Move over Dumbo our circus is taking over! Surprise trip adventure!!

Following along!! I can't wait to hear all about your trip. That picture of the castle is incredible!!
OK - now I am "officially" here. ::yes::

"officially"? do i need to hand out a badge?!? :rotfl2:

Loved the intro - so PERFECT!!! :lovestruc

I thought it was a little flat. I am just so tired, i cannot be witty!!!!

And I loved "meeting" all of you again... Though - I do like you better in person! Hehehe...

Same to you! Intro's just don't come across like who i really am..

Cannot wait to follow along on this adventure with all of you... Still wish I could have been there for part of it - I know you all had some marvelous fun!!!

So do i!!!! I missed you and Suzi like crazy!

I can't wait to hear all about your trip, including the "REVEAL" and what happened when they found out they were going to WDW. ::yes::

Ohhhhhh it was my favorite moment in parenthood.

Soooo ready for this reveal! So so so so!!!!! :cheer2:

:hyper: Best Moment EVER!

Yay! I can't wait to read all about it!!

:yay: SUZI!

Following along...looks like it's gonna be a good one! :thumbsup2

Welcome!!!! This was one AMAZING trip!

That is a seriously cool pic! Looking forward to reading more!

Thanks!!! A little too dark but the only one i have done! Welcome aboard!!!

Squeeeeee!!! I'm here!!!!

By the time i have some stuff here done you will be THERE!!!

I'm here, I'm here, let the fun begin!!!!

YAY!!!!!!!!!! Miss you!!!!!!!!!!!

Following! We were there at the same time :)

Oh GOOD!!! Please chime in whenever you can! I would love to hear how you thought it was!!!

Can't wait to read all about your trip!!!!

Thanks for following over! your trip is right around the corner too!

Following along!! I can't wait to hear all about your trip. That picture of the castle is incredible!!

Hi and WELCOME! Can't wait to tell you everything!!
Thank you for your kind words! I love photography :love:

As most of you guys know i live a pretty hectic life.

Since we have been in the real life 'home' i have not been "home"- Sleep.. sounds like a myth..

Myth Myth.................... Yes?

Please tell me you got that joke??? Went from Dumbo to Muppets in 2.2 seconds. see how my reports go?

The good news is: I was able to get Photobucket all set up to download the pictures. I am ready to Download the PP pictures which SHOULD have been done yesterday but like all technology, it hates me. Didn't download.
today.. Promise.

Let's get on with the SHOW!
I just found both your PTR and the start of your TR. Going back and seeing the pictures from the shopping day DISmeet was so much fun - our waiter really was fantastic at Ed's!

I can't wait to read more about your trip!
For those of you who are just joining my crazy quest to surprise my triplets with this trip, I was NOT ready. Don't get me wrong, i was planning this for over two years... Yes 2 LOOONG years and No, i was not ready in the least.

The night before we were to leave for our driving adventure across the country (sounds more adventurous!) :drive: I had NOTHING PACKED. not a dadgum thing. Yes a Chicagoan just used the word dadgum... Eh let's back up to Thursday:
Sept 4th.
LAST DAY OF WORK!!!! :yay: I was riding on cloud nine. 2:00 pm couldn't come FAST ENOUGH! once it did I clicked my heels and ran out of here with my arms flailing out of my Job #1

So excited i got to use that one!

I called Tom on the way home and was pretty excited to say the least WE ARE ON VACATION! it official! FINALLY!

My PLAN was to go home and start the packing. :thumbsup2 Tom was taking the boys to weigh ins (football) which left Meg and I alone. No big deal she will keep herself busy while i go to our room and start getting things together.

Are you done laughing at that last part? now lets get on to what actually happened.

Once the kids came home the boys all left Meg needed help with HOMEWORK! Ok. keeping it cool... WE ARE LEAVING TOMORROW. I need to keep cool. less then 24 hours from right now i can finally TELL THESE KIDS WE ARE LEAVING.

homework finished ask Peanut what do you want for Dinner it's just you and i kiddo!! She picked the Hibachi Buffet. Sushi for me! let's go! it's only about 6 blocks from the house she put on Disney music..
Saw a bunch of people we knew, chatted a LITTLE since everyone on the planet knew about this trip.. with the exception of the three stooges... ::yes::

During Dinner she asked "when we get home can we pleeeeeeeeeeeeease watch our Disney movies?"

YES!!! Let's do that!!!
Traditionally the night before Disney we grab a pizza and watch our old home movies of Disney!!! TRADITION CONTINUES! pixiedust: love the way This is planning ITSELF out!
Tom called not long after and said they were on their way home! normally they don't get home until 10pm! AND MATT MADE WEIGHT! pixiedust: EVEN BETTER!!!! He was working so hard to lose the weight to play and he DID IT! Now this trip will be even better!!! No More worrying!!

about 8:15 I needed to put these kids to bed. I need to pack...

for 5 people.

After the kids are settled. I go into our room as i do every night, watch TV read.. PACK....

I fell asleep. :scared1: Yep. Dead on my face ASLEEP. Tom? Asleep downstairs watching TV.


Woke up at 3am. looked around OH. My. GLOB, IT'S DISNEY DAY!!!!!!


