Nadine & Costa Escape Wedding/Disneymoon April 2010


Earning My Ears
Mar 15, 2009
Hi my name is Nadine (33) and my DF is Costa (31). I have been a member on here for a few months now so I thought it was time I started my PJ.
We met 6 and half years ago. It was just before christmas 2002 and I was doing my normal internet christmas shopping and like most companies online I had to have my first delivery sent to my home address, well I am at work so my kind neighbour took it in for me - Costa (I had lived in my house next door to Costa for over 2 years and had never once met him). I got home that evening to find one of those parcel delivery notes saying that my parcel had been left next door so i dumped my bags and was about to go next door when there was a knock at my door. When I opened it Costa was standing there holding my parcel. After saying thank you very much that was about the extent of our first meeting !!!!
2 days later I received a xmas card through my door from Costa inviting me round for a drink and supplying his mobile number and email address. I of course sent one back the next day and waited to see what would happen. A week later was New Years Eve and after a few drinks I got up the courage to text him at midnight to wish him a happy new year and much to my suprise he text me right back to say he was just doing the same to me. We agreed to go out a few days later on the Saturday night to the cinema popcorn:: and for a meal. Well to say I was a nervous wreck is an understatement !!:scared: I had spent the day with my mum and sister and had not told them a thing as I knew the questions would have been unbearable.
We got to the cinema and the new James Bond film was out so after I found out that Costa was a big fan we went and saw that. Thank god not too much talking had to be done as i think I would have just said a load of rubbish. After the film we went to The Old Orleans restaurant for a meal. We both ordered cocktails (non alcoholic as i would have been even worse) but I remember not liking mine and so Costa offered to swap drinks which I thought was very nice. I dont remember the food as I probably didnt eat much as most of us do at the beginning of a new relationship...

Now to the engagement :yay:
It was christmas day 2008 and I had no idea. Every xmas Costa asks him mum to go shopping for my presents with him and this time at the last minute he asked her if they could go to central london, I didnt think anything of it.
Christmas eve he spent all night tossing and turning and I still didnt think of anything of it just perhaps that he was excited about the next day as we are both kids at heart and couldnt wait - hence the disney wedding.
Well as soon as I opened my eyes he was out the bed and round on the floor next to me with the biggest grin I had ever seen. Then he produced one of those little blue/green boxes that I had always dreamed of but never thought I would get - yes a Tiffany's box. i opened it up and there inside was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. And much to his suprise and amazement it fitted perfectly. Aparently Tiffany's give the man a ring to propose with but they are all the same size and you are suppose to go and get fitted properly but this ring was obviuosly meant to be for me.
In my house next door was staying my mum and dad as 2 years ago they retired and sold up here and went to live in Spain so when they come over they always stay in my house next door which I love. I thought they must have heard my screams of delight but they hadnt so when I got orund there I just held out my hand. My mum was in tears as was I again. Then we drove round to my sisters and showed her too and she also was in floods of tears. Then finally on to my Nans and she was just so pleased for me and all she just kept saying was "Im so happy for you love".

Well I think that I have bored you all now so I will write again soon about the plans I have made so far for my dream wedding.

ps thanks to everyone on here for all the ideas, advice and support given already xx
Welcome to the boards sweetie! And YAY for another escape bride!!!

Such a cute engagement story and very cool how you met! Show us pics of the ring! I love tiffany's jewelry!

Which location did you chose for the wedding???
Thank you for the kind messages.

We have chosen the wedding pavilion for our big day and im soooo excited I cant wait.
I will try and post some photo's of my ring tonight if they come out ok.
That's great that you found your true love right next door! I want to see photos of the ring too! Congratulations, looking forward to reading more of your plans!
YAY you started a PJ! What a wonderful engagement story! Can't wait to hear more of your plans! :goodvibes
Hi Nadine! :wave2: Welcome and congrats! Love your engagement story! Looking forward to seeing what you plan!
I have been busy since my last post mainly reading and posting on this dis forum but in my spare time I have managed to book Randy Chapman to be our photographer and I have booked Rev Jack Day to be our Officiant.
Also my mum is over from Spain for my sister's birthday and so on Saturday I took them both with me to try on dresses for the first time. The first 2 shops we went in both told me I needed to make an appointment to try any dresses on and so my mum was upset as she is going home in a couple of days time and didn't think she would get to see me in any dresses but it was meant to be on our 3rd attempt as the shop allowed me to try on what I wanted as they didn't have any appointments for the rest of the day. The 2 ladies in there were lovely and after trying several on I have got it down to 2 so I have another appointment in 2 weeks to try them on again. My sister is coming back with me again and this time I am also taking my nan as she is not coming to the wedding because it is too far for her travel so I am pleased I can involve her this way instead. Next time I plan on getting photo's too. We are also taking my sister's bridesmaid dress with us as we have already chosen that and the flower girls dress. We managed to save almost £150 waiting for the sales to begin so I am very pleased. They are both mink in colour and so I knew they would go with whatever I chose so didn't have a problem getting them first.
It is one month today til I can agree my date and time with Disney and I cant wait. The countdown has begun for my first deadline.
I have bought my dress !!!! I cant believe it. Now all I need to do is lose a bit of weight and I will be happy. The dress will be ordered on Monday and should come in at the beginning of January. Then not long after that will be my first fitting as they start 8 weeks before the wedding so I think I have ordered just in time. I have also chosen my tiara as I knew if I didn't do it now I wouldn't find another one that I liked and I am forever doing that - saying I will buy something nearer the time but never finding it again !! The dress is by Trudy Lee and for someone like me ( a tomboy) it is very pretty - even my friend who came with said after 4 years this is the first time she has ever seen me in a dress.
I will post pictures of the dress to follow :yay:
Nadine, that dress is beautiful! It's amazing how fast time flys by. Congrats on booking Randy and Rev. Day. We are also using Rev. Day, I've heard so many wonderful things about him. :goodvibes
That dress is beautiful!!! :goodvibes I've happened to notice that this wedding planning business makes one quite busy! :rotfl2: Add that into the mix of everyday life, and that makes for one very busy girl!


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