My journal - posters welcome

Doreen the 120s!! oh my i can't even imagine!

my eating has been very up and down -- though i'm holding steady around 140 for the past couple of weeks I feel very blobish and fluffy. somedays more than others

there is always a reason to not eat great isn't there, i'm just trying to control the social eating without feeling totally deprived and isolated from it too
well let's see - four months later and nothing has changed!!!! :eek: :rolleyes:

well i yo-yo'ed a bit and got close to goal just before the holidays, then after holidays and WDW I now have 8 lbs to lose.

BUT a goal I have and i'm focusing on it.

I went to the Y today and did weight training there for the first time in oh, maybe a YEAR! yikees! i pulled out (from a very dusty accordian file) a Shape magazine weight routine - one for gym and one for home. i'm doing it twice a week until the Columbus 1/2 which is Apr 2

my legs felt like jello afterwards

thank heavens the baked doritos are gone!

i did some measurements today and had a rude awakening. i found a slip where i had recorded my measurements in 2003 - well lets just say i'm smaller than when I originally started (thankfully) but bigger than 9/03; my trouble spots had between 1 - 1.5" added on. no wonder my jeans are not near as comfy

after watching the O show thursday i'm getting rid of all my unflattering clothing! bye-bye "Mom" jeans; hista la vista boxy sweaters.................and working to hit goal and treating my bod to some new undergarments to lift up what mother nature never did!
still cleaning out my closet -- waiting on my new jeans from old navy but they probably wont' fit good

the scale continues to rise for me despite a great day OP yesterday -- the weekends really set me back and I need to focus focus on that each weekend for the next couple months and just get through it day by day if i want to lose -- no more slacking on the weekends why can't i do this one thing

my gluts were very sore after my first weight workout -- i'm going back today for the day one of two for this week - i'm sure that i won't be able use the weights i used last friday but that means my muscles were working to build and recover

off to journal for my day - it's a busy one here!
Molli-Good for you on cleaning out the closet and getting new clothes. That will definitely make you feel better.

Weekends can be a problem for me too, mostly Sunday's for me as Saturday's are typically busy. I will start emailing you on Friday, Saturday and Sunday reminding you that YOU are wanting to have better control. This will also help me in that area too.
Hi Molli,

Great job in cleaning out your closet. I just don't know what I can wear if I don't wear mom jeans, lol. I'm not sure those low rise jeans will fit. I'm going to get back down to goal before I shop for new jeans.

Just take it one day at a time, you can do it!
ohMom said:
still cleaning out my closet -- waiting on my new jeans from old navy but they probably wont' fit good

So many Moms rave about Old Navy jeans!! I can wear either of the types that they offer that fit "At Waist" pretty well...but, don't EVEN get me started on the "Low Rise" or "Ultra Low Rise" (aka "Plumbers")!!

Lots of luck!! Welcome back!!
hey girls :) thanks for posting to me -- it brightened my morning!

my jeans came yesterday, they fit but they are snug -- MOTIVATION!!!! they are 'just under waist' and that is as low as I'll go!!! i modeled for my 12 y/o DD and asked her if they looked too snug (ok i was fishing) and she said 'no Mom that's how everyone wears them' -- hey, i blend! that's good, i'll take it! well in my appearance, not my personality :)

anyhoo -- WI today shows me still up 2 lbs from my tinkerline -- DARN IT CRAPOLA!!!

did my strength training yesterday, my leg muscles felt it during the workout but not sore afterwards this time, yea!

i'm telling myself it's all the initial body response when you shake things up a bit and the whoosh fairy is probably in my neighborhood, right?
ohMom said:
i'm telling myself it's all the initial body response when you shake things up a bit and the whoosh fairy is probably in my neighborhood, right?

I saw the whoosh fairy around here...I swear!!!!



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