YES i had to use Frozen...​

but it's 3am.. I have a LONG drive and a boat load of things to do... No, go back to bed.
4am <<sigh>> 4:30 am turn over 5:00 am and over again

5:30 ah give it up. I am awake. trudge downstairs... Coffee.. I need COFFEE.. Matt's awake. "Morning Mommy" then confused. "Your not going to work?" Yikes! too early.. No coffee in body. Mornin Matt, No see what time it is? I woke up way to late going to take a nice long weekend!


yes that sounded good... lets go with that..

Unsuspecting Children…

Just a mere 8 hours away from the HUGE reveal.. RELAX – breath- I got this… Tom woke up. I am grinning from ear to ear. He has his own smug “I KNOW I KNOW” look going on. Kids are more than a little upset. Mom and Dad get to stay home and they are GOING TO SCHOOL! TOUGH cookies kids you’re going and staying there.. DO NOT call you want to come home. I get the puppy dog eyes. At this point i am scared they know something more, yet don’t question it.

Finally it’s time. GET OUT! GO TO SCHOOL!!!

I am giddy girl!! When I see the Tom’s car drive off I RUN sprint- FLY up the stairs I think it’s about time to PACK!!!


Computer open to my packing list 5 suitcases open 10 days’ worth of clothes strewn all over for 5 people. I am sure you can imagine. Once tom finally got home I start BARKING orders. My Mom called. Need help?
She was there in about 2 minutes!!! My lists went on and on in what needed to be done. Including my appointment for a Mani/Pedi! WHAT WAS I THINKING? Didn’t matter Mom was there and I knew it was in good hands!
She was in charge of ‘The Box’

Doing a great JOB! It was time for my appointment and had to leave everything to my Mom’s rule.
Nail place of course took forever. The goof that did my nails screwed them up twice! WTH! Don’t you know I need to get the hades out of here?
2 hours. Yes it took two flipping hours, Yet I was more then pleased with the outcome:

Cute right? Totally different!!! I loved them.
About 1:00 friends of ours came by to help out. I was more than pleased to see them. Tom took the car to be washed and cleaned for our drive, I had to pack (evil word again) ‘The Box’, the reveal movie set up. We were at T -2 hours until they are OUT OF SCHOOL!

2:30pm. Tom leaves to pick up the kids… The time is finally dwindling down; I have NEVER felt such anxiety in my life. Not even went I was about to give birth!

2:45 thankfully I do NOT bite my nails.

2:50 pacing. Dogs are now dancing around me thinking I am playing with them. I play with the dogs.

2:55 5 more minutes!!!!!!!


I just found both your PTR and the start of your TR. Going back and seeing the pictures from the shopping day DISmeet was so much fun - our waiter really was fantastic at Ed's!

I can't wait to read more about your trip!

Hi!!! Haven't "talked" to you in a long time!!! :wave2:

Yes...let's do get on with the show!


Still waiting......

I did i did!!!! Takes a while to write in such anticipation!!! :sad2:
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! You end this at 3PM!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you thinking????

I can see EVERYTHING - everything you are doing - pacing your house... On pins an needles... So glad I've been there - so I can totally visualize this!!!

But seriously - leave us hangin' at 3pm???? We've been waiting for this for WEEKS!!!!!!!!


Did you not hear me????


D~ <-----Not amused, not at all.

I love the pictures of the kids before heading off to school, I can't imagine how you must have felt once they left so you could get things ready!

Yay for a great mom and friends for coming to help out! That's great!:thumbsup2

LOVE your nails! Def. worth the 2 hours! :goodvibes



No, but honestly I'm kinda glad you didn't post the video yet. I may....may be able to get away with reading the DIS at work (something new for me....testing their limits), but there is no way I could get away with watching a video here.... So make sure you post that in the evening some day ::yes::

I can feel the excitement! Props to you for doing it....for keeping it sercret for so long. I just couldn't do it. Not even going to try! But I can use some advise for my BFF who is doing just that this January. :banana:
Subbing.... I can't believe the build up!! The teaser on facebook was not enough..... we NEED the reaction video!
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! You end this at 3PM!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you thinking????

I can see EVERYTHING - everything you are doing - pacing your house... On pins an needles... So glad I've been there - so I can totally visualize this!!!

But seriously - leave us hangin' at 3pm???? We've been waiting for this for WEEKS!!!!!!!!


Did you not hear me????


D~ <-----Not amused, not at all.

Ditto what she said!


WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! You end this at 3PM!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you thinking????

I can see EVERYTHING - everything you are doing - pacing your house... On pins an needles... So glad I've been there - so I can totally visualize this!!!

But seriously - leave us hangin' at 3pm???? We've been waiting for this for WEEKS!!!!!!!!


Did you not hear me????


D~ <-----Not amused, not at all.

You did NOT just do that to us! :sad2: You are sick and twisted woman to leave us hanging like that. :laughing:




No, but honestly I'm kinda glad you didn't post the video yet. I may....may be able to get away with reading the DIS at work (something new for me....testing their limits), but there is no way I could get away with watching a video here.... So make sure you post that in the evening some day ::yes::

I can feel the excitement! Props to you for doing it....for keeping it sercret for so long. I just couldn't do it. Not even going to try! But I can use some advise for my BFF who is doing just that this January. :banana:

Ditto what she said!



MidnightParade said:
....yeah, we're going to riot. :bitelip:


A riot! Now there's an idea! But its only page 4... We need to reserve the riots for pages 25 and up... ::yes::

D~ <----- at this rate, we'll be at page 25 before she posts that video... At least its not Friday... There's still hope we'll see it this week.


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