My journey...210 lbs to 125 lbs ºoº


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi, it was suggested that I come to the W.I.S.H. boards and post my story. SO HELLO ALL!

I battled weight most of my life. I am 5'6" tall with medium frame. In 1996 I weighed 175 lbs and I was a smoker. One day I got off my couch and my heart hurt. I was 32 years old. I quit smoking after the 17 year habit. An incredible inspiration to me was my daughter Emily. Emily was born in 1993 with congenital heart defects so severe they can not be repaired. Instead she suffered thru 3 palliative heart operations before her third birthday. 1996 was the last surgery. I quit smoking two week before Xmas and three months after Emily's last operation. As a result I gained more weight. Soon I was 210 lbs. I stayed at that weight for a year. One day I got off my couch and my heart hurt. I was 34 years old. THAT WAS IT! January 1998 was a turning point in Emily's health and mine. Jan 1998 doctors told us there is nothing more they could do. It was in God's hands and Emily's will. I called MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION. It was a big point for all of us. Emily was stable. I was fat. January 1998, I bought a cheap treadmill. I set it up in my dining/living room where I had to trip over it to use it. The first time on the treadmill, I did 2 minutes and stopped, it was killing me. I had always been very active, but I was heavy and tired. I stayed with it and at the end on the first week I could do 10 minutes. I did the treadmill 6 nights a week and started a healthy diet calories and drinking water. I lost 50 lbs on the treadmill in about 5 months. When Emily's MAKE A WISH trip to WDW came up June 1998, I was 148 lbs. I lost over 60 lbs since January 1998. I wasn't going to be the FAT MOM when Emily's started school that September. That summer I continued to exercise, lose weight and educate myself on nutrition, fitness and heathy living. I enroled in fitness school. Emily's started kindergarten in September 1998, I started teaching aerobic in October 1998, I was 125 lbs. size 5. At 210 lbs I was size 22. I have been teaching aerobics, yoga, art classes ever since. I also lecture and hold specialty workshops on fitness and children's issues. Emily now has a baby brother Evan. Emily is 8 years old and doing far better than anyone expected. Evan is 2 years old and a doll. My husband always supported me, for which I will always be grateful and love him to death! The money I make in fitness goes in the DISNEY ACCOUNT. Emily, dh and I went to WDW thru MAKE A WISH/GKTW 1998. We went back to WDW with Emily and Evan April 2001 and we are going back April 2002. I am proud of my family and the support we all share with each other. PEACE
OMG that is so are an inspiration to us all....TY!!! Congrats on your awesome achievement, and hugs to Emily!

Awesome story!

What an inspiration to are to us all, and your family sounds wonderful!

Have a great trip with your family in April.

You all deserve it!.

Herc:D :D
What a wonderful inspirational story. I just asked the doctor if I could come in each week to be weighed. I think I would try harder. I too need to loose a lot of weight!
What an inspiring story! THanks for sharing that with us. ANd congratulations to you and your family, for your health and happiness!
Sandra, what an inspiring story! You are proof that determination can pull anyone through. So happy Emily is doing well.:)


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