My husband just diagnosed with Lymphoma....


DIS Veteran
Jun 3, 2007
Sorry, wasn't sure where to post this. But my husband (only 31) was just diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Follicular Lymphoma Grade 3. We are going tomorrow for PET/CAT scan and blood work to determine the stage and treatment. This is a fast growing/aggresive type of cancer. We are obviously completely shocked and devastated, especially having four little ones.

One of the first things my hubby said to me after it sunk in was "we should plan a trip to Disney World"...God bless his heart! We had no plans since he works in the auto industry (and live in Michigan!) to go anytime soon...but I pray God willing we'll be able to go to celebrate him being cancer free in the near future!

Anyone with any experience with this would be greatly appreciated. We are going into this blind and it's quite scary.
I would suggest for the best touring information with an ill person is to go to the disABILITIES Forum. I would start off with the disABILITIES FAQs, which is a sticky there, especially Posts #2, #3 and #6.

The people in the forum understand the problems in touring with disabilitiers and can give very good advice.
I am an oncology nurse and work with leukemia and lymphoma patients. It is an aggressive cancer,and takes aggressive therapy. But he is young and young adults generally respond well to chemotherapy and do well.God bless you and feel free to PM me with any questions..:hug:
I am sorry for your devastating news.

Cancer is a tough road to plod along and there will always be good days and not so good days. It is a great up and down emotional and physical struggle. Focus and enjoy the good things in life (disney included) and surround yourself with friends and loved ones.
This makes all the talk on these boards of crowd size, lack of decorations, weather reports, etc seem rather silly.

All I can say is that I have just sent a prayer up for your husband, you and your family. :grouphug: Blessings to you and your family.....


Sorry about your news. I do hope that he does well and that you have a blessed holiday.
My brother was diagnosed with the exact same thing when he was 12 years old. He battled hard for a year and a half, and now at 28 years old has been in complete remission for 15 years. He temporarily lost his hair while going through chemotherapy, and had to get a couple extremely painful procedures performed (multiple spinal taps), but he fought through it and now is 100% healthy. Best wishes to you and your family for a full and speedy recovery.
I'm so sorry for the bad news. I will be keeping your husband and your family in our prayers. Have a blesses holiday season, and an even more magical trip to WDW.
Sending thoughts & prayers your way.


ETA: if treatment involves chemo, remember that ginger might help with the nausea.
I have a mom-friend who had non-hodgkins as a girl -- obviously she beat it. Keep your spirits up!
sounds like you're doing the best you can with such news! being positive is the first step to recovery. pulling together as a family, good thoughts, and prayers are just as important as the medical steps you take in fighting this.

my best friend's mom was diagnosed with stomach cancer a year ago and they tried to operate but the tumor was too large to take out. it had also spread to her lymph nodes and she had a tumor on her aorta, her family pulled together to support her even though she was feeling negative about it all and just a month ago, her scans showed that the tumors have shrunk so much they couldn't see them at first. now they are on to the next step whatever that might be.

just think positively! and i know thats hard living in michigan right now as a fellow parents own a small tool and die factory so i know how tough it is in the manufacturing sector right now.

i'll keep you in my thoughts. :D
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Disney IS a magical place :) My husband found out he was on the heart transplant list while we were in MK last January and got his blessed donor heart 3 months to the day after we came back - we were told it could take years. Be strong and most of positive!!!! :wizard:
My sister-in-law's husband in his late 60's got diagnosed with that and had chemo, etc., and he's in remission now and has been for a while. I will say some prayers for you, but I hope it helps to hear that others with this have been treated and are in remission. :grouphug:

-Dorothy (LadyZolt)
I have a co-worker who was diagnosed with both kinds of lymphoma 4 years ago. She had 2 rounds of chemo and radiation and has been in remission since ---:shamrock: Stay positive!
In 2002, my father wasn't feeling well and after they did a scan the doctor said he was full of cancer and had just a mere 3 months to live. 7 years later he is still around, and with new advanced treatments, he is doing well and his quality of life has been very good. He's not "cured" in any sense of the word, but there are times you even forget that he still has this disease. Cancer is a funny thing and you just never know. Treatments and modern science are advancing everyday. Try to stay positive! Despite what you hear in the press, many of the doctors and nurses out there do a great job. You will meet a lot of amazing new friends on this journey.

I can only imagine how hard it must be to remain strong for both you and your kids. Don't forget to take of yourself, seek out support, and even talk to us on here if you need to chat!


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