My most embarrassing moment at Disney, share yours!!

Mrs. Bob Loblaw said:
This is a short embarrassing story about my mom.

We had just boarded our Doom Buggie on HM when I felt the seat vibrate. I said "OMG, did you just feel that? Our seat just vibrated!" I've ridden the ride dozens of times and that's never happened before.

Turns out I couldn't hear it, but she had just farted because was "saving it" for when we were away from the crowds.

Hilarious . That would be my mother in law to a tee.
This is borderline rated R, not sure I should be sharing it! Please let me know if I should take it down, but it is both embarrassing and amusing, so I will go ahead and relate it in its entirety.

My most embarrassing moment happened about 5 years ago. We had just driven to WDW and were checking into our hotel for our first DVC stay, with our then about 4 year old son. DS really needed the bathroom, and really wanted me to take him, so we went to the restroom right off the hotel lobby (at SSR.) We ran to a stall (in the ladies' room, he was only 3 or 4), he pulled down his pants, lifted up the seat, and started um, relieving the urgency of his bladder. He was in such a hurry that he released the seat, which came crashing down on a part of him that we had been careful to teach him the correct name of.

DS started screaming and crying, "Ouch, it hurts, it hurts! Mommy, kiss it and make it better! Mommy, kiss my p*n*s! Kiss my p*n*s!"

He begins repeating this over and over, getting increasing frantic, because he still firmly believed that a kiss from Mommy makes everything better. I kissed his forehead, and told him it was all better. He said, "No, it still hurts, kiss my p*n*s."

I could hear someone laughing in another stall. I was starting to wonder when CPS was going to show up. I decided that the best solution was to sort of air blow a kiss in the general direction of his nether regions.

That seemed to satisfy him. He calmed down, got dressed, washed his hands, and walked with me back into the lobby. Where he announced in a loud voice,

"Thank you for blowing my p*n*s, Mommy!"

I spent the rest of the day convinced we were going to be thrown in jail, or at least banned from WDW forever.

OMG! That is hilarious!!!!
I have another one that didn't happen to me but was funny none the less. Have y'all ever been witness to something in which the stars align perfectly and it happens in slow motion? Well, we were at Aloha Isle having a Dole Whip one day and were sitting at one of the tables that used to be there. (At least they were gone when we were just there in June) OK, here's where the slow motion part comes in. Mom, DD, and I are just sitting there people watching and I notice a beautiful little girl all done up in her princess finery sitting across from us eating her Dole Whip too. Next to her is a rather large man standing and at his feet is a squirrel that he doesn't notice. He takes a small step backwards and steps right on the squirrel's tail. It spooked that squirrel so badly that it shot straight forward, up that poor little girls dress, and got stuck in the frilly crinoline underneath. She let out a screech that could've fit right in at HM, threw her Dole Whip which landed in her mother lap, and frantically tried to get her dress off! It all happened so fast, once again, all I could do was laugh. The little girl was fine, just a little shaken understandibly. We all laughed about that all day long!:rotfl2:
This one is absolutely mortifying... but I'm glad it didn't end up worse!! :o

When I was 13, my parents and younger sister and I took a trip to WDW and the day we were in MK, it started pouring, so we got some sweet yellow touristy plastic ponchos to wear until the rain let up. We decided to go on Splash Mountain and kept our ponchos on so we wouldn't have to carry them through the queue.

About 20 minutes after we got in line, I felt like I needed to use the restroom, but there was no way I could walk all the way out of the queue, find a restroom, and then essentially cut everyone in line to get back to my family, so I thought I could hold it. An hour later, I'm about to wet myself as we get to the front of the line. I'm frantically looking around for a bathroom (as we're boarding the ride? :rolleyes2 13 year old me was a genius) and realize that I have two options: board the ride or sprint through the chicken exit and hope that I make it to the nearest bathroom. I take option one.

As a last-ditch effort, I try to make it through the ride, but it's not happening. So I pull my poncho around my bottom half and let nature take its course :guilty: the poncho keeps it from going on my mom, who's sharing a car with me and has no idea what's going on... then before the big drop, I hike my poncho up to my waist and pray that we get soaked. Thankfully, we did, our car got filled with water and I'm drenched from the waist down.

