New Hairstyle Help


<font color=green>Proud Mommy of sweet Nathan and
Aug 17, 1999
I am wanting to do something different with my hair. I have long (past my shoulder blades), straight red hair and I am getting a little sick of it. I want something that is easy to take care of and looks good in both professional and casual settings.

I have a very round face so I want something that makes my face look more slender. Does anyone have any suggestions for a type of hairstyle that might work? I have tried searching for some websites to look at pictures of hairstyles but I am not finding much.

I don’t have any suggestions, but I hope someone else does; because I’ve been searching for the same thing. My hair is also long (almost to my waist) and straight, but it’s brown; and I have a round face. I’ve had the same hair style since high school and I’m ready for a change. I’m about ready to take the scissors to it myself.
Here I am!!!! :D
It all depends on the texture of your hair (do you have any pics of it I can see??
As far as feeling like you have a round face you just dont want any sharp lines around your chin.
something that flips out is nice and the messier (In a good way ) the better.
My hair is getting cut on Saturday. It is 'dishwater blonde', thick and past my shoulders. I am going short with lots of layers. The only dispute right now is bangs or no bangs.....I will have to see if Shep will post a picture of the cut I want once I scan it in.
Believe- No bangs!! Also consider highlights!! If your hair is dishwater blonde highlights will spark you style up considerably!!! :) yes post a pic Ill give you my advice!!
Think of donating to locks of love!!! Now only can you get a new style but you will be helping someone in return. Also think of a color change (for something new) if your hair is light brown golden highlights would be really sorftening!! if its darker go for more warmer tones!! :)
tnkrbell - thanks for the advice. I just PM'd you a few pics.
Becka- you have really nice hair!!!
If you are looking for something new I say TEXTUIZE!!!! Go to someone who is good at Razor cutting!! I say Lots of Layer nice and piecy and maybe even do some highlights!!! (can you tell I love color??!!)

Believe nice pic dont do the bangs it will date the style!! if the bangs are longer it will be sexier you can also make it more conservatibve if you put it behind your ears.
when its cut dont forget to buy product to piece out the layers. (again giving you a 2002 look not 8os)
Thanks for the feedback...I am waiting for Shep to post a picture of me on the thread I started with the hairstyle.
Unfortunately I don't like putting my hair behind my ears and I don't like hair in my eyes. I usually end up with a headband about a week after the hair cut.
How about keeping them on an angle?? how about flipping it out rather then under??? I want to see the pic of you so I can see your face shape ect..
OK I am about to show just how ignorant I am about this kind of stuff but what is razor cutting? I am familiar with layers and highlighting but not razor cutting.
You are not ignorant!!
Razor cutting is when the stylist uses a razor (think staight edge)
and cuts peices throughout the hair to give it texture.
THink Lisa Rinna(Billy on Days of our lives she used to be on Melrose )
It doesnt have to be short like hers just thats someone I could think of Im drawing a blank!!
Tnkrbell – I don’t have any pictures to send. My hair is very fine. Thanks for mentioning Locks of Love – I heard about them a while ago, and even went into their website and found a salon in my area. It had completely slipped my mind now that I’m ready to do something about it. I’ve been considering color, too, but more because of the few gray hairs I’ve started to notice. Thanks for your input. It helps to talk to a professional. Making a change like this is somewhat scary to me.

Becka – Thanks for posting about this.
tnkrbell-JC2 posted a link to a picture of me on the thread I started asking for people's thoughts on the hair cut.

becka-I wouldn't have known what razor cut was if my stylist hadn't explained it to me before. I am sure there are a lot of things you know that I don't.


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