Mr. and Mrs. Weak Sauce Go the Distance (a completed Disneymoon TR!)

After having Paxton, the TTA has become one of our definite go-to rides, no question about it. We know we can almost always get right on, and it's so nice and relaxing. Plus he loves pointing out everything we pass! So it's entertaining and relaxing at the same time. :thumbsup2

We always say we are going to do JC at night, and we still never have!
I love the TTA. I can always judge how crowded the park is by how many people are on the TTA. Still, that ride never fails to please. And you got some cool pictures of the track.

I, too, can't wait for the mine train to open. I didn't realize it was already in testing! :cool1:
All caught up!

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After having Paxton, the TTA has become one of our definite go-to rides, no question about it. We know we can almost always get right on, and it's so nice and relaxing. Plus he loves pointing out everything we pass! So it's entertaining and relaxing at the same time. :thumbsup2

We always say we are going to do JC at night, and we still never have!

I love how perfect the TTA is for the entire family. I know my parents will love taking my kiddies on it too if Howard and I decide to take some time to ourselves.

It's really SO different at night! I was actually kind of scared, haha. But then again, I get so scared about a lot of things.

I love the TTA. I can always judge how crowded the park is by how many people are on the TTA. Still, that ride never fails to please. And you got some cool pictures of the track.

I, too, can't wait for the mine train to open. I didn't realize it was already in testing! :cool1:

That's so true! When there's a line, it's just so startling! Thankfully, it moves pretty quickly, but when you can't just hop on that escalator/upwards sidewalk thing, I get taken aback.

I wouldn't be surprised if the mine train becomes one of my favorite rides because it seems like it'll be the right speed for me! I love Thunder Mountain, but I won't do Rock 'n Rollercoaster. I know it's still super early too, but I always look at rides like this and think about bringing my kiddies on them!

TTA is such a relaxing change of pace - great photos of it!

It really is! It's so good for your feet and back, and it's also the best place to have conversation!

I just spent three days reading your entire TR. Excellent job!

Oh wow, I'm so flattered by this! I'm happy that it was entertaining enough to keep you hooked for 3 days straight! That's an encouragement to keep going and finish this because I don't have that much left. I have 3 other trips that I write about after this, haha.

After securing our FP for Jungle Cruise, we decided to do some wandering in Frontierland since it was so close by. I really liked this Dream Builders sign that had one of Walt's quotations on it that said, "I don't want the public to see the world they live in while they're in the Park. I want them to feel they're in another world." This might end up being one of my favorite quotations by our dear Uncle Walt because it's so fitting for what Disney means to me. I've mentioned it before in past trip reports, but I started getting into the game Virtual Magic Kingdom when I was dealing with the start of my major health issues. Playing VMK really helped me escape my troubles for a short amount of time. Being in Disney World is the same way except I get that feeling even more! I truly do appreciate the magic of the parks, and that's why we keep going back. Haha, I know I don't have to explain it to you guys here on DIS, but I just felt the need to write it out since ... Howard and I are going back during the last week of January 2014! Haha. Yup, we are.

We continued our stroll trhough Adventureland to get to Frontierland, and we saw this! What's funny is that there are always two lines to Aloha Isle, but people don't realize it and will wait on one side without looking at the other. I kind of wanted to grab one right then and there just because there was NO ONE standing on the left side!

There was something MUCH more exciting than a Dole Whip though. THUNDER MOUNTAIN was OPEN! WAHOO!!! It was supposed to actually re-open the next day or something like that because it was closed for refurb, but I knew that sometimes they opened it earlier. I was THRILLED because we just couldn't believe that it was closed for the majority of our honeymoon when it is our FAVORITE.

There was a line, so I asked the CM up front about my Guest Assistance Card, but he said the line wasn't that long. If it were earlier in the day, I might've insisted anyway, but since it was closer to the night hours, it wasn't hot out so I was pretty sure I wouldn't have any issues with the blood in my legs and fainting.