The rest of my family stayed pretty dry and they kept asking how I got so wet... I just said my poncho must've ridden up when I sat down :confused3

Not sure I'll ever be able to sit down on a wet seat at SM again without thinking about that. :sick:

This is borderline rated R, not sure I should be sharing it! Please let me know if I should take it down, but it is both embarrassing and amusing, so I will go ahead and relate it in its entirety.

My most embarrassing moment happened about 5 years ago. We had just driven to WDW and were checking into our hotel for our first DVC stay, with our then about 4 year old son. DS really needed the bathroom, and really wanted me to take him, so we went to the restroom right off the hotel lobby (at SSR.) We ran to a stall (in the ladies' room, he was only 3 or 4), he pulled down his pants, lifted up the seat, and started um, relieving the urgency of his bladder. He was in such a hurry that he released the seat, which came crashing down on a part of him that we had been careful to teach him the correct name of.

DS started screaming and crying, "Ouch, it hurts, it hurts! Mommy, kiss it and make it better! Mommy, kiss my p*n*s! Kiss my p*n*s!"

He begins repeating this over and over, getting increasing frantic, because he still firmly believed that a kiss from Mommy makes everything better. I kissed his forehead, and told him it was all better. He said, "No, it still hurts, kiss my p*n*s."

I could hear someone laughing in another stall. I was starting to wonder when CPS was going to show up. I decided that the best solution was to sort of air blow a kiss in the general direction of his nether regions.

That seemed to satisfy him. He calmed down, got dressed, washed his hands, and walked with me back into the lobby. Where he announced in a loud voice,

"Thank you for blowing my p*n*s, Mommy!"

I spent the rest of the day convinced we were going to be thrown in jail, or at least banned from WDW forever.

My most embarrassing moment happened about 5 years ago. We had just driven to WDW and were checking into our hotel for our first DVC stay, with our then about 4 year old son. DS really needed the bathroom, and really wanted me to take him, so we went to the restroom right off the hotel lobby (at SSR.) We ran to a stall (in the ladies' room, he was only 3 or 4), he pulled down his pants, lifted up the seat, and started um, relieving the urgency of his bladder. He was in such a hurry that he released the seat, which came crashing down on a part of him that we had been careful to teach him the correct name of.

DS started screaming and crying, "Ouch, it hurts, it hurts! Mommy, kiss it and make it better! Mommy, kiss my p*n*s! Kiss my p*n*s!"

He begins repeating this over and over, getting increasing frantic, because he still firmly believed that a kiss from Mommy makes everything better. I kissed his forehead, and told him it was all better. He said, "No, it still hurts, kiss my p*n*s."

I could hear someone laughing in another stall. I was starting to wonder when CPS was going to show up. I decided that the best solution was to sort of air blow a kiss in the general direction of his nether regions.

That seemed to satisfy him. He calmed down, got dressed, washed his hands, and walked with me back into the lobby. Where he announced in a loud voice,

"Thank you for blowing my p*n*s, Mommy!"

I spent the rest of the day convinced we were going to be thrown in jail, or at least banned from WDW forever.

