johnny Rockets once- was a bit of fun, I kinda just stop and eat at wherever looks good.
A friend of mine, who will probably soon to appear on this thread this year since she upgraded to a DLX AP, recently took her sister to DLR as a birthday/graduation present. And she was so sweet as to bring me and my DH some treats. We got two chocolate covered mickey pretzels, and two pieces of fudge and omgoodness it has been a delicious last couple of nights in our house.

Chocolate Covered Mickey Pretzel

Chocolate Turtle Fudge

Meanwhile, we've been trying to figure out where we want to stay in Santa Barbara. We originally had this grand, luxury plan of this beautiful, coastal resort. And then we booked the GCH...:rotfl2: So that quickly went out the window. I think we've settled on the hotel, but I'm such a deal hunter I'm determined to find the best price. I'm currently debating bidding on priceline since I've learned from research that it is likely to get the hotel. But then we give up the ability to choose our room - an ocean view is what we'd really like! So cost vs. room location...hmmm....:scratchin. Hoping I can figure this out soon.

After Santa Barbara, I only have one more hotel room to book - our first night! The direct drive from PHX to SF would be over 12 hours. Not a fun way to start a vacay. So we'll stay overnight somewhere on the way up - wherever I happen to find a good deal. I'm thinking I might use priceline for that as well. I want to be north of LA, out of all the traffic so that we'll just have that super boring drive up the I-5 on Friday morning. Hoping for clear roads!! :thumbsup2

Next up - Back to Disney! Dining plans are almost complete!
Yay! You're back. And I'll definitely keep following. I know how much you were bummed about that, but it's cool how God has given you good perspective now that you're a few months out. And He's provided so that you can have such a cool 5th year anniversary!!!

I'm in. Can't wait to hear more about your plans. :wizard:
EDIT:We got the room booked this morning (May 1st) at Coventry Motor Inn for a rate of $650 over Memorial day weekend. Best Bonus? We're less than 2 miles from Walt Disney Family Museum where there is also free parking. It is a great feeling when you realize you've made the right decision!

Sweet! I've wanted to see the WDFM. I will look forward to your report. popcorn::
SF for me involves a lot of shopping (so much cheaper in the US) so some of my favourite places to visit are Macy's, Old Navy, Gap and Sephora! Seriously though, I love to do the hop on, hop off bus and explore areas around the stops. Golden Gate park I like for a slow day wandering and the Ferry Building for the farmers market, I also find the cable car museum fascinating. Food wise I'm a solo traveller so I tend not to do proper sit down restaurants, I do go to typical tourist spots - Lori's for breakfast and I love the Boudin bakery soup bowls and snickerdoodles, went to Johnny Rockets once- was a bit of fun, I kinda just stop and eat at wherever looks good.

Thanks for the tips about the places to shop - I LOVE to shop! But I also love my DH and respect the fact that shopping is not his idea of a vacation. But I also find some time to do a little bit.

Yay! You're back. And I'll definitely keep following. I know how much you were bummed about that, but it's cool how God has given you good perspective now that you're a few months out. And He's provided so that you can have such a cool 5th year anniversary!!!

I'm in. Can't wait to hear more about your plans. :wizard:

I'm back! Sometimes you just need a break from stuff. I've always had great trips and memories and had so much fun sharing and planning on DISboards. So I wanted to wait til I was ready to join in that fun again - with the right attitude.

Thanks for joining along!

EDIT:We got the room booked this morning (May 1st) at Coventry Motor Inn for a rate of $650 over Memorial day weekend. Best Bonus? We're less than 2 miles from Walt Disney Family Museum where there is also free parking. It is a great feeling when you realize you've made the right decision!

Sweet! I've wanted to see the WDFM. I will look forward to your report. popcorn::

Yay, glad you look forward to the report. I just gotta figure out how much time we'll spend there. I feel like we'll need a least a couple hours, but also think we could easily spend a lot longer than that too. :)
After two and half solid days of checking hotel rates, I finally booked us a room for our first night on our way up to SF. I did a Priceline Express deal that was by far the best rate I could find and it included free breakfast, parking, and internet. I must have tried everything before hand because I hate not knowing what hotel I'm paying for before I buy it. However, after all my research I realized I was not going to get anything under $100 unless I did hotwire or priceline. And I am so happy - I got the Hampton Inn - the #1 hotel in Santa Clarita according to tripadvisor.com. So yes, I am very happy. :goodvibes


Don't you love when a plan comes together? I always figure if I hae a hotel reserved the rest will all work out.
Don't you love when a plan comes together? I always figure if I hae a hotel reserved the rest will all work out.

