Nancy's Weight Loss Journal (Feel Free to Post!)

B-2 slices muenster cheese
L-Tuna w/ mayo & celery, slice of swiss cheese
D-Beer Bratwurst (closest I have been to a beer in 3 weeks!);) broccoli with butter
S-Tuna w/ mayo and celery

One Diet Root Beer (and lots of water)

Exercise-- WATP 1 mile, Tae Bo Instructional tape, Curves workout

Good day, weigh in tomorrow, but so far I am holding steady, no gain and no loss. Hopefully tomorrow will show some improvement. I haven't measured inches lately, mainly because I never know where to place the tape, and I never get the same answer twice! I am holding out for August 7th, when Curves measures me for my one month update since I joined. Day 2 of my exercise schedule went great, I think I have a good program, well rounded. But gosh, nothing makes me sweat more than Tae Bo--even just the instructional video!
B-2 slices Muenster cheese
L-Bratwurst and 2 slices Muenster
D-Cubed steak (yuk!) and broccoli w/ butter
S-2 slices swiss cheese

Exercise-- RS Ab Formula video, Curves and Tae Bo Instructional Video

And the best news, weigh in day---- 2 lbs gone! I am at 203. It took that L-Carnitine pill today, the 2nd day. I cannot notice a MAJOR change, but I have a lot of energy, although that may be because I am moving around soooo much more than I used to. Anyway, I hope it is "burning that fat" like it is supposed to be!

Day 3 of my exercise program is complete! BTW, did NOT order the Oprah video, it is $30!!!! I will hold off and hope that they replay it one more time, and I can tape it.
Little late posting here...

B-2 slices Muenster
L-Chicken salad, mayo & celery
D-scrambled eggs w/ 6 slices bacon
S- Hot Italian sausage (yum!)

Exercise-- WATP 1 Mile, TaeBo Instructional, Curves, and a 45 minute walk with girls, pulling the wagon! I am soooo tired today!
B- 2 slices muenster, chicken salad w/ mayo & celery
L- Hot Italian sausage
D- Tuna w/ mayo & celery on bed of lettuce, w/ tomatoes & cucumbers--and Ranch Dressing
S- 2 slices muenster w/ steak-um wrapped inside

Also, drank one Crystal Light (2 servings though!)

Exercise: Tone Up on Broadway Tape and WATP 1 Mile
L-Lobster tail with butter, 2 slices Swiss cheese
D-Grilled steak with sauteed onions and mushrooms

Exercise: ughhhh, Tae Bo Basic video....Even after doing the instructional for one week, I STILL cannot seem to get the moves down, so I wind up adjusting it here and there. I will keep at it though, maybe over the next 6 weeks it will become more familiar.
L-Wendy's Chicken BLT salad w/ 2 caesar dressings--this was more lettuce than anything, definitely not like the others I have eaten over the past few weeks...disappointing!
D- 2 Italian Sausage links and egg salad (2 eggs w/ mayo)
S- Made an Atkins friendly chocolate mousse, very yum and only 5 carbs total--just had the urge for some chocolate last night!

Exercise---RS Broadway SWEAT, 1 hr tape. First week of my exercise schedule is complete, I get a decorating magazine of my choice! Perfect timing too, because I am looking to decoupage something onto a trunk I just painted, it keeps all of our shoes so that when we take them off at the front door they have somewhere to go.

Will post my exercise schedule for the coming week next, gotta win this one--I get a new pair of shoes! (prbably Payless, but still, it is fun to get shoes!)
Monday WATP 1 Mile (15 mins) and Curves (app 35)
Tuesday Blast Off (25) and Curves
Wednesday WATP 1 Mile and Curves
Thursday AB Formula (20) and Curves
Friday Tae Bo Basic (34)
Saturday WATP 1 Mile and Tone Up (25)
Sunday Broadway SWEAT (1 hr)

Yay, I am not doing that instructional video this didn't even help me with the Tae Bo Basic anyway (maybe a little, but they go way too fast on the Basic tape for me) I ordered the Bellydancing tapes last week, they should be here in several days. I will be trying those ASAP and if I like them better than Tae Bo, I may be replacing Tae Bo....we will see how it works out.

