** New thread: DVC Information Center and FAQ **

The DVC Moderators

DVC Moderators
Oct 26, 2011
You should notice a new thread "stuck" to the top of the following DVC forums:

  • Purchasing DVC
  • DVC Member Services
  • DVC Resorts
  • DVC Mousecellaneous
It is the new "DVC Information Center and FAQ" thread.

The DVC Moderators have created this as a table of contents or index to much of the information about DVC here on the DISboards DVC forums.

This is a work in progress, so we're eager to hear your suggestions on what should be added. If you know of a great informational post, please start a conversation with DVC Mike and let him know. Notify DVC Mike of any broken links. You will notice that some items don't have a link to a post yet. DVC Mike wasn't aware of all the resort owners & lovers threads, for example. Please let him know.

We hope you find this index useful!


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