New Vacation Club Guidebook

Nothing yet in the home state of Walt Disney!

Of course, I haven't gotten the Fall Issue of VM yet either. The Pony Express still runs here, doesn't it? :(
Here's one New Jerseyan who got his today:) Very nice,I like the new layout and trip planning aids.Bravo DVC!:cool:
:bounce: :bounce: Well, Connecticut wasn't left off the list this time! Got mine today.

By using REALLY BIG print do they think we'll absorb the information better? LOL! I like the pictures and I think they do offer a lot more information but there's something clumsy about the cover. I guess they made it hard to support the pocket in the back but I think future issues might be better with a heavy-duty plastic type cover.
Nothing in Kansas either! I'd settle for the planning video but who knows. . .maybe both the video and the new guidebook will come at the same time!
I got mine last week. I answered another post on the Guide books then. I'm not too thrilled. It is a very slick sales presentation, glossy pictures and random comments from "members". No point tracking charts, the resort maps are small and I find hard to read, the room layouts are not appealing at all. If I had never been to BWV I would not be impressed and the binding split the first time I opened it. It does have a nice calender which I liked. What did this cost us as members? Somehow I think replacing a few pages every couple of years is more cost effective then having to publish an entire new book every two years.
Nanajo, I remember your post about the book splitting and I was being "very careful" with mine. I see how it happens, the cover is too heavy for the binding.

I really liked the calendar as well. I think they had to re-do the book in order to add all the basic information about making reservations etc. in more detail. This type of production is cheaper than doing new binders. But, I agree that I like the old format better.
No new guidebook in northern Minnesota, but I'm hoping tomorrow will be my lucky day! It's always so much fun to receive something from DVC.


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