Need Planning Advice! LONG POST. Parades, Rope Drop, Budgeting, Tips/Tricks, DAS, Genie+, Etc.

I wrote a response, but the site won't let me post it? Not sure why, it said my post was spam or inappropriate (of which it is neither) and to try later or contact and administrator (not sure how that works?) I'm not even sure this will post, it's kind of a test. I will try again later, I guess...

Tried again, this time without the whole website url I referenced, and it went through. I guess that was the issue. Don't know how to delete this post, it's now irrelevant. lol
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Good morning everyone!

There has been a lot to think about here, and I have been seriously considering each person's advice and how it would work with my group and specific set of challenges.
I promise I am not discounting anyone's suggestions out of hand! I appreciate that most of the replies are from seasoned Disney visitors, and I really value the insights given.
That being said, having carefully thought things over and discussed with my Partner the pros/cons, I think my group will be best off with the original plans of staying offsite and renting a van.

Budget is a huge concern. I have the money to do this, but I need to be careful.
The less I can get away with spending, the better.

The home rental I am going with, including taxes and fees, is going to cost me about $2800 for the entire stay.
This includes 4bd/2ba, sleeps 10 (and breaks down well for our group)
The property is actually listed as 1.5 Mi to Downtown Disney. I was originally looking at a lot of properties (within 5 mi) and misremembered.
Comes with a fully stocked kitchen, washer/dryer, pool/hot tub, wi-fi, central A/C, everything we could need.
4.9/5 Star average, 268 Reviews, and I checked that everything is legit.

If I want to stay at a hotel that will be "walking distance", it will be AT LEAST twice the cost.
We won't have nearly as much space. Will be spending 3 "off" days there, so extra amenities are a huge bonus.
The properties that are that close and remotely near my possible budget are rated fairly poorly.
I did check into the mentioned properties, they are just not in the budget for me. Even if I cut other things like the van.
Staying closer would be nice, but I don't see the pros outweighing the cons, or being able to afford it.

Van vs. Lyft

I'd spend at least $400 on Lyft during this trip, with my group. Probably more.
I'm budgeting $2200 for the Van, gas, and parking.
I'd potentially save up to $1800 by not getting a Van and relying on Lyft.
I realize this is a huge savings.

That being said, even if I add that to the accommodations budget, we're looking at about $4600
My searches aren't pulling up a hotel, within walking distance, with a kitchen/kitchenette, that would accommodate all of us, in that price range.

On top of that, my Partner is ADAMANT that we have a vehicle and not be reliant on Lyft/Public Transit.
And there's the social anxiety issues a few of my group have, where I don't know if they'd honestly be okay riding with a stranger, especially if they are having a panic attack.
I think this is an area where even if I chose Lyft, I'd be outvoted.

Eating Out

I'm not staying at a hotel, it's not in the budget. So I'm planning grab-and-go breakfasts on park days.
I am planning 3 dinners cooked at home, and to pack lunches and snacks for the park.
I budgeted to eat out a few times, and with 8 adults, this really expanded my costs. In OR out of the park.
I have done research into which restaurants in the area are worthwhile and which to avoid.
I know that everyone would love to eat out every night and enjoy all the park food, but it really adds up!
I don't have a problem with Disney food, but it's WAY more expensive to not pack our own.
Budget is still a huge issue, and I'd rather splurge for a few dinners outside the park than eat our lunches at vendors/restaurants in the park.
ABSOLUTELY having groceries delivered, no matter what! This is something I do normally at home, so it's standard practice for me already.
Everyone will carry their own lunch bag, in their backpack.
We can probably stow them in lockers if necessary, but I wanted everyone's snacks/drinks to be easily accessible throughout the day.


I did know that you can't take Disney ECVs into Downtown Disney, but that's hugely important and thank you for mentioning it!
My Auntie CAN walk a tiny bit, but both her knees are shot and its extremely painful for her.
She has an ECV of her own at home, but I'm not sure about getting it there, or what to do if we have problems with it during the vacation.
I don't mind renting her a wheelchair or ECV or both. Whatever she needs.
I did not consider what happens if we have trouble and DL is sold out. Good point, well made.
I contacted Deckerts with some questions on how their rentals work. Will hopefully hear back with some clarifications.
I will also make sure I have OneStop and Select Mobility numbers on hand, just in case. Thanks for the tip!
I don't think it would break the budget to have everyone have their own ECV, if needed.
If we each need our own, that's what we'll do, but I think some are resistant to the idea because they are insistent on sharing right now.


