My Journal to Me - Comments welcome!

Bunco sounds fun!!! :goodvibes
I love pringles too...especially with cheese & chive dip ;)
Glad you had a nice day with DH & family :)
I'm sat here trying to think of some good advice to avoid the nibbles but just cant think of any!!!! so i'll just give you a hug instead :hug:
I actually had a good day yesterday. I didn't have time for a decent breakfast before taking DD13 to swim practice so I grabbed a Luna Sunrise Bar - not bad, but 4g fat so won't do that too often. For lunch I counted out the pringles and then put the can away before I started eating them. DH had a work dinner so it was just the kids. I made chicken nachos for them and a modified huevos rancheros for myself (I didn't want to eat the chips).

The tide was in so I couldn't walk on the beach. Instead I walked along the street on the bluffs above and walked up and down the beach access stairs twice. There were 124 steps. Wasn't so bad going down, but quads were feeling it on the way back up each time.

6:30a - Luna Sunrise Bar
8a - plum, 1c cheerios, 12oz skim milk
12:30a - 1/2 chicken sandwich, 15 pringles, 1/4 canteloupe, 12oz skim milk
6p - 1/4c LF refried beans, 1 egg, 1T cheese, 1/4c chopped chicken, salsa and onions, 2/3c cherry tomatoes, 4 tortilla chips w/ nacho fixin's, 12 oz skim milk
3 f/v
97 oz water:thumbsup2
40 min walk/run including 496 steps!

Tracey - this cheese and chive dip sounds like something I would really like. Good thing we don't have it here! Thanks for the :hug: . I really tried hard today to not nibble - mostly staying out of the kitchen!:rotfl2: I have Bunco tonight (and yes, it is fun!) so we'll see how I do ...:confused3

Tracy - Thanks for the :grouphug: . We really enjoyed having a family day. That doesn't happen too often.:)
Anna you are so lucky to live near the beach, i dream of living near the ocean & being able to walk or jog along the beach.:cloud9:
I loved the beach in Clearwater - maybe one day:love:
Well done for resisting the nibbles!
Have fun at Bunco i hope you win!
Anna, that is too funny we were at DL together that day. We got there early and stayed until about 4:00 then spent the rest of the day/night at the pool. Small World indeed! I agree, the no homework and slower pace is nice but somehow my routine just suffers. Good job with your eating and walking (near the beach you rat). You did very well, doesn't that feel good when a day comes together like that! Hope Bunko was fun!
I had a great 45 minute walk/jog this morning while DD11 was at swim practice. I was able to maintain a 4/1 walk/run for the entire time, even on the hills. I haven't been able to do that in far too long. I'm a little sore this morning, but it is a good sore. Feels like I really am finally getting back into the groove.

After I got home, I stripped the lemon tree. I noticed that a branch had broken from the weight of the fruit and decided to take all the ripe fruit off - 51 lemons and there are still lots of green ones and blooms on the tree - eek! I got 4.5c of juice from 10 lemons. Took about 20 to Bunco to give away. Sent another 15 or so into work with DH this morning. Still have a bunch of lemons though and more to come!

I had drunk 97oz of water before going to Bunco and drank another 16-20 ozs there.

That was the good part of my day .... Food ... I did really well before bunco and had the best intentions, but, well, ...

10:30a - 1/2 serving Dutch Baby, 1/4 canteloupe, 12oz skim milk
12:30p - 1/2 wholewheat ham sandwich, 10 grape tomatoes
5p - +1 cup baby carrots, slice watermelon (I was trying to fill up before Bunco)
7-10p - two glasses of wine, 1/2 corned beef sandwich on sourdough, 1/4c coleslaw, 1c canteloupe, way too many potato chips; table snacks: 1 red vine, 6-7 chocolate almonds, 1/4c trail mix, 2 hard pretzels, 5-6 dried apricots; dessert: large slice chocolate cake w/ whipped cream:sad2: I wasn't stuffed when I came home, but still ate way too much food.

Scale for the past two days has been down. This morning it was back to 162.0 - grrr!

I love it here! Usually in the summer it is foggy/cloudy at the beach. This summer it has been gorgeous!
Way to go getting your exercise in!:thumbsup2 Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

I've just recently started using lemons in my water to add a little flavor. That's cool that you have a lemon tree in your yard!:goodvibes

Hope you have a great weekend!:hug:
Your exercise is AWESOME, Anna! I so wish I lived near a beach like you do......sigh........

Hope you conquer the BLTs and have a GREAT weekend!
It was definitely Friday the 13th for food:mad: . DH took DD13 and DD11 to work today so no swim practice (and no walk). It was just DD4 and me at home. She is really good at playing with various different toys in my office so I got a lot of needed paperwork type stuff done. However, I'd get focused on something and not remember to refill my water glass. Food was even worse. DD4 is a thin rail and eats all full fat stuff - has butter on pretty much everything she eats - so when I make her a meal/snack, I make myself something completely different. But since I was making such good progress in the office, I ended up skipping the "make something for me part".

