My journal - posters welcome

it's been far too long to try and catch up so i'll just start with today!

Jogged 3.3 miles this morning totally 9.1 miles for the week! i'm very proud to report :) Also, finished week two of 3 days/week SHAPE routine for toning the arms. I'm up to 25 pushups now, 1 set of 10 and one set of 15. Dare I say that yoga has helped me accomplish that? Go plank pose, go crocodile :)

I'm finishing week one of the 13 week Kamy chart challenge. it has been hard some days. I have used more bank pts that I can to remember, but I have stayed within pts 6/7 days and did NOT record any AP. Tonight I'm trying oven baked onion rings for my weekly new recipe.

I'm actually starting to "feel" a little trimmer again. I had that a month or so ago and lost it. I know I need to be consistent during the weekends if I want to lose. I was aiming for 135 by Aug 1 - not really sure about that. But I will be staying OP until next saturday to save that for my day off.
well busy day here, up early and did 3 mile WATP/30 mins pilates/10 mins yoga! then we've been cleaning house off and on and i'm hungry! i haven't had a snack this afternoon other than an iced coffee (0 pt) and I just finished mopping the kitchen floor so i'll just have to hold out for dinner :)

PMS has landed, but I felt more prepared just by noting that little color change on the wheel of BCP and noting it to myself that this week is PMS and I don't need to give into the cravings and urges! DH and I have a day planned Sat (childless thanks AEG) and we'll be having dinner out and maybe maybe a visit to the doughnut/coffee shop to start our day (after jogging of course!) just thinking we MIGHT do that has sent me into guilt already!

Resisted pizza last night and had a chef salad instead, feeling good about that choice and noting that today I feel trimmer and not puffy from all the salt and fat in pizza!! Saving it all for Saturday!!!
wasn't I all that? actually I remember that weekend and I did feel good and trim and my ON size 8 jeans fit me pretty good. Well now they are snug and i'm feeling rather crappy and disappointed with myself. i'm down to 5 weeks until vacation and up to 140.

i just put my cheat free star back in my siggie - let's see how far I can make it. my cheat free star means staying toally OP, counting and journaling everything I eat. nothing is off limits, it all must be counted and not go negative with my points.

here I go......................
of 5 completed and feeling good about it. did save my flext pts for the weekend and enjoyed popcorn at the movie and a few snack size candy bars from the girls candy. all within pts though - no tossing the pt counting out the window for the weekend. that feels good. sneak WI this morning showed me at 136.5, so that's an improvement from my usual monday WIs. maybe i can squeak a bit closer to 135 by wed. motivation!!
well well well.....look at me 9 mos later and 8 lbs heavier

what happened??

i remember that movie too and wearing my old navy jeans, they won't fit anymore :(

ok ok ok -- here I am and no changing the facts -- had to search this board from past year to find my journal -- time to revamp my commitment to me and a healthier trimmer me
Oh Molli! We're back in business, Baby!

I'm joining you in your committment to taking control and getting back to a healthier way of life! We're gonna make it!:cool1:

Big Smooches from luvdoggies!!! :love2:
luvdoggies -- thank you!!!! it does help to know we are in this together doesn't it! darn-tootin'

ok- it's been a couple weeks; no pounds lost yet but jeans are just starting about being a little more forgiving to my poor pear shaped bod

start a three week journaling challenge with my buddy group and this first two weeks i'm doing fast track. day 4 today - first three days have gone fair -- couple bumps in the road of food choices but did manage to stay at 20 pts all but yesterday over just by 1 pt.

i find i'm way hungry in the 3 - 5 time slot and eating too much then. i'm going to switch the fast track lunch and dinner and see if that helps.

also -- i'm taking an extra day of rest these two weeks, with low pt values and sore muscles i just feel it's time for 5 days a week routine for now. went to the Y yesterday and did the nautilus machines for first time in months and arms are a tad sore today. i was not surprised to see that i had lost some strength but that's ok. i just want to tone and firm my upper body and build muscle for better metabolism
Hi Molli!!!