I was mostly planning to take it slow and just take into consideration that we will need to stop and take rests in the park.
If we leave the park at all, even if we were across the street, I just don't think we'd make it back in the same day.
If things get over stimulating, I did find an article on places to go inside the park to chill out. (
That being said, if someone really NEEDS an offsite break, they can go back to the house. It's not like it's forbidden or anything! lol
I have considered that someone might end up staying in instead of going to the park if health issues arise. I would not begrudge someone the extra rest.
I don't plan on being there late every night. But you're right, that is a long day.
True, I may be underestimating the need for extra breaks considering the social anxiety. Will discuss with the group and reassess plans as needed.


My family is smartphone friendly, with the exception of Auntie, I believe.
I absolutely plan on getting/using the app.


I am 100% sure I want unlimited downloads of the pics from the park.
It looks like you can get PhotoPass+ One Week for $78 for seven consecutive days.
Genie+ for 5 days would be $100 for the trip, and we don't need the LL if we have DAS.
So I will get PhotoPass+ One Week for 1-2 of our group.

Budgeting Issues

Right now I am doing pricing and comparisons, exploring all the options.
I do plan to make a strict budget and stick to it. It's far enough out that it's not 100% set in stone yet, though.
If someone wants to go off-budget with their own money, that's their decision and they're welcome to it.
I'm having ongoing, in-depth conversations with family over everything. They understand the limitations and expectations.
Everyone is saving up and will give what they can towards the vacation.
Incomes are limited and this is something special that I can do for everyone this once.
I don't expect a dime back from them, this is my treat. But if they can, it's welcome and encouraged.

Managing Expectations

Some good points were brought up.
I am probably overestimating my group's "go". I was already planning to take it relatively easy, and to stop when needed for an in-park break. Maybe that's not enough.
I can't see us being able to stay closer though, budget-wise. So I feel like going back to the rental mid-day and then returning is probably unrealistic.
As stated, there are suggested places to go to get a little down time in the park, and I can always have someone go back to the van for a rest if they really just need a social break.
I may need to get more ECVs for my group, that 10 mi/day average is a bit daunting for people with mobility issues.
Everyone is just stoked to be able to go. We're not a wealthy family, we never got to take vacations growing up. This is a big deal for everyone.
No one even expects to eat out at all during this trip, so I highly doubt anyone will give me attitude over packed lunches. They know and expect this. And they are welcome to buy their own stuff, too.
I get that driving/cooking/clean up/etc can be tiring/taxing, but the good thing about having 8 people is you can spread some of this out. Someone can drive. Someone else can cook. Everything doesn't have to fall on one person.
Long days may not be realistic for everyone. I get that. I know I can do it. I will do a reality check with the others though, and factor that in to my scheduling.

There's a lot to think over here, and I appreciate everyone's contributions. I know some points were less than optimistic, but I appreciate the honesty and realism. I really don't want to make unrealistic plans and there are some good points that I may not have considered on my own. I can see I'm going to need to have a few more down-to-earth conversations to figure out the best course of action through this vacation. And that's okay! These kinds of things are EXACTLY why I am planning early and asking this board for help. Again, I appreciate it all, good or bad! Thank you for contributing!
@LadyRozalin As someone who does a ton of planning for my families trips, I give you a ton of credit. Sounds like an amazing family reunion!

One other item to consider is Park Reservation Days. I know you mentioned you're tied to 5 park days over 6 days. Your initial plan was to do DL, DL, DCA, DCA, DL but from experience, it might be better to alternate large park and small park to limit the amount of walking steps on back to back day. You'll do a lot more walking on Disneyland days, than you will do at DCA. So maybe something like DL, DCA, DL, DCA, DL would work out better? Just something to consider.
Great point! I have no problem switching up which park which day! I think your advice makes total sense and I hadn't considered alternating in that way. Absolutely helpful, thank you!
@LadyRozalin just want to say you are amazing to do this for your family. Disneyland is my happy place, my escape reality place, my time to not have any responsibility place and I could never imagine giving up my precious alone time to bring such dependent parents and aunties. I hope you get a chance to come back one day without the responsibility of being the primary care giver.
There is also a very high possibility that the parade available during your visit will be a daytime parade, which could take a lot of pressure off the group for staying late.

