"My secret santa gift has arrived" thread

DLP Secret Santa said:
Ho! Ho! Ho!

Secret Santa here with a message for my friend in the East Midlands whose mummy is also on my list :teeth:

As you know, Secret Santa likes to exactly match his gifts to the person receiving ;) and had a cunning plan for a gift. However this all went somewhat awry 2 weeks ago and a substitute was instead selected.

This has however not yet arrived despite the delivery date being a week ago (it has not been sent even). I am sure it will come in ample time but wanted to let you know that's why it hasn't been sent ;)

Must dash, the elves are slacking a bit these days and I might have to sack a few later :earseek:

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Thank you Kar- OOPS! I mean SANTA for letting me know! I knew you wouldn't have forgotten me! Sorry it sounds you've had some trouble getting my present but I KNOW I will appreciate it!! :love2:
Cyrano said:
Calling all Grumpy's. Calling all Grumpy's. Emergency in Italy. Reinforcements required ;)

New reinforcements on place!

Got mine this morning - thanks Santa! Beautifully wrapped too - BOTH of the TWO presents that is :D
HEY,our dear SANTA,when are we,good girls and boys, supposed to open our parcels ?

Some people here in Italy "celebrate" on Eve night :around midnight there is a BIG dinner ... followed by dances and the magic moment : everybody is allowed to unwrap his parcels !!!!

In my family we use instead to attend to the 25ft morming Mass and , coming back home , we open parcels just before a DELICIOUS lunch !!!
:blush: (Such a long waiting, that's why this year is the very first time I don't shake,squeeze,open my parcels BEFORE !!)

What do you think , Santa ?

:wave2: Laura (Thanks for my parcel, it's still ...safely unopened !!!)
Haven't received mine yet - hopefully it will be waiting for me when I get back from Disney. :goodvibes
There are still about 9 not yet received but hopefully will arrive next week or it'll be too late!! :)
My secret santa gift arrived today!!! Yippee!!!! It feels very soft and possibly cuddly ;) !!!!! Can't wait to open it - but I will because I'm a good girl!!! (Are you listening, Laura??? :rotfl:) )Thank you so much Santa !!!
My parcel arrived today - and Santa wrote on the back that I could open it as the present inside was wrapped, so I did and there are 4 presents for me to open!!! Not until Christmas morning though.
HEY, Di, how can you say it's soft ???

Did you squeeze or by any means shake it ? :rotfl2:

When is your family used to unwrap Christmas parcels ?

I guess THIS YEAR :teeth: for my very first time :teeth: I'll open mine on Xmas day ... :banana: BUT EARLY in the morning ...

NOT just before lunch as it's customary in our family !!!!

How are you feeling , Di ? :cheer2: isn't it EXCITING ? :cheer2:
:badpc: :badpc: I'm feeling like that since ... NOVEMBER 17th !!!!! :rotfl:

Laura :lovestruc
Well, it felt soft when I picked it up - and gave it a squeeze!!!! Can't wait - we open ours on Christmas morning straight after breakfast!!!!!!!! It's really getting exciting now!!!!
WHOOOHOOOO. My Secret Santa present arrived yesterday :cheer2: :cheer2:

I'm now going to have to restrain myself because I'm a known groper when it comes to presents. :confused3

Thank you Santa
Glad for you !!!!! how is the parcel ? soft ? big ?


What is "groper" ? my English/Italian dictionary hasn't got it ... :confused3
Does it mean "impatient" ?

Ciao,Laura :Pinkbounc
Laura, "groper" comes from the word "grope" which in this case means "poke and prod" the present to try and find out what it is! :)
So the mystery parcel that arrived a while ago WASN'T from my Secret Santa - it arrived this morning!!!! :Pinkbounc I've got three little parcels, and SS had also done a poem!! Thank you SS - receving my pressy actually made me feel quite Christmassy!!! :hyper:


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