This week reward is a pair of shoes, not expensive or anything, just something fun for the upcoming Fall season.
L- 3 hard boiled eggs/ mayo (egg salad)
D- 4 slices steak um, 4 slices muenster cheese, w/ sauteed onions and mushrooms

Exercise: WATP 1 Mile and Curves workout

Wednesday will start week 5 of Atkins for me. I have stayed on Induction for 4 weeks now, and am considering moving out of it. I really don't have the URGE for more carbs though, so I am kind of torn. I am just being realisitc, I cannot stay in Induction forever and perhaps I should move a little forward so that I don't get burned out...but I don't feel burned out...ughhhh, I am in a viscious circle!
L-Large salad, lettuce, tomatoes, cukes, feta cheese and real bacon bits w/ 2 tablespoons italian dressing
D-2 small steaks and cauliflower w/ butter, cream cheese and bacon bits

Exercise---I went above and beyond my program today, did the Broadway Blast Off, Curves and the bonus 1.4 mile mile walk at a pretty brisk (for me, short legged!) walk this evening with my neighbor. She is joining Curves in the Fall, so I will have a buddy!

I think I will be staying on Induction for one more week, that will make it 5 weeks on Induction. Then I will probably move on. I want to make this a lifestyle change, but I don't want to NEVER eat ice cream again in my whole life, so I will need to find the correct balance. But, that is after I reach goal--for right now I am only going to worry about the present and very near future.

Tomorrow is my weigh in day--hoping to hit 3 pounds this week, to get the 15 lb clippie, if not it will DEFINITELY be next week!
B-None (it is a terrible habit that right now I am having a hard time getting rid of!)
L-3 Egg salad (w/ mayo)
D-Meat-zaa, hamburger, mushrooms & cheddar cheese baked--ate way too much though--will not be having a snack this evening!

Exercise: Curves and did the 2 Mile WATP instead of the 1 Mile that was scheduled, first time I did the 2 Mile and it was quite good! A BIG difference from the 1 mile!

The BEST news ever--- I lost 3 lbs this week, which brings my grand total to 15 lbs (notice the new clippie!). I am now at 200 pounds even, and am REALLY looking forward to next week when I hopefully will go into the 190's--"onederland", as my fiend Imhall2000 says! Ahhh, I feel a bit of victory for once!

Also, my bellydancing videoes came in today! Have not yet had a chance to try them, but I hope to tonight or for sure tomorrow! I will post what I think!
L-leftovers from my meatzaa last night, very small portion!
D-one bratwurst and cauliflower w/ cream cheese & butter

Exercise: RS Ab Formula, and Curves. BONUS--Did the Basic Bellydancing video (30 mins) It was very cool, beautiful actually. Those women can dance! Also, went for a 1.4 mile walk with my neighbor again. So, instead of an hour of exercise, I did 2 hours, and guess what? BARELY hungry at all today, actually MADE myself eat dinner at 6:30pm! Exercise does curb the appetite!

I noticed I miscalculated my weeks on Atkins/Induction in my earlier posts. This is Week 5 for me, on both. I had missed a week somehow (probably the week I lost zero, it disappeared from my mind-LOL). So I edited my previous posts to refelct the correct numbers.

Week 1 10lbs lost
Week 2 ZERO (TOM)
Week 3 2lbs lost
Week 4 3lbs lost
Just started Week 5. Just want to clarify that in case it was confusing for anyone (including ME!)
L-3 slices Muenster cheese
D-chicken breast & Antipasto salad w/ italian dressing
S-A bit more salad

Exercise--Tae Bo Basic (hated it again!)