I think part of the issue with going back/forth is dealing with ECVs and worries about availability for later arrivals. If using the Disney ECVs, that is a significant concern, but similarly dealing with transporting ECVs from the rental house to the park is logistically a huge challenge.

There are some good quiet places in park to relax, so knowing those will be so valuable for you, and like you said might be enough for your party without having to leave the park.
Honestly it sounds like it will be a magical trip for all your family.

I had one thought about the budgeting. You have mentioned giving everyone $100 for personal spending. I had assumed you were taking your adult kids or something and not all older relatives when I gave my original advice. After thinking about it and reading your replies I wonder if, when you have that down-to-earth talk with your family, you can pass this expense on to them. Let me elaborate, I do think it's a great gift and you are super kind for not only planning it but also paying for this whole family vacation, that said with budgeting being a reasonable and important concern maybe it would be smart to save that money for either an emergency at the park or even a nice dinner. You are already paying for everything else in the trip, I don't think it's a crazy request that your relatives (the exception might be Auntie) pay for their own in-park expenses (aka souvenirs and snacks). As you mentioned you are already budgeting for bringing snacks. Plus you are a year out of your travel dates so even if they can only save $10 a month that is $120 saved for those expenses.
Honestly it sounds like it will be a magical trip for all your family.

I had one thought about the budgeting. You have mentioned giving everyone $100 for personal spending. I had assumed you were taking your adult kids or something and not all older relatives when I gave my original advice. After thinking about it and reading your replies I wonder if, when you have that down-to-earth talk with your family, you can pass this expense on to them. Let me elaborate, I do think it's a great gift and you are super kind for not only planning it but also paying for this whole family vacation, that said with budgeting being a reasonable and important concern maybe it would be smart to save that money for either an emergency at the park or even a nice dinner. You are already paying for everything else in the trip, I don't think it's a crazy request that your relatives (the exception might be Auntie) pay for their own in-park expenses (aka souvenirs and snacks). As you mentioned you are already budgeting for bringing snacks. Plus you are a year out of your travel dates so even if they can only save $10 a month that is $120 saved for those expenses.
This is a good point. If they can’t hold onto their money you could set up a bank of Rozalin where they can save up their spending money with you.
There may be some other closer places people could suggest. It’s a 10 min walk to one I mentioned but maybe it’s a 5 minute roll. I don’t know how fast the ECV’s move. I think it can be hard to imagine how close stuff is in the Disneyland area.

When we were super budgeting we stayed at desert inn & suites. It’s much cheaper the earlier you can reserve. It may be in the $100-150 range at least a year out. It’s super close.

Others we looked at but didn’t end up at are the peacock it’s a little further. You’d all need am ECV I think. But if you’re considering that it may be a possibility anyway…

Kings Inn

Best western stovalls

Also, consider the possibility of pushing the trip 18 months out for more time to save. We all want you to have the most enjoyable time. As leader of your group how enjoyable will it be if you’re dropping whatever you’re doing in the park to walk/roll the mile to the parking area at the whim of 6 others. 😬 It just seems like a waste of money. I’d rather have one good park day than a patchwork with an hour back and forth needed every time someone is having a bad time and needs to rest. They might not come back to the park but it seems like you’ll be back and forth all day shuttle wise if no one will ride an Uber. Being close would allow them freedom to meet their own needs and roll in and out of the park as needed. And it will take them a 20 minute round trip instead of multiple people being hampered. I’d think some would try to make it work in the park to try to not inconvenience others. Then overall they might not endure the rest of the park days.

We won’t even stay at hotels that aren’t within the harbor walking area after a miserable experience shuttling back and forth.
It sounds like you really know your groups constraints as well as your breaking points, which is so important going into this with a large group with special needs.

As long as you know the possibilities of people in your group tiring out sooner than expected, and have contingency plans for rest breaks and ECV issues, you're doing all that you can do and I applaud you for all the effort your putting into making your family's trip as memorable as possible.

Since you'll definitely be staying offsite, it sounds like renting from DL is the best option from a convenience standpoint. You can also judge how many ECVs you'll need day by day. When you rent with them, you have the rental for the entire day, even if you decide to leave the parks for a break and return later for evening entertainment. There are areas near Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln where you can park the ECVs before you leave the park. This is probably the closest area in DL to the gates, so you can minimize walking. In DCA, you may need to park it closer to Elias & Co at the end of Buena Vista St. Hopefully, having options like this will make any evening entertainment you want to enjoy more possible. Many people on the boards will do mornings, leave for the middle of the day and come back in the evenings when they're rested up, since the middle of the day is the most crowded with longer lines.

