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I've been teased a lot throughout high school because my race I'm half asian/half white. I get the occasional "oh since you're asian so you're probably the smartest kid in the class and you love math" (I'm an average student who works really hard to get a good grade & I suck at math...and not all Asians are good at math). Also, I get picked on about my appearance, but I usually tend to ignore it. What I hate most about it is that if you ask someone nicely to stop teasing, or saying rude things about you they don't, they keep on doing it. This shows how people have no respect for each other. Nobody ever follow this saying "treat others the way you'd want to be treated." Also, I feel like racism is coming back again, and it's sad people don't have respect for each other.
I was bullied for 5 consecutive years by five different people and it sucks. I don't understand how other people can feel that it's okay to treat people like they're trash. I'm on the autistic spectrum, and I did a research paper about autism my freshman year, and even though no one bothered me about it, I've heard or read stories of people like me being treated like they're worthless and it's awful. I also had friends in my high school theatre department that got bullied or discriminated for other things, and I hate it. It's so wrong. To see Minnie-Maniac run off by someone (who's probably an adult, dishonor on them, dishonor on their cow, and dishonor on their whole family!) on here, it's terrible.
I first want to say I am so sorry you have to deal with autism and the terrible things people do to treat you bad. I read a story of a teen who had autism who was befriended by this girl and she invited him to this school party. This guy thought this girl liked him and he was actually going to have fun at a party. When he got to the house where the party was he was mistaken there were several other guys who blocked him in the home and beat the crap out of him while a few girls made videos of the entire thing. After they beat this poor guy up they threw him out the front door and told him to get the heck out. They didn't use the word heck though. The mistake these bullies made was when they posted the videos on Facebook and they got charged with battery.
I've been teased a lot throughout high school because my race I'm half asian/half white. I get the occasional "oh since you're asian so you're probably the smartest kid in the class and you love math" (I'm an average student who works really hard to get a good grade & I suck at math...and not all Asians are good at math). Also, I get picked on about my appearance, but I usually tend to ignore it. What I hate most about it is that if you ask someone nicely to stop teasing, or saying rude things about you they don't, they keep on doing it. This shows how people have no respect for each other. Nobody ever follow this saying "treat others the way you'd want to be treated." Also, I feel like racism is coming back again, and it's sad people don't have respect for each other.
I agree with you that racism is really a bad thing right now in at least the USA. I am not saying it is all against African Americans either just because I am one, but it is all the races hating on the others. It don't make a darn bit of sense. I wish I could cuss on here because this subject really makes me made. I really hope that at least in my lifetime this will change.
I agree with you that racism is really a bad thing right now in at least the USA. I am not saying it is all against African Americans either just because I am one, but it is all the races hating on the others. It don't make a darn bit of sense. I wish I could cuss on here because this subject really makes me made. I really hope that at least in my lifetime this will change.

Yeah now racism is more spread out now, and I agree with you I hope all of this changes. I don't want to see what happened back then happen now. It really makes me upset and angry.
Yeah now racism is more spread out now, and I agree with you I hope all of this changes. I don't want to see what happened back then happen now. It really makes me upset and angry.
My Grand Parents were involved in Marches back in the 1960's. I really hope it doesn't get back to that. This world already has to deal with so much crap like Terrorism and money problems. They don't need the hatred between races like it was back in the day to come back stronger.
My Grand Parents were involved in Marches back in the 1960's. I really hope it doesn't get back to that. This world already has to deal with so much crap like Terrorism and money problems. They don't need the hatred between races like it was back in the day to come back stronger.

Exactly seeing these protests nowadays are scary, because we don't want what to happen before, happen now.
The sad thing is, I don't think racism ever stopped. Nor any other discrimination. What I think happened (and we talked about this in Government class) is after computers and cellphones and social media started happening and getting more widespread, is that news and stories and information was suddenly able to spread easier and faster, and combined with news media switching from actual news to "entertainment news" where news networks just stir up trouble so they can make money, everyone can see everything these days, nationally and internationally. It's why all these NFL domestic abuse cases were publicized. It's not that they weren't happening before, it's that they can't hide it anymore. Everyone's got a video camera now if they've got a phone. So racism, sexism, nationalism, homophobia, all of it - they've always been there. People just have more access to it now.

