My mother is looking for advice about her step"kids" (long, sorry)


The Dis'er formerly known as Mom-to-3. Add 1751 to
Dec 22, 2000
How does your family handle the boundaries of being a step-parent?

3 years ago, my mother (age 62) married a man whose wife had died of cancer a year earlier. His kids didn't seem that excited about the wedding, but I felt it was natural for them to feel that way. They are in their early 30's.

My mother feels his kids take advantage of his time and money. They overspend and then ask their dad to cover some of their expenses. She feels they would have more money for essentials if they lived more wisely -- and they wouldn't need to ask Dad for help. One of the daughters (married with one child) lives rent-free in her dad's old house. The other daughter (with 2 kids) is getting a divorce that she didn't see coming and is devasted by. She is in a lot of debt and is selling her house and moving in with the other sister in their dad's old house. She also hinted to her dad that she won't be able to take a vacation this year, so she wondered if she could use his timeshare.

My mother notices every movie, outfit, restaurant meal that these women spend their money on. It drives her crazy. She then grumbles to her husband and he gets mad.

He is medically retired with a heart defibrilator but works part-time at Home Depot.

I do know these girls can be mercenary about money. One of the first times I met one of them, we talked about bottle-feeding and its expense versus breast-feeding. She laughed and said she tricked her father into buying most of her formula. She said he always called before he came over and she would ask him to buy some formula on the way over. She never reimbursed him.

My mom thinks he shouldn't be working so hard. Their fighting about this is escalating -- and she is asking me for advice. I have always told her that he is a stubborn man and she will never change him. (I'm married to one of those myself).

There are a lot of "on the one hand" and "on the other hand" in this situation. What are your views, o'wise DISers?
I think you already gave her sound advice. ;)
The kids may be taking advantage but it is up to him to correct it, not her. She should stay out of it and not mention one more word.
Also I would not consider her a step parent as the kids were grown already.

{{{HUGS}}} to you.
My Mom has a tendancy to pick an issue and then it drives her crazy. I tell her she's driving HERSELF nuts.

It seems like this situation has a long history before your Mom ever came on the scene. I think it would be nearly impossible to stop those step kids from their already entrenched behaviour.

I also think she should just leave it alone and make some happiness for herself and her DH and try not to worry about this situation. No doubt this will be difficult for her.

Good luck to you and your Mom!!
I know this is driving her crazy but unless your mom and her DH are going broke I really don't think there is anything she can do about it. They are his children, he loves them whether they take advantage of them or not....

We are in the DH mom calls for money and cries the blues but they go and spend it all on cigarettes and her crafts. ...It drives me crazy but I know I can't say anything that would make any difference. I am just glad we are able to help them out.....

Originally posted by iLovDisney
My mother notices every movie, outfit, restaurant meal that these women spend their money on. It drives her crazy. She then grumbles to her husband and he gets mad.

My view, because you asked, is that this is wrong somehow. If my Mom died and a year later my Dad (who is my stepdad in fact - that'd be weird) married a woman who kept track of everything I spent, I probably wouldn't deal with that woman very much and it would affect my relationship with him. Stress is a major issue for heart patients ~ "work", as in part-time retail, is not. There probably are instances where the daughters take advantage of his generosity, but the degree it affects your Mom is important. It may be minimal, and not worth causing disagreements over.
I am going to assume that your mom knew about the mooching daughters before she married her husband. If it bothered her so, why did she marry him?

We all make choices in life. His daughters are making the choice to mooch off their father. Their father is making the choice to allow them to mooch off him, even though it bothers his wife. Your mother made the choice to marry someone whose children she doesn't particularly care for. Maybe all 3 of these were poor choices on everybody's part. The burning question...what do we do now that it's all screwed up?

The only behavior your mother can change is hers. She either accepts that this is part of her marriage/life with this man, or she moves on. If she can get him to agree to counselling to see why he feels the need to let his daughter mooch off of him, and why she feels the need to control the situation, so be it.

These are the reasons why I always say if my DH dies before me, I'll never get married again. I don't like baggage.
Your mother needs to get over it. She's let him know how she feels, it's up to him now to do what he wants to do about it, if anything.
She she can decide what she wants to do. Live with it or not. Or she can just keep complaining about it making her and him unhappy.
If your mom loves this guy and wants to stay married then she needs to learn to back off. That is his girls and his money and the dynamics just don't work the same in second (or any number other than first) marriages. If they were her daughters too or women that she raised she'd have a much different position but as it is, she just needs to seriously back off and let the man do what he's always done. Because, quite frankly, that's exactly what he's going to do, it will just be with her or without her (your mom).
I love how each of you lends a slightly different slant, different voice! Thanks. :D
That's one of the reasons I love this place too.


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