Some other quiet areas for your family to relax in the shade are:
DL - Near the Autopia bathrooms outside SW Launch Bay, Hungry Bear seating way in the back, Pixie Hollow after it closes for Character M&Gs, or a relaxing ride on the Mark Twain (ECVs can go right on the boat)
DCA - Boardwalk Pizza seating area, Award Weiners seating area in between the meal rushes, path between Avengers Campus and Cars Land, or the WOC viewing area if there are no special events going on during the day (no shade, but quieter there)

Also, both parks have First Aid with nurses available if you need something basic. If there's space available, someone who needs quiet can go there and lay down for a few minutes to recover or calm down.

If you have any special questions that you're not sure about, definitely ask about them when you're signing up for DAS. The GR CM's are always so helpful and understanding, and oftentimes can find creative solutions to any issues you may be having that you didn't anticipate.

With regards to rides, always feel free to communicate any limitations your group may have, so the CMs can accommodate you safely where it's available. If you need more time loading or unloading, just speak up. The CMs are so amazing at helping you have the best time possible.
How kind of you to put this together for your family!

If you decide to give out $100 gift cards to everyone for spending money, consider doing Disney gift cards rather than Visa. With Disney gift cards, you'll get a total remaining balance on each receipt after purchase. That may be easier to keep track of how much is left on each card. I'd wait to buy them until just before your visit though, in case of any need to cancel the trip (God forbid) . If you have a Target red card you can use it to purchase Disney gift cards for 5% off! This all may be a moot point if the gift card was meant for non Disney days too, but just thought I'd throw that idea out there.
Thank you so much, those of you who are commenting such nice things to me about planning this trip out. You're too sweet!

Not Leaving Mid-day

I am very concerned with the logistics of leaving mid-day and ECV rentals.
I know we're staying a little further away, and I am a little concerned with travel time.
I also know my group is slow as molasses. Trying to coordinate leaving and coming back for the entire group...I feel like it's going to take up too much time.
Individuals are more than welcome to do what they gotta do. If this involves leaving for a mid-day siesta, they are welcome to do so!

Going Early/Staying Late

I know that going early is going to be difficult for some of my group.
I think as long as I can get there early to reserve the ECVs, others can catch up.
Aside from the two days (Fri/Sat) that I planned nighttime entertainment, I was not planning to stay to close.
I talked it over with my Mom/Auntie, and they insist that they will be ok staying late, but might not be able to come early the next day.
This is doable, they can come later and meet up with the rest of us.

Quiet Places

There are a lot of good suggestions here! Thank you!
I'm definitely going to compile a list and work them into our trip.
We can also take advantage of the First Aid spot if it's just one person who needs quiet.
That was a good suggestion. I had heard it, but I appreciate the reinforcement of the idea. :)

$100 Gift Cards

I did think it over carefully, and this is still something I really want to do.
No one knows about this yet, it's a surprise.
I did emphasize to everyone to save up, so hopefully that sticks.
The mention of saving even $10/month was great; I will pass that on, it sounds more doable when you put it that way.
It might be worthwhile to have them send me the money and I save it for them.

Visa Gift Cards vs Disney Gift Cards

I do not have a Target Red Card, but I had heard about the discount. Thank you for the info though!
The remaining balance on receipts would be useful. I did not know about this.
My main reason for choosing Visa was that, if there is a remaining balance, it can be used elsewhere later.
I didn't want to waste money by having it stuck on a park card if it doesn't get used up.
Also, the Visa card balance can be added to, I can just throw on the individual saved cash to the total on the card.
I can also personalize the Visa cards if I order them online, with designs, names, and small personal messages.
I thought this was a cute touch, and would keep them from getting mixed up, just in case.


I do really think we're gonna stick with the house.
I did my research with the search engine type booking sites.
I will look up the mentioned suggestions, but I still think everyone will be more comfortable in the house.
Being more comfortable is super important for my group, I think that outweighs being closer.
I understand the perks of being closer. I don't think being a LITTLE further will kill our trip.
I'm not planning on returning to the entrance of the park or the parking area for those who need to leave.
I am not a driver, due to my own personal health issues.
If someone needs to go back and can get Lyft, they will do that.
If not, we have 3 others who can drive in our group, who will take care of it.