Yes! That is so true. Once I have the hotel, then I can make plans. Still missing our two nights in Santa Barbara. DH wants to just add two days on at the GCH. But I argue that 1) I've always wanted to stay in and see Santa Barbara and 2)I need a break after SF and before tackling Disney! ;)
It has been a busy week here at our house. And my week is super busy this next week too. All I can say is thank goodness for online shopping! :surfweb:

I have two pairs of shoes, a jacket for SF, some summer tops and shorts, new suitcase, travel accessories, and a neck pillow all coming this week. :goodvibes And I'm not done yet. :headache: I'm actually terrible at buying stuff for myself so sometimes and I just obsess over deals and coupons so it is hard when I know I need something (jacket and tennis shoes were very needed) and I cannot find a deal.

I have great news - ALL our hotels are booked! :cool1: For Santa Barbara we have decided on the Hyatt Santa Barbara which is located right across the street from the beach. The pool overlooks the beach too. I am very excited to stay here and relax. We don't plan on doing much in Santa Barbara. In fact, during the one full day that we'll be there, I plan on sleeping in and laying on the beach and that is about it. :rotfl: Okay, that probably isn't true. That night, there will be a lot of walking around downtown, checking out unique shops, perhaps a little wine tasting, and a walk out on the pier. And of course, food. Our vacations are all about the food.

In San Francisco, our plans are finally coming together. We'll spend Saturday at the Disney Family Museum, checking out the Presidio area and enjoying the free parking there and the free shuttle around the museum area too. We'll see Golden Gate Bridge and check out the adjoining park area as well as Chrissy Field. We plan to eat lunch in that area too. Then we'll head across Golden Gate Bridge and checkout the beautiful scenery at the Marin Higlands and then onto Muir Woods on the other side and perhaps eat dinner in Sausilito or head back to the hotel and grab dinner at a quaint nearby place. (And LOL, there is a Taco Bell right down the block. :lmao:). Sunday morning we'll wake up and head to Fisherman's Wharf and while it will be very cold, we are hoping to enjoy the morning there since we've been told that is the best time to go. I'm also hoping to visit the Ferry Marketplace before heading to the Giants game at AT&T park. This will be the farthest we travel by public transit, so I'm a bit nervous. :scared: But DH is so excited for the game and that makes me happy. Thanks to people DH knows, our tickets are free. I don't know him personally, and he won't read this, but I still want to give him a shout out because he is AWESOME! :thumbsup2 Sunday night I imagine we might be tired. But I want to try and get dinner at Brenda's soul food cafe. It is #1 on Yelp for $$ restaurants in the area and the food looks great for a very reasonable price. On Monday, we might get a pass for the downtown hop on-hop off bus tour and check out the sites that we have missed so far - Union Square, Ghirardelli Square, Little Italy, Nob Hill, Chinatown, the Ferry Marketplace if we missed it Sunday. I'd like to spend the day shopping and eating on Monday. :cloud9:

The only thing that I don't know about is...SF MOMA. I would love to go and visit here. I don't think DH would like it and for the price, we could have a nice lunch somewhere...oh decisions decisions. The other place I would like to see is the Academy of Art University. I'm a graphic designer and if I ever got my masters, they are a school I would consider. Also, DH works at a college here in the athletic dept. and they are in the same division so he knows people there that we could contact and maybe just walk around, see the grounds, etc. I'm not at all even thinking about going there, I'm just sure it is amazing. ;)

Even with three days we won't make it to Twin Peaks, either of the aquariums, the exploitorium or Alcatraz. Granted, we are the only people I've talked to who have no desire to do Alcatraz. Everyone says get tickets before they sell out, and DH and I look at each other...we don't have any interest in paying to visit jail - no matter how famous or creepy or historical. Eh, to each his own! I'm hoping, so much, that we can find time to do a bay cruise because I love water - but I don't want to feel like we're squeezing things in just to say we did them. Then I'll have WDW flashbacks...:rotfl2:

Okay, that is quite an update for now. I'm off to search for more deals online. Oh...and work. That too. ;)
You make me want to tuck myself into your suitcase and go to SF with you. You've planned a really great trip with a mix of activities. Can't wait to hear how it all shakes out.

You make me want to tuck myself into your suitcase and go to SF with you. You've planned a really great trip with a mix of activities. Can't wait to hear how it all shakes out.


Thanks for the compliments on planning. :) I know myself well enough that it is really just a basis from where we should start and that our actual plans might turn out differently! ;) Also I would love to tuck people into my suitcase and take them with me - because that would mean I had actually decided on a suitcase and bought one. :lmao: Yup, might want to get on that considering we leave in ONE WEEK!


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