What made me laugh about this was that my DS is just now starting to realize he has one. So I've been teaching him the correct name for it too. He has an Elmo suction cup mat that he sits on when he takes a bath. So he likes to point to items on the mat and ask the names. The other night, as my DH is on the phone with his mother, you could hear me in the background "Elmo, ball, p*n*s, ball, fish, p*n*s, clam, Elmo...." as he pointed to different things. So I can imagine he and I could have that same conversation in a couple years. :faint:
There is an area in the walkway of Pop when me and the kids were going to the food court...well it was raining a little and I had flip flops on. I was making sure the kids were careful not to fall b/c it was VERY slippery and I slipped and hurt my toes.. hurt them so much that the paint on the sidewalk scraped off and was stuck on the top of two of my toes! The kids were worried about me b/c it was bad, but the guy behind me was laughing. I turned around and realized why he was laughing-- he had a mental disability. My kids are young and aren't aware of those things so they thought it was mean he was laughing but I told them it's ok, the man didn't understand mommy got hurt.. plus, it must have looked kind of funny. Here I am barking orders at the kids to be careful and I went and got hurt. :blush:
crystaltink said:
My most embarrassing moment happened this year during our mother and son's annual Spring Break trip. My sweet boy is 16 and towers over me at 6 ft tall now, but he still enjoys hanging out with me! :cool1:
Anyway, within minutes of checking in at our hotel we were out the door and headed to MK. It had been raining off and on, and I should have stopped long enough to change my shoes, but I didn't...mistake! I was wearing flip flops. :rolleyes2
We zipped down Main Street and headed to the Haunted Mansion, our favorite! The queue line was wet but I didn't think much about it. We didn't make it into the mansion in time and the doors closed in front of us . So we waited patiently behind the line. A nice crowd of people started trickling in behind us, no big deal. Until the doors opened, and I started to walk in....well... my right leg went sliding rapidly behind me, I came down on my right knee, while my left leg shot forward! Luckily for me my left flip flop caught the entrance of the mansion or I would have done a split! I heard gasps and OMG's behind me, ugh! My DS grabbed me and yanked me straight up onto my feet. He pulled me over to the side looked down into my eyes and asked me if I was hurt. I think he was checking to see if I was crying. I told him the top of my toes were burning so I probably had scratched them up, but I was ok. Then I told him I probably ruined my toe nail polish, lol!
Then my DS says to me..."That was the coolest thing I've ever seen! Mom you just did a Tebow!!" :scared:
I was in a state of mortification because I slipped down in front of 25 strangers, and my boy thought is was cool. :confused3

Oh my goodness. I am laughing writing this. Doing a "Tebow". Hystericsl
Afew years ago my DH and I were shopping in China at World Showcase. Now the merchandise there varies from cheap things for a few dollars to authentic peices for thousands of dollars. I was looking at some green Jade elephants, when I noticed some purple ones nearby. So I ask the Chinese CM, in my slowest, loudest American voice,so she could understand me, "What do you call this material"?.. to which she replies, in her slowest, loudest perfect English voice, "In my country, we call this Plastic"! I was soooo mortified. I ran out as fast as I could. My husband teases me every time we visit! Jane
This is borderline rated R, not sure I should be sharing it! Please let me know if I should take it down, but it is both embarrassing and amusing, so I will go ahead and relate it in its entirety.

My most embarrassing moment happened about 5 years ago. We had just driven to WDW and were checking into our hotel for our first DVC stay, with our then about 4 year old son. DS really needed the bathroom, and really wanted me to take him, so we went to the restroom right off the hotel lobby (at SSR.) We ran to a stall (in the ladies' room, he was only 3 or 4), he pulled down his pants, lifted up the seat, and started um, relieving the urgency of his bladder. He was in such a hurry that he released the seat, which came crashing down on a part of him that we had been careful to teach him the correct name of.

DS started screaming and crying, "Ouch, it hurts, it hurts! Mommy, kiss it and make it better! Mommy, kiss my p*n*s! Kiss my p*n*s!"

He begins repeating this over and over, getting increasing frantic, because he still firmly believed that a kiss from Mommy makes everything better. I kissed his forehead, and told him it was all better. He said, "No, it still hurts, kiss my p*n*s."

I could hear someone laughing in another stall. I was starting to wonder when CPS was going to show up. I decided that the best solution was to sort of air blow a kiss in the general direction of his nether regions.

That seemed to satisfy him. He calmed down, got dressed, washed his hands, and walked with me back into the lobby. Where he announced in a loud voice,

"Thank you for blowing my p*n*s, Mommy!"

I spent the rest of the day convinced we were going to be thrown in jail, or at least banned from WDW forever.

Omgggggg roflmao
I have another one that didn't happen to me but was funny none the less. Have y'all ever been witness to something in which the stars align perfectly and it happens in slow motion? Well, we were at Aloha Isle having a Dole Whip one day and were sitting at one of the tables that used to be there. (At least they were gone when we were just there in June) OK, here's where the slow motion part comes in. Mom, DD, and I are just sitting there people watching and I notice a beautiful little girl all done up in her princess finery sitting across from us eating her Dole Whip too. Next to her is a rather large man standing and at his feet is a squirrel that he doesn't notice. He takes a small step backwards and steps right on the squirrel's tail. It spooked that squirrel so badly that it shot straight forward, up that poor little girls dress, and got stuck in the frilly crinoline underneath. She let out a screech that could've fit right in at HM, threw her Dole Whip which landed in her mother lap, and frantically tried to get her dress off! It all happened so fast, once again, all I could do was laugh. The little girl was fine, just a little shaken understandibly. We all laughed about that all day long!:rotfl2:

Poor kid! Lmao
So I ask the Chinese CM, in my slowest, loudest American voice,so she could understand me, "What do you call this material"?.. to which she replies, in her slowest, loudest perfect English voice, "In my country, we call this Plastic"! I was soooo mortified. I ran out as fast as I could.