Pushing the Trip Out

This was a good suggestion for saving. I see how it would be helpful to have more time.
That being said, my group has some members who have serious heat control issues.
Certain medications they are on make them more susceptible to heat stroke.
Alternatively, one of our group has trouble regulating body heat and can't do cold.
I think that if I push it out to the summer, it would be a mistake.
Pushing it out to the fall would avoid this issue, but I already have other plans then.
My sister can't come to Disneyland, so I'm doing a vacation to go see her then.
I don't want two big trips too close together.
Originally I had thought to make the trip for 2024 instead of 2023.
I nixed this idea and pushed it up a year for several reasons.
The most important one is that Auntie is in very poor health, and not sure she'll last that long.
I felt May 2023 was the soonest I could reasonable do that would work with everyone's health issues.


I did not know that you could leave the park and come back and still get the ECVs
I think this idea is that we would park them somewhere and leave them?
Is that going to be safe? I know we're leaving them for rides at some point, but just leaving a bunch of ECVs at the front of the park, is that going to be an issue?
I will keep those parking spots in mind, thank you.
My Mom still insists she will be sharing an ECV with my Step-Dad.
I think for myself, I will get my own and have my Partner get their own.
I will budget for everyone who needs one to have their own, and just figure it out day to day.
Luckily, two of us should not need one. These two are young adults and don't have the health problems the rest of us do!
I am still concerned about the logistics of trying to deal with 4-6 ECVs in one group, but we need them, so it'll have to work itself out.
I did check the Disney ECV weight limit, and we're all under it, so no problems there.
On a lighter note, I can't remember where I saw it, here or on an article I read elsewhere, but there was a suggestion regarding ECVs.
You could tie a scarf to your ECV to be able to spot it easily (especially if CMs had to move it while you were on a ride).
I am asking everyone to bring a scarf (or similar) that is cheap and non sentimental (in case it gets lost/stolen) to do this with.

You are all so awesome, with your tips and suggestions! I appreciate each and every one! I am so glad I came here to ask for your advice, there are so many good ideas and I've had some very important things pointed out for my consideration. I think we'll all be having a better time because of it. So again, thank you!
isa Gift Cards vs Disney Gift Cards

I do not have a Target Red Card, but I had heard about the discount. Thank you for the info though!
The remaining balance on receipts would be useful. I did not know about this.
My main reason for choosing Visa was that, if there is a remaining balance, it can be used elsewhere later.
I didn't want to waste money by having it stuck on a park card if it doesn't get used up.
Also, the Visa card balance can be added to, I can just throw on the individual saved cash to the total on the card.
I can also personalize the Visa cards if I order them online, with designs, names, and small personal messages.
I thought this was a cute touch, and would keep them from getting mixed up, just in case.
I think you're doing a wonderful thing here. I planned a trip for my whole family, my sister, her husband and 3 kids plus my mom on oxygen, as well as my family. It was hard and loads of work.
For the Visa GCs, be aware there is a fee for each card and most are not reloadable. The Disney GCs are reloadable or you can transfer amounts on the site
If you are open to credit cards, you can increase your budget with a cashback card. You can use it for purchases you pay every month, and pay off every month so no interest accrues. My 2 favorites are Chase Freedom Flex and Amex Blue Cash Preferred. The Amex card gives 6% back on groceries and I currently have almost $500 to use for Disney Gift cards I can buy at the grocery store (earning another 6% cashback) and use my cash back to 'erase.' Feel free to PM me or join this thread
Ok, on closer inspection, you're right. Visa Gift Cards are not reloadable. I was thinking of Visa Prepaid Cards, which are different.

I can save the money up and then purchase the cards last thing, so that I can put the right balance on each card for each person.

I was aware of the fee, and I think I'm okay with that in order to personalize each card. I really like this feature!
Suggested Accommodations

Ok! I looked up the suggested properties closer to Disney that might be doable for our group.

Here are my notes:

Desert Inn & Suites

Prices seem very reasonable & within budget
Suites look like we would have enough space
Specifically states no parking for Passenger Vans
Free continental breakfast
No kitchen? But does have Fridge & Microwave
Seems to have reasonable ratings/reviews

Peacock Suites

It looks like prices are a little higher than the house, but still doable
Does include a kitchenette.
Continental breakfast, but it's not free.
Has a 2 Bedroom Suite that sleeps 8, would be appropriate and fit us all.
Seems to have reasonable ratings/reviews
But warnings that the area can feel unsafe at night.