We had some time to take a look at the scenery in the standby line anyway since we don't ever stand in it on a regular trip. I think this line gets much too hot, and it's necessary to have FP for it.

I know I didn't appreciate the design when I was a kid though because we'd wait such a LONG time to ride Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain. This was the time before FP. I don't remember the longest wait we've ever had for BTMRR, but we waited over 3 hours for Splash one time!

If it's a shorter wait, you gotta appreciate the machinery that sets up the back story of an abandoned town.

I'm assuming they used this to bring stuff up from the mines? I would like to go see the standby line again because of all the interactive aspects of it.

The lit lanterns really set the atmosphere as the sun was going down for the day.

Once we got to the point in the line where you can see ride vehicles, I got super excited! I was hoping someone would look and wave because that's one thing I love doing while on the ride myself, haha.

It's only in Disney World where you can wave at ANYONE (well, almost anyone, haha). If you tried doing that in NYC, you'd get some really crazy looks.

KINGDOM KEEPERS! I have to say that I didn't enjoy the last book as much because it took place on the cruise ship, and I don't know it myself to be able to picture everything well. I just love the parks as a setting.


Clearly, we both took a million photos, and I just feel the need to post them all!

You know how Howard loves light fixtures? He noticed the lanterns right above the loading area.

The lanterns and the industrial look were not something I appreciated as a kid. I can't wait to have my kids appreciate things like that. With my dad (my mom has never ridden this), it was kind of not fun at all waiting in line, haha. We didn't play games or talk much or anything like that. When I got older and knew more about the Disney details, I pointed them out to my dad, but he didn't seem very excited. That's why it was very important to be with my hubs who is also a big fan!

We were directed to a row and happily waited for our ride!

Such excitement! I can't wait to ride this at LEAST two times during our January trip. Here's hoping that we can do it even MORE times since the plan is to hit nighttime EMH.

VIDEO: Thunder Mountain
Just had to take video of our ride even though the beginning portion is too dark. Howard and I both went, "Whoa/Wow" when we saw the little scene that we had never seen before. I often alternate between filming us and filming the ride itself, but this run through was filming us because it was Thunder Mountain while MARRIED! I like how the guy sitting directly behind me doesn't seem fazed at all during some parts, but then I did see that he cracked a smile too! Then later on, he even throws his hands up in the air for the briefest moment! By the way, it was only in one of my more recent trips that I realized that you board on one side of the loading station and then get off the ride on the other side! Sorry, I was slow in getting that!

As we walked out, Howard snapped a picture of yet ANOTHER light fixture! That boy and his light fixtures!

You'd think we'd have interesting fixtures at home, but we don't. They're from IKEA. Haha.

First, love this photo! :thumbsup2

It's awesome you guys got a chance to go on your favorite ride during your honeymoon. Also very serendipitous you guys were in the standby line to enjoy all those details. I don't think we spent much time in the standby line to see all of that. We usually catch it when there's no one in line or with fp.
Haven't replied for a while, but still reading along. So jealous of your January trip. We were just the in October but it is almost ten months until I get to go back again!

Anyway, I agree with you on the people mover. Love that ride. Thanks for the MTMRR pix. We always FP it so I really haven't paid attention to the que for quite some time.
Such gorgeous pictures! That time of day when it's just turning into dusk and the sun begins to set is my favorite time of the day to be in any WDW park. So beautiful.

How exciting to be going back so soon! Hmmm...I'm no detective, but nighttime EMH's means that you're staying at a Disney resort again??? How wonderful!

We've gone every year for the past few years and we've decided not to go back until January/February 2016, but I think the wait will surely kill me. We're going to Alaska and a cruise to Honduras/Belize between now and then, but nothing is as great as WDW to me. I may be able to convince my DH to take a long weekend trip before January/February 2016 if we have the Southwest miles to cover the flight.

You'll have to report back on the crowd levels during your trip. We're still trying to find a "low" crowded time since the beginning of December has gotten so much more crowded. We went at the end of September last year and while the crowds were pretty low, it rained a lot (and not just the passing summer storms).

