Must-see's for a skeptical husband...


Proud DISer for 13 years!
Jan 8, 2001
DH and I had another spat about our June trip to WDW. He "has no desire" to go and "doesn't see what the big deal is." (This is his first Disney experience.) I just can't come to grips with taking seperate vacations, so I'm looking for suggestions for "Can't Miss" and "Must See" attractions for skeptical husbands. DH is into computers, video games, space, science and history. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

PS...DH is 45 and we are taking our two DS's, 7 & 9

<font color=blue></font)> Disneyland 1982
Disneyland 1989
Disneyland 1996
<font color=red> First Trip to Disney World June 2001 (Swan & Dolphin)!!!</fong></center>

[This message was edited by Dustmouse on 03-07-01 at 11:23 PM.]
Hi Dustmouse

We are going to WDW in May, and it will be my very first time, and l am very excited!! I have done alot of reading on WDW, and although l have no experience being there, l can only suggest places by what l have read. Disney Quest and Epcot might be enjoyable for your husband. Disney Quest seems to be for the video game enthusiast, and Epcot seems educational. Like l said l don't have experience of the parks, but thought l would try to help suggest attractions for your husband. So many nice people have given me suggestions over the last little while that l would like to help others if l can. Hope this helps, Karen
....I don't see how you're going to have fun taking a DH who really doesn't want to be there in the first place. <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused"> If he's this blantant now about not wanting to be there and June is 3 months away, that could spell trouble. There is nothing wrong with separate vacations. I had planned on taking one next year without DH because he's been twice in 3 years and that will do him for quite awhile. My DH is VERY supportive of my love and passion for Disney, he goes because it makes ME happy. You don't know how lucky I am to have a DH such as the one I have. :D Because he's so supportive I always make sure we do things to satisfy him. He loves video games, music, computers, and of course...ME!! ;) We ALWAYS make a stop at INNOVENTIONS at EPCOT so he can be a kid again!

I can only suggest to you what I did. Take your DH to places where you know he will enjoy himself. Maybe if you back off of him a little, by time the trip arrives he might be a little more anxious than usual. The night before DH and I left in 98...I had to beg him to go to sleep!! He rolled around in our waterbed for hours!!! His excitement finally caught up with him. He was 4 all over again. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

Start your DH out in FW in INNOVENTIONS and see how that does him. Maybe, hopefully, that will get him into the Disney spirit! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!



SoG-MAY 98
My wife had been wanting to go to Disney World for ages, and finally convinced me to make a trip for our 10th wedding anniversary. She did all the planning, all the research, all the priority seating reservations. I just shrugged and said "Whatever" and really didn't think it would be all that great. I couldn't for the life of me understand what all the fuss was about. But I wanted to make her happy, so I went.

Well, after we checked in at our hotel, exhausted by the trip, we made a quick visit to the Magic Kingdom, just to look around. As we neared the castle, I heard a band, and there, rounding the corner, was the Disney World Marching Band, coming out of NOWHERE, it seemed, playing the Mickey Mouse March. The castle, the band, the cheerful Disney just got to me. I couldn't help it. Tears welled up in my eyes. I've never been the same since :D

Now, I'm the one who fawns over the newest attractions, who scans the web for secret tips, who searches the books for bargains. I'm the one who starts bugging my wife, on the way home, "When can we go back? Huh? When?" She's created a monster.

The moral: your husband doesn't know what's about to hit him, or the myriad of things there are to do for children of ALL ages. Be patient. He'll see the light.

If he doesn' the immortal words of a colleague of mine...ahem...scroom.

<font color=blue>
<font face="Alaska">"It's the time of your life, so live it well..."

Greg K.
Forest Hills, NY
<font color=maroon>
Grand Floridian: '96,'97,'99
Disneyland Hotel: '00 </font>
My motto is to always try it once. I suggest dragging your husband along this one time. If he really hates it you'll never make him go back again.

