My Journey... (comments always welcome)


Mar 29, 2008
Hello out there. This is my first attempt at writing one of these, but not my first attempt at trying to lose weight. Here's a little background about me:

Hi, I'm pipermae. I'm a college student at the University of Memphis. (GO TIGERS!) I'm also in the Men's Pep Band and a former member of the Marching Band, where I met my wonderful boyfriend. I'm currently in my 3rd year there, and I still haven't lost my "Freshman 15"... except my "Freshman 15" turned into a "Freshman 40-ish". I'm about 5'9"-5'9.5" and about 165 lbs. I was at 170 but got food poisoning and lost 10 and gained 5 back. Seeing less than 170 for the first time in a year was nice to me.

I know, according to my bmi, I'm not overweight per say. But, I feel uncomfortable with myself since I gained so much in a short period of time. My wonderful boyfriend loves me no matter what, I know, but I want to look good.

In a little less than a year, my DBF and 2 friends are going to WDW for a week long trip and I want to be back to about my high school weight.

I, also, want to start eating healthier. It's going to be a little tricky for me, I've got a lot of weaknesses. I loooove Coke, popcorn, pizza, black olives, burgers, and cupcakes. I love baking, my friends say I make some of the best cupcakes ever. So, I'll have to not bake for a while, until I can bake without tasting.

My goal is to walk 5 miles a week. I have the Nike+ system and shoes and it tells me calories burned and miles walked and I love it. I also want to do 100 crunches a week. And do an hour or so on my stationary bike, while watching a movie or a t.v. show.

Now that I've bored you all with my life story and complaining, I'm going to go eat some carrots and get ready for my first day being healthier. (Wish me luck, it's date night and we might go out... le sigh.)

Welcome, I put you on a team also. Walt's Warriors, go over to their thread and introduce yourself.

Walking Panda:hippie:


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