My husband needs prayers-Update post 66

Hey Fly! Glad to hear the good news. Big hugs to you all, but not so big you bust his stitches! or is it staples these days? Anyway, post-anesthesia can be a challenge. The things I've been told I've said while coming out would make a sailor blush! I hope he has a happy medicine button he can push for his meds. Those are WONDERFUL!

Prayers and pixie dust continue your way!
Many ((HUGS)) Fly:hippie: Wishing you and your hubby :sick: the best luck of a speedy recovery :)
Many bear hugs to Fly and her family!

I'm happy to hear that all went well. Medicine can be a tricky thing. Hopefully, he won't have any adverse reactions to after procedure meds like my mom did. She went through a triple bypass and the meds she was on afterwards made her really sick. Let just say she lost a lot of weight (which she needed to anyways).

Here's to hoping for a speedy recovery! :hug: :hug: pixiedust:
Oh Fly what wonderful news :goodvibes so glad to hear he is doing so well.

Wishing him a speedy recovery and be sure to take care of yourself also. :hug:
Fly, I'm so pleased to hear that your DH is doing much better. You are in my prayers, I hope he has a speedy recovery :hug:
Well I have been cleaning the house this morning to be ready for when he gets home. I just received a call from my daughter that they are releasing him now, and she will bring him home. The nurses all say he is their new poster boy for such a speedy recovery. Taking a quick break to update this post.

I have the living room all ready, and the chair was delivered about an hour ago. Our cousins were going to bring it by yesterday, but their daughter was in the same hospital having a baby. So now there is a new baby boy in the family. Our cousins had just got home from visiting us at the hospital when they got the call to go back for their daughter.

Ok got a million more things to do, I will be back on later after he gets settled in. Oh I have to go to the grocery store because his diet has just completely changed!

Thanks for all your support!

Fly :hippie:
So happy to hear he's coming home today, Fly! I am sure he will recover even faster being in his own home. :)
Glad to hear that your husband is doing so well. :)
Fly I completely missed this thread - I am SO SORRY - but I saw Shell yesterday and she updated me - I am SO GLAD that he is home - you guys will pull through, I know!

Lots of hugs and Disney love to you, my dear!


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