Oh I am so glad to see you are back in the groove and feeling so good about it! I've always loved reading your posts--your caring, motivational and funloving personality always shines through! :sunny:

Lots of DOMS in the ol' muscles today?!:teeth: It means you've worked them hard and you'll be seeing those strength and toning gains in no time! And I know you'll do well with your points--you've proven time and again what a success you are! I swear Molli, if anyone can get themselves back in the game again, it is you! I'm right behind ya' Babe, cheering you on all the way!!! :cheer2: :cool1:

Have a lovely day Molli, and please give Bebr lots of smooches from me!

P.S. I answered your question about my calorie intake in my journal! :)
well the Fast track plan didn't quite cut it -- 20 pts a day is just not enough day after day. i made it to friday so it wasn't a total wash. I ate ALL my flex points over the weekend (and maybe 4-5 more!) and jumped back on 20 pts a day monday. I'm going to continue eating low pts during the week, 20 mostly with Wed being my day to eat my APs - saving my flex pts for the weekend.

at first i didn't have any regret on my indulgences, but by sunday night i was disgusted with myself. one night would've been ok; two nights is NOT!

spent all day yesterday getting ready for garage sale and noted to self how much more energized I felt during the day.

tonight we are going out to eat so i'm going to eat very low pts all day and save for a nice salad. i will resist PIZZA:eek:
Helloooooo Gorgeous! :hyper:

Oh, Molli, thank you so much for the kind and understanding words you posted in my journal! :hug: These self-defeating behaviors just bite the big one, don't they?! :mad: I swear, I self-medicate with food! And you're so right--when we eat well, we feel so much more mentally and physically energized! I try to keep in mind the saying "Nothing tastes as good as fit and healthy feels" but I don't always follow that line of thinking. :rolleyes:

I'm sending you some guaranteed-to-work Resist The Pizza Vibes for tonight! :wizard: :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Have a lovely day, Molli, and Big Hugs to Bebr! :sunny:
oh ddddd-dear, i've slipped even further off the path of healthy living

anyhow -- tail between legs -- we didn't go out to eat that night, DD stayed home from school sick. the girls and i got takeout and i snuck a few bites of this and that. last week was a mess. i did terrible and horrible. my jeans are so tight this dreary monday and i'm so bummed at myself

started re-journaling again yesterday, i'm determined to make it through this month. i know i know if i stay on plan I can hit my goal for thanksgiving and though it seems so awesome to do that. i can remember weighing close to goal and how great it feels; but honestly at this point it's so close yet so far away. i have 10 lbs to lose as of today

kim thanks for your ever-going on support. you are such a great motivator for me.
Oh Molli, I'm so sorry I didn't see this entry sooner! :hug:

I am here with all the understanding you need, dear friend! I know how it feels to be so close to, or at goal, and then see it slip away. I know the Too-Tight-Jeans Syndrome all too well--I am just recovering from it now! I understand how it feels, both physically and emotionally, to go off program and sabotage all your previous efforts. You feel sad and defeated. I am right there with you, Molli--I struggle all the time and sometimes I fail. If I had just a wee little penny for every time I fell off program while I was losing the 110 in the first place I could *buy* WDW (and give you and Bebr free vacations for life :hug: )! I know you know what you have to do--put the past behind you, get back up on that horse and don't look back. We both know you can do it Molli! I've been very fortunate to have been able to stay (pretty much) OP losing the 15 pounds I regained. I only have 4 more to go, and I am so relieved. Is there anything I can do to help you, Molli? I wish we lived closer to each other. Aside from all the diet and exercise advice, I think you'd be such a blast to hang with!!! :cool1: Sweetie, if you *ever* need to talk it out, I'm always here for you--I really mean it. :hug:

Big LUV & HUGS to Bebr! :love2: :hug:
monday monday

after a weekend at hocking hills cabin making craft-christmas gifts all weekend with non-WW food! i did fair - could've stopped sooner but didn't go way overboard either. i need to work on eating slower and smaller portions in social situations and putting the food thoughts beyond the conversation

i'm dragging this morning after not as much beauty sleep as i require over the weekend; but i'm eating OP already and just looking at today and not yesterday. i'll drag myself out later this morning for a powerwalk and start week 2 of my training routine. 90 days out for marathon now -- wowser!
Good Morning Molli!:sunny:

Beauty sleep, shmooty sleep! Awwwwww Molli, you couldn't be anything but BEAUTIFUL!:flower:

I think you did really well under this weekend's circumstances--if you can say you didn't go overboard with your eating, then I'd consider that a GREAT BIG SUCCESS!