We waited 3 hours for Splash Mountain too in the 90's! Gosh, there was no better feeling than when you *finally* got on the ride. I remember the part of the line that winds forever in the back and the listening to the noises of the chipmunks (or maybe birds? Or squirrels?) in the house hanging from the tree. As long as lines were back then, all the lines were themed so well that they never annoyed me or felt as long as we waited. The lines for newer rides like Soarin' and Toy Story Mania drive me crazy. God bless FP!
Lots of great shots of Big Thunder!!!

Thanks! I'm so excited to ride it soon!

First, love this photo! :thumbsup2

It's awesome you guys got a chance to go on your favorite ride during your honeymoon. Also very serendipitous you guys were in the standby line to enjoy all those details. I don't think we spent much time in the standby line to see all of that. We usually catch it when there's no one in line or with fp.

Thanks! It was taken by Howard, and from this comment, I had him check out your pics on your TR!

I'm so thrilled to be able to ride it this Sunday as it is our MK day. We leave for Disney tomorrow! With the supposed lower crowds, I am hoping to really enjoy the details even more.

Awesome update. I haven't ridden Big Thunder in A long time!

I would miss it too much if I missed it during a trip! It's my favorite, and I laugh so hard on that ride!

Haha, not that I'm knocking IKEA cuz I do love the place!

Haven't replied for a while, but still reading along. So jealous of your January trip. We were just the in October but it is almost ten months until I get to go back again!

Anyway, I agree with you on the people mover. Love that ride. Thanks for the MTMRR pix. We always FP it so I really haven't paid attention to the que for quite some time.

I'm glad you're still reading along! I sometimes don't have time to comment either (or update) so I totally understand.

We actually fly out tomorrow! It's so exciting because we weren't supposed to go back until 2014 if that.

I'm hoping to explore more of the details this trip if there are fewer crowds. We'll actually have time to stroll since we won't be rushing from ride to ride. I'm hoping it's not too cold though.

Gorgeous sunset pics!!

And a January 2014 trip?? That's coming soon!

Thanks! Yup, we leave TOMORROW! It seems so surreal because we hadn't anticipated a trip this year.

Such gorgeous pictures! That time of day when it's just turning into dusk and the sun begins to set is my favorite time of the day to be in any WDW park. So beautiful.

How exciting to be going back so soon! Hmmm...I'm no detective, but nighttime EMH's means that you're staying at a Disney resort again??? How wonderful!

We've gone every year for the past few years and we've decided not to go back until January/February 2016, but I think the wait will surely kill me. We're going to Alaska and a cruise to Honduras/Belize between now and then, but nothing is as great as WDW to me. I may be able to convince my DH to take a long weekend trip before January/February 2016 if we have the Southwest miles to cover the flight.

You'll have to report back on the crowd levels during your trip. We're still trying to find a "low" crowded time since the beginning of December has gotten so much more crowded. We went at the end of September last year and while the crowds were pretty low, it rained a lot (and not just the passing summer storms).

We waited 3 hours for Splash Mountain too in the 90's! Gosh, there was no better feeling than when you *finally* got on the ride. I remember the part of the line that winds forever in the back and the listening to the noises of the chipmunks (or maybe birds? Or squirrels?) in the house hanging from the tree. As long as lines were back then, all the lines were themed so well that they never annoyed me or felt as long as we waited. The lines for newer rides like Soarin' and Toy Story Mania drive me crazy. God bless FP!

It really is such a gorgeous time. I'm hoping that with this next trip, it won't be TOO cold because that time of day means that it'll be colder without the sun!

Yup, we are staying at Pop again! I'm so happy about that because I love the buses. I know people get annoyed with them, but we've had to deal with my dad dropping us off and picking us up and it's a little stressful making sure we know where to meet and trying to get the timing right. Taking the bus means we just go by our own time.

Ooo, Alaska sounds amazing! Yeah, it's not Disney, but Disney will always be there! If I could handle such a long flight and wasn't so afraid of getting seasick (I get carsick easily), I would definitely want to do an Alaskan cruise. I think those sights would be gorgeous.