I was totally roflamo on the SSR story. I read it to my family and they thought it was totally hilarious.

The China story was pretty funny too. We forget they speak english even though they come from other countries. I have also done the speak really slowly thing myself.
This one wasn't even remotely funny at the time, but we were at the MK on my birthday with my two month old daughter. While getting on the train, I set her in her car seat for a second so that we could get the stroller loaded. The car seat fell off the seat with my daughter in it. She obviously lost it, and she pooped in her diaper which subsequently smeared all over my white shirt on a 100 degree day.

Thank goodness she was fine and I learned a lesson about setting car seats on things with my kid in it. every time we ride the train now, she jokes about, but no one (her least of all) thought it was funny at the time.
Mine is a total mommy epic fail.

Our first trip to Disney and my daughter is 3. I had her in her stroller and we get to talking to a CM at the hill in Epcot where the back entrance is to the world (not sure what its called but down at the bottom you can see Pinocchio and Max) and I am so excited about everything Disney being in the "bubble" that I dont even realize that I have let go of the stroller handles and there goes my daughter quickly down the hill and the stroller kinda curves into the side of the walkway. Well the hubby and myself go chasing her and when we get to her she tells me it was the best ride she had been on yet:laughing: My husband has NEVER let me live that one down and they both like to remind me every time we get to that spot not to talk to any CMs.
Every year as a child from the age of 9 we went to WDW. My grandmother would always come, she was a saint. She never rode and rides, she just loved to watch us have fun.

She would always bring a bag with her to the park. It usually contained raincoats, vaseline (don't ask getting old sucks) and snacks. We would take turns carrying it throughout the day. One day we left it on the bus when heading back to Port Orleans.

I was about thirteen at the time and everyone sent me to the front desk to explain that our bag was missing. The next question was "what was in it". I turned an inexplainable shade of red.

Our bag was returned later that night with all of it's contents. It long became an ongoing joke with our family.

When you pass by Splash Mountain say hi to my grandmother. Her ashes are spread in the bushes that face the hill. That was her favorite spot to sit and watch her grandkids having fun.
Every year as a child from the age of 9 we went to WDW. My grandmother would always come, she was a saint. She never rode and rides, she just loved to watch us have fun.

She would always bring a bag with her to the park. It usually contained raincoats, vaseline (don't ask getting old sucks) and snacks. We would take turns carrying it throughout the day. One day we left it on the bus when heading back to Port Orleans.

I was about thirteen at the time and everyone sent me to the front desk to explain that our bag was missing. The next question was "what was in it". I turned an inexplainable shade of red.

Our bag was returned later that night with all of it's contents. It long became an ongoing joke with our family.

When you pass by Splash Mountain say hi to my grandmother. Her ashes are spread in the bushes that face the hill. That was her favorite spot to sit and watch her grandkids having fun.

I'll remember to say hi to grandmother next time I'm near SP.
justcrusin said:
Every year as a child from the age of 9 we went to WDW. My grandmother would always come, she was a saint. She never rode and rides, she just loved to watch us have fun.

She would always bring a bag with her to the park. It usually contained raincoats, vaseline (don't ask getting old sucks) and snacks. We would take turns carrying it throughout the day. One day we left it on the bus when heading back to Port Orleans.

I was about thirteen at the time and everyone sent me to the front desk to explain that our bag was missing. The next question was "what was in it". I turned an inexplainable shade of red.

Our bag was returned later that night with all of it's contents. It long became an ongoing joke with our family.

When you pass by Splash Mountain say hi to my grandmother. Her ashes are spread in the bushes that face the hill. That was her favorite spot to sit and watch her grandkids having fun.

I'll make sure I say hi to your grandmother as I stand there and watch my son go down . Great story.


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