Need help from wise campers (Off FW topic)


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Jan 25, 2000
I posted this on the community board but it is more appropriate for here...

I'm going to Cayo Costa Island....Help me please
I just reserved a primative cabin on this deserted island (not really deserted). No electricity, no hot water. Is anyone familar with it?
We are not an experienced wilderness family (DH, me, DD's 9 and 12). I think that we have to bring pretty much everything that we will need for our 2 nights/3 days there. This adventure will be sandwiched between Disney World and another Orlando area stay which I haven't found yet.

I would like to not have to bring camping gear on the plane. As it is we will have to drag everything on a boat to get to the island.

If you live somewhere close to Orlando can I borrow some supplies? 4 blankets, a canopy to shield the 4 of us from the merciless sun?
Or can someone point me in the direction of a place that rents this type of supplies in the Orando, Fort Myers area? I am having no luck with internet searches.

What would you do? What would you bring? My 9 year old thinks that she
can catch fish for us to eat. With what, I do not know. My 12 year old thinks I am crazy for putting us all through this.
I am looking forward to the challenge of making this a successful experience.
We leave for Florida in 2 weeks. please help. :wave2:


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