I know you'll be getting right back in the swing of things today, Molli! Enjoy your powerwalk--I admire you for all your dedication to your marathon training! You are such a JOCK! :cool1:

I'll be thinking of you today, and I hope you have a lovely week! :sunny:
quicklike -- mon/tues were decent - not the best -- i seem to slip during the afternoons as in the past. i have been counting my pts and journaling though. today i'm starting a sugar detox - i've become way too into my sweets again and need a cold turkey spurt

yesterday the girls were off school unplanned (fog) and so we ended up at the mall -- i did get salad and not share their pizza and totally resisted the soft pretzels they had. so that's a plus - but overate candy corn after we got home. (head slap!)
Hi Molli! :wave2:

A big congrats and a woo hoo to you for resisting pizza and soft pretzels! :worship: I bow down to She Who Can Resist The Carbs. Awwww, give yourself a pass on the candy corn--you're starting sugar detox (love that phrase!) today, so just chalk it up to your last sugar hurrah (I've said it before and I'll say it again: I am The Queen of Justification!) :eek: :teeth:

Go Molli Go!!! :cheer2: :hug: :cheer2:
Kim - thanks for the cheering - that does my inspiration good!

I made it through 3 solid days in sugar detox - last night we went to a Barry Manilow concert and I considered it a 'cheat night'. We went to a great rest for dinner and I had a summer breeze martini and seared fish tacos. I was going to try a chocolate martini but our service was too slow and not enough time for an after dinner drink. I had two lynchburg lemonades at the concert and since we were in the luxury box of DH's company I did have a handful of what I think were yogurt covered pretzels. sugar! eek! i didn't even think about it then. BUT - I had a few and thought, these aren't that great, and just put my container down (empty of course) and didn't refill as I thought about doing.

so glad i poked in here to remember i'm back OP and that includes sugar detox for me a few more days. What i have been missing lately is my SO ice creams, but they are safe and sound in my deep freeze and they'll be good after i'm feeling more in control

on the bright side, I WI on friday at 140 and did again this morning, so i'm very happy with that after a night out! I'm taking my oldest shopping today and out to dinner; but this will help me order wisely and stay OP and maybe just maybe i'll get back to the 130s before Halloween!
Hi Molli!
I saw your journal and thought I would stop by and say Hi! :wave2: You are doing so well on your marathon training!! Please keep posting because your distances are motivating me to keep pushing! Hugs to you, and Bebr!

See you at the start *and* finish line!
Terry -- thanks for the note:hug: posting and keeping accountable helps me soooo much; hence reviving my WISH journal :rolleyes1

well the sugar detox ended up out the window yesterday:duck: took Taylor shopping and we ended up at the Rocky Mt. Choc Factory and splitting a carmel apple. oh well, quality time. I'm feeling bloated today so i'll be making very good choices today for sure and then coasting on that attitude until friday. I'm hosting a meeting for a 5K that i'm helping to organize :crazy2: and I plan on having some cookies or something to serve but i'm anxious enough about this whole project to not notice cookies!

today i'm heading out for a 30 min walk after Paige gets off to school -- remember me -- ONLY good choices until Friday in hopes of reaching the 130s soon!!!!!
Molli, I've just read through your journal and boy can I relate! I started WISH at 142 and even caught a glimpse of the 120s but now I'm afraid to even get on the scale for fear that it would be higher than the 142 I started at last year! :eek: My "big" pants are snug. :rolleyes:

We can do this, though! We know what we've gotta do - now it's just follow through, right? We're in the home stretch before the half marathon. I'm recommitting to my training and healthy eating today and you're inspiring me!! ::yes::

Hope you have a great Monday!! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:


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