I'll totally let you know about the crowds this upcoming week. I am hoping for some emptiness, haha, but anything is better than Easter week or Christmas so I'm sure we'll be happy! We'll also be trying to figure out the Magic Bands business and FP+ so that'll be completely new.

Yeah, those 3 hours were horrid because it was hot too! We were in the outside part of the queue that just winds around for SO long. I didn't appreciate the queue details yet either. I would never do that for Soarin' though cuz like you said, it's not themed at all and can be so boring!

Enjoy your trip report. Hope to read more soon!

Thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying it! I hope to finish writing this TR while we're on the plane tomorrow and then I should be able to post it when we get back so I can start the next one! Crossing my fingers.

Howard and I leave for our Disney trip tomorrow and will fly back next Friday. We are so excited! I'm not a fan of planes, so I'm thinking of what I can do to make it easier, and one of those things would be writing TR updates. I hope to get this one done while in the air so that I can come back and add the pictures where they belong and post it. Stay tuned! You can also follow me on Twitter/Instagram (links in my signature) if you'd like. I do have them set to private, so you will have to request me. If possible, please send a message there (or here if necessary) because I don't like accepting people I don't know, so if I know you're a DISer, it's a-okay!

Howard and I leave for our Disney trip tomorrow and will fly back next Friday. We are so excited! I'm not a fan of planes, so I'm thinking of what I can do to make it easier, and one of those things would be writing TR updates. I hope to get this one done while in the air so that I can come back and add the pictures where they belong and post it. Stay tuned! You can also follow me on Twitter/Instagram (links in my signature) if you'd like. I do have them set to private, so you will have to request me. If possible, please send a message there (or here if necessary) because I don't like accepting people I don't know, so if I know you're a DISer, it's a-okay!

I caught up just in time to see you off. Have a fabulous trip! Working on trip report updates could certainly keep you occupied during your flight. :thumbsup2
Hi Rachel
You're off to Disney!! So jealous!! Have a great time.
I just requested a follow on Twitter. Im @407wdisney :)
I caught up just in time to see you off. Have a fabulous trip! Working on trip report updates could certainly keep you occupied during your flight. :thumbsup2

Thank you! We're off to a great start, and we didn't even go to a park yet! I did actually get some updates done on the plane. It's so much easier when that's the only thing that gets my focus, haha.

Hi Rachel
You're off to Disney!! So jealous!! Have a great time.
I just requested a follow on Twitter. Im @407wdisney :)

Thank you! I accepted your request. Hope you're enjoying the flooding of tweets and pictures!
Hi everyone! Just wanted to do a quick live update to let you guys know that we had a pretty gosh darn good Disney half-day without even going to the parks! We explored Art of Animation to enjoy the beautiful weather before we headed to the Poly to grab some dinner at Capt. Cook's.

Howard has been fast asleep for quite some time now, but I'm still awake because I showered after he did and had to dry my hair. I have to take my pills before I can sleep, but I don't know if I'll be able to. I don't know if it's adrenaline or caffeine (we got Honest Tea as part of our Staples order of drinks to avoid paying the crazy prices in the parks). Hopefully, I'll be able to fall asleep and rest before a full day tomorrow at Magic Kingdom! EMH until 12am is something that really excites me. We've done EMH until 3am, but then we were out the next day. I can't wait to ride and take some more pictures!

Here are just a few I captured today while exploring the Little Mermaid section of AoA. Hope you enjoy!

As you can see, I'm really hoping to do more zoomed photos this trip. Howard is able to get everything in one shot because of his lens while still maintaining the clear quality. I just want to capture the Disney details!
Have a great trip! Glad you arrived safe and sound. :thumbsup2

Love the pictures of AoA. Very nicely done! Glad you trip is off to such a great start.

I've been doing the last flight out at night lately and after working all day its a tough time to leave. Do now I have discovered that I can be totally diverted simply by watching a chick-flick! :rotfl:

Gave fun!


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