Considering what your husband likes are...I would suggest EPCOT definitely. Innoventions has a lot of computer exhibits. Spaceship earth he might really enjoy too. I know I don't know your husband...I'm just going on what you said about him. Anything in future world at EPCOT he would probably really like. I would stay away from MK first...soften him up by EPCOT and maybe MGM then hit then he might be into MK alittle bit more. Only becuase that caters more to "children" even though it's my fav. park. (I'm 34) LOL

I'm curious to know how it goes. Let us know and good luck! :D


'81 - Cont.
'88 - Disneyland
'89 - Maingate East
'91 - CBR
'94 - CBR
'95 - CBR
'98 - BC
'00 - WL
'01 - OKW



SoG-MAY 98
I think your husband would probably enjoy Epcot, especially Future World. There are many computer or technology oriented things to do there. Maybe you should go there first, that way if he has a good experience, he may change his attitude about the whole vacation. Have a great time!!
Have you thought about taking him to see Cirque du Soleil's "La Nouba"? I know that it's on the high end price-wise, but everyone on these posts who's seen it says it's worth every penny! If you're not sure what it is, go to your local video store and rent "Quidam" or "Dralion". I have watched both of these (on video)numerous times and I never get tired of it. I can't wait till our trip (Only 158 days to go!!!) in August so I can see this show.

And I can definately sympathize with you about your husband. I seem to be the only on in my family who gives a fig whether we go or not. I am doing all the planning, reserving, and arranging. The only encouragement I seem to get is when one of my two teenage DS's says, "That's gonna be fun when we get there." (BTW- that's only happened once or twice! And we've...I mean I've...been planning this trip since October!) My husband once said that he thinks we should take the Disney Cruise next year, but that's the closest he's come to showing any enthusiasm. :rolleyes:

But don't get discouraged! He will enjoy all your hard work and planning once you get there. Be sure to let us know if he has a "change of heart" once he's there!

I'm sending my happiest thoughts... :)

Good luck!
We went on our first family trip in '97. My DH wasn't all that psyched about going, but he figured he'd do the Dad thing and make me happy. Our first park was EE at MGM. By the time we finished the Great Movie Ride and Muppetvision ...He was more excited than the kids. Oh, he tried to play it all cool and nonchalant, but he wasn't fooling anyone!

Moral of the Story: Don't push too hard. Let Disney work it's own magic on your DH.

Not only is it the best show on property (IMHO), I'm an engineer and I've also worked in theater and I'm still amazed by the technology and staging necessary to put on those performances.
I am going with my husband and 2 children in November. It is my 2nd time my husbands first. He told me I am not allowed to talk about our trip until October.(I'm driving him crazy every time I learn something on one of the boards) I read these boards everynight to get ideas and he just cant understand whats the big deal. I keep telling him after our trip he will be begging me to take he back next year.(i hope i'm right). So all i can suggest is to do like I do and keep it to yourself(all your excitment) and hopefully when you get there the child in him will emerge. Michelle

You've gotten some great tips, here. We hear so often of DH's that "soften" after they go to WDW for the first time.

My husband is no exception.

I just wanted to add.. He "also" enjoys video games, A LOT! Disney Quest was a dream-come-true for him... all of the 80's games - and NO QUARTERS REQUIRED!! I thought I'd NEVER get him out of there!!

Also, the arcade at the Contemporary is one of the best - we always spend a lot of time there, as well. But, like the others have said, "you give a little, and you take a little." He humors me while I wander around World Showcase like a little kid, and I enjoy a coke while he plays his video games.

Have a GREAT time -- I think he'll really enjoy it once he gets there!

Good Luck!

<img src="" height ="95" width="75">
MVMCP, 2000
DisneyQuest is a must. I am a 42 yr old Computer and Video game nut. DisneyQuest is almost heaven.

For the history buff inside him, don't miss the American Adventure in Future World in Epcot.

Maybe even a behind the scenes tour would be good.
And let him see the signs where SPACE is being built in Epcot. That may make him want to return.

<font color="#FF0000"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size="3"><center>Darryl</font>
<font size="1"><marquee>71 Offsite, 72 Offsite, 81 Offsite - Honeymoon, 83 Offsite, 84 FW Tent, 85 Poly, 90 Offsite, 91 Offsite, 92 Offsite, 93 CBR, 94 Offsite, 16 ASM, 98 CBR-Bought DVC @ BWV, 99 BWV & OKW, 00 OKW & FW Cabin, 01 BWV in July</marquee></font></font></font><IMG width="125" height="122" SRC=""></center>
DH and I are going in September for a belated honeymoon. Over the past 5 years we've had 3 trips planned, and 3 trips cancelled. I was going crazy, so I made ressies today. And we ARE going. He isn't all that excited to go... he's going because I want to. But I'm hoping with all my heart that once he gets there and "sees" what Disney is he'll want to come back.

If not, I'll go without him ;)

April 1991 Poly


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