Kings Inn

A little more than I'd like to spend
Rooms don't really break up right (4/4 instead of 3/5)
No kitchen. Mini fridge & Microwave (for a fee)
Unclear if breakfast is offered
Seems to have reasonable ratings/reviews

Best Western Stovalls

It looks like prices are a little higher than the house, but still doable.
Says we can do a 3/5 split, but only offers 2 queen beds in the 5 person room.
No kitchen. Fridge & Microwave
Does offer free breakfast
Seems to have reasonable ratings/reviews

Extended Stay America

Prices are comparable to the house rental.
Not sure if enough room (2 full beds/1 king & sleeper sofa)
Fully-equipped kitchen
Free grab-and-go breakfast
Slightly lower ratings than other properties, but still fairly reasonable

Closing Thoughts

So, to sum up, each has pros and cons. None of them are perfect fits, but might be doable.

If I were to choose one, I'd probably go with Desert Inn, despite the cons.

This would be a little problematic due to no actual kitchen.
I'd have to nix the home cooking and add three more nights of eating out.

I also might have to change my car rental from one van to two car rentals OR just park at DL instead.
Might revisit Lyft instead of Van with the group if choosing these accommodations.
Would be able to rent ECVs offsite and ride them straight to Disney, but worried about storing 4-6 ECVs at the hotel.

Walking distance from Desert Inn to Disneyland is listed as 1.2 Mi/6 min
The house I'm looking at said 1.5 mi to Downtown Disney (but I won't get an exact address until booking).
Is this really that big a difference in closeness? (I honestly don't know?)
Is it worth giving up the kitchen and free parking that will fit the van?

I am going to put some serious thought and discussion into this, having found alternative accommodations that may work.
Not sure which we'll ultimately go with, but thank you for helping me find something reasonable within close distance!
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Hi @LadyRozalin
What a wonderful trip you are planning! We did a similar family trip in November 2018. Our family of 10 (grandparents, 4 kids/ILs and 4 grandkids) went to DL for 3 days for the first time. I was the only one of the 10 of us who had been, and it had been close to 20 years since my last trip.

We also chose to stay in a rental home on Walnut, right across from the Holiday Inn. We chose a rental house for many of the reasons you mention. The home we stayed in is a 1.2 mile walk to the main gates of DL, and we did this daily. The home we stayed in was 4 bed, 3 bath, 2200 sq ft with a pool and hot tub. The bedrooms included 2 ensuite rooms, one with king bed and one with queen, a room with 1 queen bed and 1 double bed, and a room with 4 bunk beds. If you're interested, I would be happy to share the information with you.

For our trip, we arrived late Wednesday night and were in the parks Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We left Sunday morning. I had set up an Amazon Prime delivery for our arrival day, and it was on the porch when we got there. We made breakfasts at the house. One morning we made scrambled eggs, another morning we all did bagels and cream cheese, so it was a mix of cooking and grab and go.

Our first day, we grabbed lunch to go in the parks (turkey legs!) and went back to the house for a rest midday. We went back to the parks for the evening. We split up for dinner, with some of us staying in the park and some going to the Denny's right outside the park. This day we all stayed together the entire time except when we split up for dinner.

Day 2 we packed lunches with us and closed down the park (DCA). I honestly have no idea what we did for dinner that night - did we even eat?! It must have been quick service. This day we split up a lot more.

Day 3 we were back in DL and we split up for most of the day. H and I went back to the house for a midday rest, and we were leaving as most of the family was coming back for a dinnertime rest. We had dinner in the park at Blue Bayou.

Anyway, of all that detail to say I totally understand your thoughts BUT I think you need to plan for midday rests outside the park. We are generally healthy people who don't need ECVs, though I do have anxiety and my SIL gets migraines. On day 2, SIL developed a migraine and left for a few hours. She took a cold shower, got some caffeine and had a nap and was able to rejoin us for the evening.

On Day 3, I was getting very overstimulated, so we left midday so I could stave off the anxiety I felt coming on. It worked and we were able to have a great evening. All that to say, plan for those breaks; I think they will make for a nicer trip.

