Need help with avatar sizing

I had a chance to play with it a bit. I had to cut out a bunch of the frames and make it smaller.

Here's the result.


If you want to use it, here's the link:

Just been playing with it some. Like Lisa said, it isn't an easy one to reduce without reworking it. I've uploaded it to my DIS site. You can right click on the image and save it right from this post.

<img src="">

If I can do anything else, let me know.

Thanks guys! I started to do this yesterday and then the boards pulled a Three Stooges and poked me in the eye.

I know the feeling. I seem to have been effected by all the trouble that they've had with the router. Just when I was getting back into town and back onto the boards, I couldn't connect. Seems to be pretty steady now. Just glad to be back.



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