My DS to the rescue!


Wants to be known as tmlh....
Dec 23, 2001
Wait til you hear what happened to me yesterday.........

After getting my ds(almost 7) from school yesterday, we were at home. I hadn't been feeling well since the night before, an had told my ds maybe we could just rest when we got home. He wanted to play his ps2 so I stayed down on the couch. All of a sudden I start to feel much worse, chest pain radiating into my back and shoulders, shortness of breath, dizzy.....I call my dh, he says he's on his way but still has about a 30-40 minute drive. I head back to the kitchen and faint. I feel myself going down so I kind of braced my fall. Drink went flying(can--luckily), glasses went flying and down I was. At this point I'm still somewhat awake I just can't move. I call out to my son, he comes running to me, hands me my glasses and starts to clean up the spill---No panic just doing what needs to be done.

I tell him to call his dad and help him work the 2 way radio.....things then go from bad to worse. That's the last thing I remember until firemen are coming into my house.

Apparently, my ds explained to my dh what had happened, my dh asked him some questions and realized I was out. So he told my ds to call 911......everyone tells me he did a great job! He was clear and calm and answered all their questions. Help came and they took me to the ER. After a bunch of tests they determined I did not have a heart attack (thank god) and they suspect it was stress related. I've been going thru alot of stuff lately, incl my ds himself is on a monitor right now for an unknown heart condition. He's also being treated for a number of other mental health conditions. It's been a very tough year.

I've now decided its time to get help dealing with my stress, I couldn't believe it manifested itself this way. But the moral of the story is teach your kids about 911 and with my son especially, the term "special needs" needs the emphasis on SPECIAL!!!
Good for him!:bounce: Sounds like you have a very special son.Now you get some rest!
Great work on your son's part and I am really happy to here you are alright. Take care.
What a good little guy you have there!;) I'm so glad you're ok and yes stress can do some weird stuff to you.:(

Please take care of yourself and I hope everything works out for you!:wave: :sunny:
Tracey, thank goodness you had your son there! That is terrific that he knew what to do and didn't panic. Take care of yourself! :)
You must be so proud of him. He obviously did an amazing job.

Take care of yourself though, stress isn't something to ignore.
Thank goodness you had your son must be very proud of him. Take care of yourself.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I am very proud of my son --he's amazing! I'm doing well and just taking it easy right now.
OMG Tracey. Kiss that little boy for me. I'm glad you're feeling better today.
What an amazing boy, good work Mom & Dad!
Get some rest, remember one day at a time!
Boy am I glad you have such a great son. Teaching them to call 911 is so important. It's great he stayed so calm and collected.
Wow! Your little guy is really amazing. I'm sure you are all very proud of him. Does your local fire department recognize little hero's like him? It may be worth a phone call. It's so easy for the world to under-estimate someone with special needs. My dh and I work with adults with special needs and we have a "client" who lives with us. We're not parents (yet, check back in a day or two, I'm dying for this baby to be born!) so I can understand only a small part of your stress. It's so important to take care of the care giver. Be sure to take time for yourself and rest. Maybe there is a parent in similar circumstances who you could trade child care with once a weeK? Even if it's just long enough to go for a walk or get some lunch or have a manicure done.
Take care!
Wow... how are you feeling today? hopefully better and stronger, your son is a hero!

Take care and get well,

I'm feeling a little better today, except I can't sleep (note time of post). I actually have a really good support system in my family, they spend alot of time with my ds.

I would like to say though that my ds's issues are minor in the big scheme of things. He's a very bright loving little guy who brings joy to every day. Sometimes though when compounded with other problems even the smallest issues seem big.

These boards are actually very therapeutic, it's amazing how much support I've received on this issue.


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