My Son's Very Magical Moment


I swear, I'm not obssessed!
Nov 11, 2007
I have been trying to get this posted and still need to do a trip report but life has gotten hectic since we returned from our trip in Nov. '07 and I am finally getting time to try and re-live our great trip to WDW. :upsidedow

Anyway, I thought I would post the wonderful magical moment we experienced on our first night of vacation.

This vacation included me (41), my DH (45), my ds (6 - 2nd trip), my best friend (her 50th birthday trip) and her daughter (18). I had made late dinner reservations for us at the Rose & Crown Pub (8:50 pm) because we were coming in late in the afternoon, and I wanted us to be able to catch Illuminations. Also, my MIL and FIL were staying at the timeshare outside Disney and met us at the R&C for dinner.

After we were seated (about 5 minutes before our seating time), our server, Emma (she was AWESOME), took our drink & appie orders and then said that if we wanted to, she would hold our entrees until after Illuminations was over. We were sitting there enjoying our drinks & apps when a CM came in and kneeled down next to my son. She had an autograph book and told him that "Mickey had asked for his autograph." I knew about YOAMD, but at the time, we thought this was something they were probably doing with all the kids in the restaurant. So my son very carefully wrote out his full name, and then she thanked him and left. After she left, we discussed how weird it was that she had only gotten DS's autograph, and none of the about 50 other kids in the pub.

About ten minutes later, a CM named Louise came in and kneeled down next to my son and asked "is your name Adam?". He said "yes." She said, "well, Adam, Mickey asked me to speak to you about a very serious matter. You see, he is stuck in a queue (don't you just love the British) over in one of the shops across the street, and he won't be able to get here in time to start the fireworks for Illuminations. So, he has asked if you would be willing to use his magic wand to start the fireworks for him?" Well, the look on my DS's face was absolutely priceless! He was so excited! And of coure, he agreed. Louise informed us that she would be back a few minutes before the fireworks were supposed to start to get Adam so he could start the fireworks. That was the end of any kind of eating dinner for DS. He was too excited and kept saying to me, "Mom, did you hear that -I get to start the fireworks! - Mickey's going to let me use his magic wand" etc, etc. :cool1: Of course, at this point, I'm so happy for him I'm practically bawling. :sad:

At about 9:25, Louise comes back with this long, rainbow colored lightup stick with a Mickey head on it. She takes us all out to the R&C porch outside. She tells DS that when the music starts, he needs to wave Mickey's wand around in circles that get bigger and bigger, and when she tells him, he needs to point it over towards America so that the fireworks can start. So, off he goes, waving the wand around and around in circles, and when Louise said "NOW", he pointed toward America, and the the first fireworks burst into the air. My DS turns around to look at me and goes "Mom, look, MY magic started the fireworks!" :cheer2: At that point, I just lost it completely - what can I say? I'm a mom....:goodvibes

He kept waving the wand through the whole show. And when it ended, Louise gave him a Magical Moments certificate signed by Mickey and the whole crew at the Rose & Crown for starting the fireworks. My DS was so proud of himself and everytime we saw fireworks (including Wishes) during our time there, he would say "Mom, that's STILL my magic, it's still working!" :wizard:

It was the BEST way to start our trip and he will NEVER forget it. He wrote it in his vacation journal, and every now and then since we got home he will say "Mom, remember when I started the fire works?"

I believe this is proof that the Magical Moments and the Wishes given are completely random. We were one table in a restuarant full of people eating and waiting for Illuminations. Why my DS? Why not the next table or the table outside? It only made it that much more special because it was so unexpected and random. I went knowing about the YOAMD, but not expecting anything but having a great time at Disney.

This is what makes us go back..........
That's awesome! These types of stories always makes me smile - thanks for sharing! :goodvibes

Your DS's comments are sooo cute and shows he really believes in the magic - as do I! :wizard:
Smile? It made me cry.:goodvibes

That sounds wonderful. I'm so happy for you. And I hope some of your luck rubs off on us next week.:wizard:
OMG, I have tears in my eyes. That is just awesome! I have a DS6 so I was just picturing his face doing the same thing! And that is why I just LOVE Disney World! :goodvibes
WOW, that made me cry!! We leave tomorrow for for DS 6th birthday trip:goodvibes
Wow! That's so wonderful! I am glad that your trip was magical!
That is Magical.

I'm a little veclempt (sp).:scared: I need to take a amongst yourselfs,,,
how amazing! I'm in tears too! A childs heart just never fails to amaze me! what a special moment for your family!
OMGosh, I have tears too!

What a wonderful, wonderful memory you all will have - forever!
I have to admit - while I was re-telling the story I was crying again too! It's good to let it all out :goodvibes I will be sad the day my DS stops believing. 6 years is really the perfect age to be in Disney I think. We took him when he was 4 yo and although he remembers the whole trip and still talks about it, he was a little afraid of the characters still and not as willing to open up. I have another funny story....

We were on the bus back to Pop after doing the nighttime EMH at AK. There were some ladies on the bus with us who had been at AK and had obviously been having a fun "girls night". Anyway, my DS started up a conversation with them and asked them if they had ridden Expedition Everest. They said they had and he said "it's night time - did you fall asleep on it?" They said "how could we fall asleep on such a fast moving ride?" And, with a totally serious face, he replied "well, that's why it's called Everest" Get it -- EVER-REST! Well, it was silent for about 1/2 a second before everyone, including the bus driver, burst out in hysterical laughter. :rotfl: My DS had no idea what was so funny, or that he had made anything other than a perfectly logical observation. That had to be the funniest moment of our trip! That's why I love my son more than anything in the world! :hug:
Such a wonderful treat for your Son! Makes for amazing reading, could feel the tears welling up as I read your story! Thank-you for sharing!
Up in heaven somewhere, Walt is smiling (maybe a few tears in his eyes, too). Your story was his dream! Thanks for sharing!!:goodvibes
Oh my, that brought tears to my ears also.
How wonderful for your son! My DS6 would have been in heaven so I can imagine how yours was feeling/ Thank you so much for sharing. :goodvibes
WOW!! I'm balling! As a mom, I can imagine how exciting that was for you and your DS!!

This is why we love Disney soooo much! Magic everywhere!
OMGosh, I have tears reading that!!! What a magical memory for your son and you too!!! Thanks for sharing your little bit of magic!!!


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