1:30p - 1c honeynut cheerios, 12oz skim milk, 15 cherries
4:30p - multiple handfuls of dry roasted walnuts (maybe a 1c total) - these were on sale. I knew I shouldn't have bought them - they are really good!
7:30p - roasted hot dog, BBQ chips, 2 S'mores - fun, but not healthy!
40 oz water

Tracy - the lemon tree is fun. We have lemons on the tree almost year round so we can pick one fresh most of the time. I was adding lemon to my water last year and that really seemed to help me get enough in. Thanks for reminding me. I'll add a slice to my water tomorrow!:)

Julie - I wish I had your willpower to get out and walk/exercise! Even with how busy you are, you always seem to work something physical into your day.
Hi Anna
I put sliced lemons & limes in my diet lemonade today!
Well done for getting the walk/jog in :)
Hi Anna!
I'm jealous for 2 reasons....probably more than that, but i'm just naming 2.
1) You get to walk on the beach for exercise.
2) You get fresh lemons whenever you want them! I LOVE squeezing fresh lemons into my water....ICE COLD!!! reminded me how much water I haven't been drinking lately!

You're doing great with everything - keep it up!!
Check back in with ya after I get settled in Alabama....(after the 24th)

take care!
Anna you're killing me with the lemon tree thing! Why oh why do I not live in San Diego and have my own lemon tree too? And walks on the beach. I hear you on the Bunco thing, I used to play pokeeno (similar, no dice) and my Lord the way we would all eat and drink. But thats the fun! I didn't think your food looked bad at all. You are doing great, the walking sounds like its really getting back on track for you, good job!
Sorry to be MIA for so long. We have had different sets of family & friends in town and have more this week. Next week we'll be off for my family reunion and then the kids and I are going to spend some extra time and visit friends, etc.

With all of that, I don't know how much computer time I will have. Truthfully, I'm not sure what there is to say. I have good exercise days, good food days, or good water days, but can't seem to get all of them to go together at the same time!:mad: Needless to say, the scale is still stuck at 162. This is where I have been since I got back from our cruise two months ago. I know I have fallen off the wagon. I feel like I left myself somewhere in the dust and I don't even know where the wagon went?! Sigh!

Maybe having some time away will help me have a motivational mind change. That is really what I need right now.

Take care everyone. I know that there is no way I could have achieved the 25 lb loss (now only 23!) without all off my WISH friends. I need to take that strength and figure out how to lose another 20 lbs. This is not goodbye, just a break while I'm away. Hopefully I can come back with the motivation I need to get to the next big milestone!
Hey Anna
I'll miss you :hug:
I hope the break helps you, take care & see you soon.:hug:
Take care Anna....hang in there!
And you know we're here for you when you need us!

Take care Anna, we will indeed miss you. I think a break can be a good thing. Your girls will be back in school soon, take the rest of this time they are off to refocus. Then come back, we can't have WISH without Anna! I hear you on the two months, same weight thing. I think I fell off the same wagon right with you. Just look at the big picture of how much you have lost. The "have done's" are much more positive to think about than the "wish I would have's" when it comes to your weight loss. Hang in there and don't stay away too long!:hug:
Where is the slinking back with my head hung low in shame smilie?

I needed to take a break and that was good. I started exercising again in September with great beach walks but got sidetracked by DD4's case of chicken pox(even though she'd had the vaccine!) and then DH's company got bought. Turned September into a crazy month. October just saw my own disgust with my lack of willpower and my too tight pants. The past few days however have really put things back into perspective about what is really important.

As you know, I live in Southern CA. On Monday afternoon, we had to evacuate when the wildfire came within 2 miles of our house. Thankfully, we were able to return home Tuesday night having suffered no damage. However, in the last 3.5 days I have had very little sleep, and lots of time to think while watching the news around the clock. All of the usual things that fill my days have not gotten done. And you know what? That's ok! I realize that maybe they aren't so vastly important after all. I CAN make time to for myself. I need to get back to WISH and committed to healthy living! So I am.

Over the summer I ate healthy things for the most part, just too, too much of everything! I also was really bad about drinking water (back to drinking 1/2gallon of skim milk a day:sad2: ), and have exercised only sporadically. Needless to say, I put on +5 lbs. Definitely the wrong direction to go!! I'll step on the scale tomorrow morning to assess the current damage. I've removed my 25lb clippie:sad2:

So here are my goals:
* Drink 80-100 oz of water EACH and EVERY DAY
* Track my food on fitday - this really helped me in the past recognize just how many calories are in 8-10 glasses of milk, even if it is skim!
* Get out and do SOMETHING for exercise EACH and EVERY DAY - just because I don't have an hour to take a beach walk, doesn't mean I can't exercise for the day. I can always walk up and down the stairs for 15 minutes if necessary.

Exercise will have to be creative for the next few days since the air quality is "unhealthy" and outside activity is strongly discouraged until the smoke clears from the air. I'm thinking maybe I'll scrub the tile floors. We leave footprints in all the ash outside, so I know it is getting tracked inside too - time to clean! I'm also going to wash all the windows inside - and outside after the smoke clears.

So that's it for now. Help keep me on track WISH friends. I've missed you all!

:cool1: yay Anna great to see you back :banana:
Thanks for stopping by my journal too :hug:
The fires have made the news over here too & i was thinking about you, i'm so glad your family & home escaped the blaze, it must be very scary!
Your goals are great & well done for making a start already :goodvibes
You dont need to ''slink back with your head hung low in shame'' you've made a positive choice & its great to have you back :hug:


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