As a Canadian living in America, (born in Canada, mostly raised in America) it gives me a unique perspective. I know/live an American life style, but I am also aware of the outsider's perception of Americans. I haven't dealt with Racism personally, but I have dealt with Nationalism. I am proud of my heritage and not afraid to show it. There was this kid that I hated because he was a jerk, one of those kids that everyone else seems to like despite clearly being a jerk, and he knew I didn't like him and knew that I was proud of my heritage, so he would often say stuff loudly about how America is the best country in the world and everything else sucks and different things like that just because he knew it would make me mad. People are so ignorant.
The sad thing is, I don't think racism ever stopped. Nor any other discrimination. What I think happened (and we talked about this in Government class) is after computers and cellphones and social media started happening and getting more widespread, is that news and stories and information was suddenly able to spread easier and faster, and combined with news media switching from actual news to "entertainment news" where news networks just stir up trouble so they can make money, everyone can see everything these days, nationally and internationally. It's why all these NFL domestic abuse cases were publicized. It's not that they weren't happening before, it's that they can't hide it anymore. Everyone's got a video camera now if they've got a phone. So racism, sexism, nationalism, homophobia, all of it - they've always been there. People just have more access to it now.

As a Canadian living in America, (born in Canada, mostly raised in America) it gives me a unique perspective. I know/live an American life style, but I am also aware of the outsider's perception of Americans. I haven't dealt with Racism personally, but I have dealt with Nationalism. I am proud of my heritage and not afraid to show it. There was this kid that I hated because he was a jerk, one of those kids that everyone else seems to like despite clearly being a jerk, and he knew I didn't like him and knew that I was proud of my heritage, so he would often say stuff loudly about how America is the best country in the world and everything else sucks and different things like that just because he knew it would make me mad. People are so ignorant.

I absolutely agree with how techonology is showing all these things, since before people were able to hide it and now it's hard to hide things and eventually it's going to show up somewhere and people are going to find out.
I totally agree with you Fairywings. I live in the Philly area and recently(several months ago) there were riots in the city of Baltimore which is about an hour and thirty minutes away from my home. You may have heard about the riots. They were racially motivated by the Police handling of a Black Man that who later died from the alleged neglect from the Police Officers involved. The Baltimore City community went into an uproar over this and had a few days of riots(and most of which were not peaceful). The sad thing is people from my community(and yes they were also Black) had to go to Baltimore and get involved in the horrible rioting even though they really had nothing to do with the incident or even lived in the community. It is so true that the media and places like Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media Outlets fuel this sort of stuff and most not for the good. That is why I stay away from those type of sites.
Call me Wings or Perry, everybody does. Yeah, I heard about the Baltimore thing. People have a right to get upset about stuff, but they shouldn't have the right to make the problem worse.
Call me Wings or Perry, everybody does. Yeah, I heard about the Baltimore thing. People have a right to get upset about stuff, but they shouldn't have the right to make the problem worse.
That is all they did was throw fuel onto the fire. I always never understood what looting a store, burning property, smashing cars windows had to do protesting. That is not protesting your opinion. That is just all out destruction.

OK I will call you Wings. You can call me Nisha.
Cool. Yeah, I don't know how many of them were protesting and how many were just out being stupid
Cool. Yeah, I don't know how many of them were protesting and how many were just out being stupid
From what I saw of T.V. there were a few days of people just being stupid. The one thing I saw that I thought was great was someone took a video of a Mother chasing down her Son who was doing some of the stupid rioting. She was chasing him and yelling at him and slapping him upside his head for being stupid. It was actually hilarious.
Well it was good that she did it. Since he might have gotten in trouble or hurt if she didn't.
From what I saw of T.V. there were a few days of people just being stupid. The one thing I saw that I thought was great was someone took a video of a Mother chasing down her Son who was doing some of the stupid rioting. She was chasing him and yelling at him and slapping him upside his head for being stupid. It was actually hilarious.
Yeah, we heard about that.
From what I saw of T.V. there were a few days of people just being stupid. The one thing I saw that I thought was great was someone took a video of a Mother chasing down her Son who was doing some of the stupid rioting. She was chasing him and yelling at him and slapping him upside his head for being stupid. It was actually hilarious.

I saw this video on youtube too! It actually is pretty funny, but it's good to see someone not wanting their loved ones being in any part of that mess.
I saw this video on youtube too! It actually is pretty funny, but it's good to see someone not wanting their loved ones being in any part of that mess.
So true, there are so many parents out there that could actually careless what there kids are doing. It is sad. There are a lot even in my school.


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