My latest Painting...for our bathroom! POTC theme of course!


Jun 5, 2006
This is going to be in our bathroom....we are redoing it and it will have a pirate theme and DS loves Davy Jones from the latest POTC movie so I did this to go in our bathroom closet door (the door at one time had a mirror in but the door itself is very short, about shoulder high so the mirror would only come up about chest high so rather than get another mirror that you would not be able to properly see youself in, I painted this to go in the door. It will be removeable in case we change the bathroom theme someday and the Painting will go to DS). It just turned out way neat and I wanted to share it with someone (because once it is in place, very few people will ever see it...unless you come to my house to use the toilet!). I took pix of 3 stages of working on it. it is not quite done in the last picture, it now has the Flying Dutchman in the background...I'll have to take another pic of it finished.

the bathroom is still in the works but I was in the mood to paint and I gotta do it when the mood strikes!




Thanks everyone! I just had to show someone...It was one of those times that my painting turned out just like I thought it would (you know how you have an idea in your head of how it should look but you just cant make it happen sometimes)

OMG! That's awesome! :teeth: Want to do another? ;)

Probably not any time soon, this ended up taking a lot longer than I thought it would (DH kept asking if it was done yet). But if its something for personal use, I usually dont care how long it takes.
You did an amazing job!!!
I want a POTC bathroom now!


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