Mousecellaneous - a thread to share non-DLP related posts

Click on the link in my signature, that says "Take this Quiz", they're spot on, my DH came out as Donald Duck presumably Grumpy was on holiday at the time. :rotfl:
Thanks Jill

Took the quiz - I came out as Ariel..... three times:confused: . That's not me surely I thought, the first time I took it, so I changed the answers for the questions that I had a hard time choosing between two or three options. It didn't matter - I kept coming out as Ariel. Identity crisis on the way.

Hey i was wondering if anyone could help me?
My friend is trying to find out if there was a Disney hotel that had a fire 4 or 5years ago?.

Hundreds Flee a Fire At Disneyland Paris

Published: September 8, 1996
Fire heavily damaged portions of a sprawling hotel at Disneyland Paris early today, forcing 1,500 guests to flee, some wearing little more than pajamas.

Nine people sought treatment for smoke inhalation and four of them, including two pregnant women, were hospitalized for observation, said Annie Jan, a Disney spokeswoman.

The blaze began at 6:45 A.M. in the 1,000-room Sequoia Lodge, said Mark Webb, a Disney spokesman. It was extinguished three hours later. Many guests were awake, getting ready for the park's 8 A.M. opening, said the spokeswoman. They were allowed to buy new clothes at the park's shops at Disney's expense and were booked into other hotels surrounding the theme park and in the area, she said.

Authorities are trying to determine what caused the fire, which destroyed much of the roof and damaged dozens of rooms, Mr. Webb said.
there was a fire on the 3rd December at the Disneyland Hotel last year, quite a biggy-guest left an iron on in a room that kind of athing, destroyed their room i believe! but not on the scale of the one at Sequoia (see dummy here went to Seqouia year after the fire happened and i had no idea about it...) then when i went back again to the Seqouia in 2005 and i was disappointed that the hotel didn't have that nice authentic "barbecue" smell it had in 1997 (i thought it was part of the theme...)

then i found out about the fire and the smell it left behind ....:rotfl2:
Ohh so theres been quite a few fires then!!!. I think she said it happend about 3 or 4 yrs ago!!... I wish she could remember the hotel!!.lol
There was a fire this past July, 2007 at AKL. We were there. They evacuated the building, but the fire was contained to the area where renovations were being done, so they let us all back in as soon as it was put out!
Hey i was wondering if anyone could help me?
My friend is trying to find out if there was a Disney hotel that had a fire 4 or 5years ago?.


Moving this thread as it is not related to DLP trip planning :)
Just thought I would share with you :goodvibes First time at pumpkin carving


There's a reason I have waited so long to start my trippie and that's because we had our 12 week scan today - baby is perfectly healthy. I can't stop grinning, we are so excited!

So, this trip was different to previous ones as Denise avoided certain rides and we had frequent trips back to the hotel as Denise got very tired - that's when I began to see Marcus' side of things and being at a hotel closer to the park would have been good. Also, as much as I still like the theming of the Cheyenne the best, as we were in the room much more than previous trips a few more luxaries would have been apreciated!

It's amazing how much your life changes and even at this early stage how much it takes over. I spent a lot of the trip looking at buggies and baby clothes!

It was also strange not knowing when we'd be back as we don't intend to return until our baby (still sounds bizarre) is a few years old.


That's wonderful news - and yes your life will change a lot lol
I am so happy for you. I wish you just the best. :wizard: :love:

But I think you must have got me wrong at some point. We don't choose the hotel because it is near to the park. And we don't only return to the hotel to rest.

The main reason is: We love the hotels because they do have great theaming too and for me the Disneyhotels are part of the resort. I compare them with the attractions. I ride POTC to soak up the POTC atmosphere and I like to spend some time every day in our hotel to soak up the hotel atmosphere. ;)
Congratulations to you both :yay: :yay:
Yes, life does change when you start having babies and you end up doing and saying things you never thought you would! :rolleyes1
It can be hard work but it's also a lot of fun too :goodvibes Just imagine the fun you will have taking your child to Disney for the first time....priceless!!! :mickeyjum :tigger: :donald:
Luv Suzy


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