My Weight Watchers journey!! I DID IT!!! Before/after pic, post 128!!!!

Thanks Jane!!!

So, I am not journaling as religiously as I was when I first started, so I thought I would give an update. I suffered my first gain last week. Thankfully, it was only .6 pounds. Home life has been crazy lately. DS has wrestling 5 days a week, soccer games one night a week, soccer practice one night a week, youth group one night a week, and Boy Scouts every other week, and I teach dance two nights a week...can you keep up with all that?? The gain last week threw me for a little bit of a loop, and I went a little crazy eating junk (that, and that cruddy Packers loss on Sunday!!). But, I am back in the game this week and plugging along. Out WW at work meetings have been on hold because we did not have enough people signed up. We just got the word yesterday that our meetings will be back next week!! So, I am taking a Mulligan as far as weighing in this week, keeping my momentum going, and hopefully on Tuesday I will be able to hit goal at my regular meeting, with my regular leader, and with all my WW buddies there to see it!
I am so impressed! I just started reading your journal and all I can say is wowie!
Thanks for including the products you like. I'm always looking for something new to keep things fun and zippy. :upsidedow When I start getting bored with eating stuff things go downhill fast. So thanks again for that!

You should do something super nice for yourself. Reward time! :goodvibes
You are busy! No wonder you lost so much weight - you're whole life is a workout! Great job staying on track.
(Cross posted from the WISH WW Thread)

I DID IT!!!!! Lost 3 pounds yesterday (that was over a two week time span). My WW goal was 135. I weighed in yesterday at 133.6!! I actually want to lose .8 more pounds, because that will give me an even 70 POUNDS LOST!!!

Some quick numbers. When I started, I weighed in at 202.8 pounds. I had a BMI of 34.8. I was a size XL or 1X for tops, and at 16 (but probably an 18 in denial) for pants. Fast forward to yesteday. I have now lost 34% of my body weight. My BMI is 22.9. For tops, I wear a size medium. For pants I am a size 8 (although I want to go try on a size 6 and see if they fit!!).

Before and after pictures will be coming, as soon as I take a new one!!
Wow!!!!! Congratulations on your goal!!!! That is amazing!:worship::worship:

I don't know why I didn't find this one before, but glad I did now! I haven't read the whole thing, but I plan to.
:banana:Wow you are amazing! I always wondered if ww worked. I joined once along time ago and never went to a 2nd. You are an amazing inspiration.
So in my first week of maintenance, I actually lost 1.2 pounds, which puts me at 70.4 pounds. I really wanted to see that magic number of 70, so now this week I am going to actually put effort into maintaining, and not losing.

And, my before and after pic, for those who wanted to see...
Well, still plugging along on maintenance. I am trying to find a good balance. So far it has been ups and downs. Down 1.4 the first week, up 2.8, down 3. Not sure what this week is going to bring, either!

I have been trying to start running. Trying being the key word. I am just not a fan of it! Maybe once it gets nice and I can do it outside it will be easier.
Baby Tigger this journal is SO inspiring!!!! I cant believe I haven't read it yet.

Thank you so much for pttuing this together. Of course your before and after pics are AMAZING!!!!!!

A big light bulb went off in my head last night..."If I just buckle down and faitfhully work the program then I will get to maintenance where I can eat a few more points"

I am such a slow learner!

I am not officially a Lifetime member of WW!! When I started my journey, getting to this point seemed so far away, but I made it!! It wasn't always easy, but in the end, it was totally worth it! I have so much more energy, I sleep better at night, I can go into a store and buy what I like, not buy something because it is the only thing that fits me. As of right now, I have lost a total of 72 pounds, and I am currently at 130.8. I am actually thinking about losing just a tiny bit more. It is totally a numbers thing! I want to get into the 120s!! I did tell myself that 125 is the smallest that I will go (wow, does it sound odd to say that!).

I am also going to apply to be a WW leader!!
I just finished reading your journal from start to finish - all I can say is "Wow". Your before and after pictures are great. You are truly an inspiration. :thumbsup2

- Laura
Well, I did it. Submitted my application to Weight Watchers. Just took an online assessment. Now I just wait!!
Great job! I just started running as well. I don't mind the cold weather as much as I ought I wold be I also have my dd9 running with me so I think that helps pass the time. Good luck with your journey!
Well, I am learning that maintenance is HARD!!!! I have fallen into a pattern of not watching what I am doing for three weeks, and then killing myself to get back to my goal weight before I have to weigh in! The time for that to stop is NOW!! Back to tracking, which will help me.
I just found your journey today and you sound sound just like me. March 2011 I was 202 lbs as of today I have lot 39.2 lbs. It's been so slow but it's working. I ran my first 5K in April and looking forward to the 1/2 marathon in Feb '13. I think I will walk/run it. It's so good to read a good journey like yours, I know I can do it.


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