Couldn't even eat until after 3pm today--just no desire! But, I made up for it!

2 more days and Mama gets a new pair of shoes---LOL, I finish my 2nd week of my exercise plan! (reward is shoes!)
B- 3 egg salad
L- Small leftover salad
D- 2 babyback ribs w/ bbq sauce (ugh!), small chicken breast, broccoli, salad w/ lite italian dressing (ugh!), jello (sugarfree) for dessert

Went to a BBQ at a friends house, and they are low fat eaters. Had not thought to bring my own salad dressing, so I was stuck there. Also, they made ribs, with the sauce on them--tried just 2 pieces but the sauce was VERY loaded with carbs! I did think to bring my own dessert, thank God, they were serving dutch apple pie and low fat ice cream! Apple pie is my favorite pie in the world! But, I managed to say no thank you and was happy with my jello. Not the easiest night, but I managed to stay under 25 carbs for the day, a few over the 20 I am allowed, but I am happy with my choices overall.

Exercise: Tone Up on Broadway tape and I did the bonus 2 Mile WATP tape, instead of the 1 Mile!

Sunday is my last day for Week 2 of my exercise plan, since I am posting this late I already know that I get my reward for this week---a new pair of shoes! I also get to change my exercise clippie to 2 Weeks! Yay for me!
B- none
L- 4 steak ums and 4 slices Muenster Cheese
D- Salad w/ tomatoes and Cukes, and Italian Dressing
S- one fifth of a Pure Delite Mint Chocolate Bar (very, very, very, YUM!!!!!)

Exercise--Completed my second week of the exercise plan, did my 1 hr Broadway SWEAT tape today

I will post my 3rd week schedule here shortly. I am going to make the decision that I am taking OUT the Tae Bo Basic (cannot stand it) and I will be replacing it with one of my new Bellydancing tapes. I figure that I am TRULY working so hard on this whole thing that I may as well enjoy it--and I do--except that Tae Bo. So, I will probably be selling it at my garage sale in a couple weeks!
Monday: Ab Formula (20mins) and Curves (app 35mins)
Tuesday: WATP 2 Mile (30) and Curves
Wednesday: Tone Up (25) and Curves
Thursday: Blast Off (25) and Curves
Friday: WATP 2 Miles and Ab Formula
Saturday: 2 of the Bellydancing Videoes (1 hr total)
Sunday: Broadway SWEAT 1 hr

I adjusted the original this week, I have upgraded to the 2 Mile WATP video instead of the 1 Mile, it just is not challenging enough anymore. I also took out the Tae Bo, and replaced it with 2 Bellydancing videoes. I just don't care for the Tae Bo, it goes too fast and I never feel like I am doing it correctly. It is not enjoyable, but the bellydancing is! I did the first basic moves tape, and really enjoyed it. As a bonus this week, I will be testing out the others before Saturday, so I know which ones to pick then.

I have a busier than normal week coming up...almost everyday has a different odd thing that I have to go to or host, so this will probably be the biggest challenge for me so far---especially Saturday when we have an annual Pig Roast to go to with about 150 or more dishes! But, I will deal with it all one day at a time, and if it means I am exercising at midnight, well than so be it!
L-Salad w/ tomatoes, cukes, cheese & italian dressing
D- Chicken (from whole chicken I roasted), & more salad
S- A bit more chicken (very good, and I didn't even use ANY salt on it! I have never eaten chicken like this with no salt!)

Exercise: Ab Formula tape and a lot of shopping! (Hey, it's a work out for the checkbook if nothing else!)

I also went to a, um...ur...ah...shall I say ADULT party this evening (don't ask, don't tell is my motto!) and I resisted the alcohol (in many forms) and the cake/pies! I cannot believe I am making through these events with no cheating--I am quite proud!
L-leftover chicken leg and some breast meat
D-2 Pork Chops and spinach
S-one half of Pure Delite Bar, also 2 slices ham with cream cheese wrapped inside.