I don't know enough about ECVs, but if you can drive them to/from the park, I think that might be your better option. Stay at the rental house, get ECVs from an off sight source, use the ECVs to go back and forth (the able bodied can walk, or drive, or whatever), and then you all can come and go as you please and not have to worry about Disney running out of ECVs.

I also think some midday break (or calling it a day early and having the evening together) would be great since this is a family reunion as well. The best advice we got was to plan for some time together and some time apart, and it was great advice. When we split up, we'd make a plan to meet up again, and when we did meet up we were able to share what we'd been doing, which made it that much more special. The home we rented was great for this - we all had our own space to retreat to if we didn't feel like being all together, but the living room/dining room/kitchen was all open to each other, so we were all able to be together when we wanted. That was much more pleasant than staying in a hotel room, and like you, we chose the house so we had more space at a lower cost.

Anyway, if you want to talk about planning trips for a big family event, I'm happy to help you think through things or offer advice. And as I said, if you want a link to the place we booked I'd be happy to share it!
Suggested Accommodations

Ok! I looked up the suggested properties closer to Disney that might be doable for our group.

Here are my notes:

Desert Inn & Suites

Prices seem very reasonable & within budget
Suites look like we would have enough space
Specifically states no parking for Passenger Vans
Free continental breakfast
No kitchen? But does have Fridge & Microwave
Seems to have reasonable ratings/reviews

Peacock Suites

It looks like prices are a little higher than the house, but still doable
Does include a kitchenette.
Continental breakfast, but it's not free.
Has a 2 Bedroom Suite that sleeps 8, would be appropriate and fit us all.
Seems to have reasonable ratings/reviews
But warnings that the area can feel unsafe at night.

Kings Inn

A little more than I'd like to spend
Rooms don't really break up right (4/4 instead of 3/5)
No kitchen. Mini fridge & Microwave (for a fee)
Unclear if breakfast is offered
Seems to have reasonable ratings/reviews

Best Western Stovalls

It looks like prices are a little higher than the house, but still doable.
Says we can do a 3/5 split, but only offers 2 queen beds in the 5 person room.
No kitchen. Fridge & Microwave
Does offer free breakfast
Seems to have reasonable ratings/reviews

Extended Stay America

Prices are comparable to the house rental.
Not sure if enough room (2 full beds/1 king & sleeper sofa)
Fully-equipped kitchen
Free grab-and-go breakfast
Slightly lower ratings than other properties, but still fairly reasonable

Closing Thoughts

So, to sum up, each has pros and cons. None of them are perfect fits, but might be doable.

If I were to choose one, I'd probably go with Desert Inn, despite the cons.

This would be a little problematic due to no actual kitchen.
I'd have to nix the home cooking and add three more nights of eating out.

I also might have to change my car rental from one van to two car rentals OR just park at DL instead.
Might revisit Lyft instead of Van with the group if choosing these accommodations.
Would be able to rent ECVs offsite and ride them straight to Disney, but worried about storing 4-6 ECVs at the hotel.

Walking distance from Desert Inn to Disneyland is listed as 1.2 Mi/6 min
The house I'm looking at said 1.5 mi to Downtown Disney (but I won't get an exact address until booking).
Is this really that big a difference in closeness? (I honestly don't know?)
Is it worth giving up the kitchen and free parking that will fit the van?

I am going to put some serious thought and discussion into this, having found alternative accommodations that may work.
Not sure which we'll ultimately go with, but thank you for helping me find something reasonable within close distance!
That’s a bummer about the desert inn. I thought they had kitchenettes. 😏 Can you make a new thread, maybe even post the details of the hotels you’ve researched in this post so they know what you’ve looked at. Post the per night ideal (would that be the cost of the rental?) and your max. Getting more heads together on this puzzle will help!

FYI you can’t park overnight at Disney lots. The parking lots in the motels along harbor are really small, leading to the no vans, I bet.

You could also look at an executive car service for airport transfers. Plus if you had somewhere specific such as a tour you were considering you could book that through a company rather than Ubers.
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If you decide to do DIsley GCs instead of Visa to avoid the fee, while you can’t put the person’s name on the Disney GCs, you can pick out a design that is special to each person (and makes it easy to see whose card is whose):

They have so many fun designs! We used to do this for our DDs so that they had a preset budget for whatever they wanted to buy in the parks. Once it was out, it was out! But it let me say “yes” to the “can I get…” question, even though it was yes, if you have money on your card!


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