Exercise: WATP 2 Miles and Curves

Must be PMS'ing early, was craving chocolate today and just some carbs in general, also was very tired (did not sleep well last night) and kind of had no energy. I tried to compensate and have more protein, but it did not seem to boost me at all! Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day, especially since it is my weigh in day!
L-made my own Low Carb Spinich Pie, it was very good! Ate 2 of 4 portions
D-Roast Beef (and plenty of it!)
S--ohhhh do I have to list it all? Couple bites of Atkins Advantage Bar Chocolate Decadence (very good), 2 slices ham w/ cream cheese wrapped inside, 1 oz Macadamia nuts & 2 8oz servings of Crystal light--this was all throughout the course of the day!

Exercise: Tone Up on Broadway tape...had to deviate from the exercise plan a bit today as I could not get to curves today. DH and I had to move ALL the furniture/toys etc out of our girls room and make it all fit in our room, then we pulled up the carpeting in the girls rooms, hallway, and down the stairs. We are still working on getting all the staples out of the stairs, our new carpet comes sometime Friday! So, I was unable to make it to Curves--but I did do the Bellydancing Fat Burning Video in it's place this evening, as tired as I was! So, since I replaced it with a pretty good workout, I am counting it as a regular day of exercise today. Tomorrow will be my measurementt day at Curves.

Today was my weigh in day, I was down one pound this week, putting me (for the 1st time in a few years) into "Onederland" --199 lbs, a total of 16 lost since I started Atkins/WISH!!!!

I wish TOM and PMS would stop affecting my hunger in this way! I cannot believe how hungry PMS makes me, and then next week TOM will make me tired! I am going to try the old "Mind Over Matter" routine and try to ignore it!
B-Leftover Spinach Pie (2 "pizza slices")
L-Leftover roast beef sliced thin over 2 slices Muenster Cheese melted (YUM!)
S-3 bites of Atkins Advantage Coconut something or another bar--it was the BEST Atkins Bar I have had yet!
D-A new dish I tried, ground sausage, half slice bacon, 1 egg and a sprinkle of cheese baked in the oven for about 20 mins. You cook them in a muffin pan. 1st the sausage, then wrap bacon around sides, then throw the egg on top. All ingredients are raw when placed in muffin pan, bake at 350 for 20-30 mins. I had 3 "muffins", and my DH liked them too!

Exercise: Broadway Blast Off and Curves.

Definitley still hungry, having a hard time supressing the twinge/urge whatever for something to eat. It's like I all of a sudden want to graze all day instead of eat 2 meals plus snack (BTW, that is ALWAYS how I have eaten for years, even when I was making terrible choices, I was still NEVER grazing).

I kind of think I am getting too many choices. Maybe I should try to stay bored or indifferent to the food. I have been trying new recipes and adding the Atkins bars or DeLite Chocolate here and there. Everyone says NOT to get bored, but when I was starting to get a little bored is when I was actually eating LESS. Now I am getting excited to eat again:mad:

Ahhh, it WILL get better, this I must believe!
Went to Curves this morning for my one Month Check. I started at Curves about 6 days into my Atkins program, so these results are compared to July 7th rather than July 2nd:

July 7 August 8
Bust 48.5 now 47
Waist 41.5 now 39
Abdomen 47 now 44
Hips 47.75 now 44.5
Thighs 27.75 & 27.5 now 26.25 & 26.75
Arms 15.25 & 15.5 now 14.75 & 15

Weight 211.4 now 201.8 (don't like their scale, I am a solid 199 at home, and I am keeping it! LOL)

Body Fat 43.1% now 41.4%

So, that is a total loss of 9.6 pounds
A total Body Fat los of 1.7%
And a total inch loss of 13.5

I am quite pleased with the results! Imagine, if I have similar results for this next month, I will have lost 26 or so inches by September 8th!!!


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