Nicole and Michael 2/9/2011 PJ, air force

Definitely keep us posted! I'm think you could totally swing an escape wedding in that amount of time. I think they can plan them in a little as a month, and it's not like you don't know anything about Disney weddings!
okay so here is what we know........ so far

1st, Mike has to be married before he signs up for the Air Force. which IF he planned to, then he would sign up after graduation (late march) so he would sign up in April/ May.
that would mean 6 months from now!!! AWWW!!! well at least i have my dress right! haha :yay:
2nd, the OTS is only accepting for Engineering Graduates only. (that seems odd to me) so if he joined he would have to join as a regular inlistee. which is something he is not really wanting to do.

he has more questions to ask before he makes a final decision.

my last day of work is Wednesday. im a bit sad to go but happy to be starting a new chapter in my life. we got a little nervous last week because at one point Mike's boss scheduled him to work the weekend he was to help me drive up there. but things got sorted out! (thank goodness) so thursday Mike and his Dad are gonna fly in to Albuquerque. His dad's brother lives there, visit with them for a night, then drive the 2.5 hours to my home in Taos with a uhaul. we will pack it up friday. we hope to drive out about 6am on saturday the 24th. it will be about 1600 miles and about 30.5 hours drive. we hope to stop in Omaha, NE to rest. Mike and his dad will drive the uhaul, my mother will ride with AJ and me as we follow in my car.
im about 75% packed. just have the tiny stuff to go through. did i mention i hate packing! you never realize how much ....(um, think of an appropriate word)... stuff you collect! :rotfl:
well, I totally vote for getting married in 6 can be my twin:goodvibes

Good luck with moving!! I have done it way to many times (I have lived in 4 provinces and one territory) and while it is annoying and scary, it is also pretty exciting! You will have to update us once you get there!
Ohhh moving is so excited!! Are you freaking out!?!?!? I may have missed it but what will you be doing when you get there? Work? School? Or just being a mommy? My dream job btw!:lovestruc
good luck wih everything! Moving is never fun... packing bites the big one!

I would vote for getting married in 6 months!!!!!
Packing is definately a pain in the @#$.

Whe will he find out about OCS?

Keep a mini travel log of your move so you can give us all the details later, and DRIVE SAFELY!
well, I totally vote for getting married in 6 can be my twin:goodvibes

Good luck with moving!! I have done it way to many times (I have lived in 4 provinces and one territory) and while it is annoying and scary, it is also pretty exciting! You will have to update us once you get there!
Oh yeah! it would be sooo awesome to have a wedding twin!

Ohhh moving is so excited!! Are you freaking out!?!?!? I may have missed it but what will you be doing when you get there? Work? School? Or just being a mommy? My dream job btw!:lovestruc
shhh, dont tell Mike but its my dream job too. if he we go into the air force then i can be a mommy for a bit!:cloud9:
but i hopefully will get a job in my field, Massage Therapy. i have an interview when i get there at a private salon. *wish me luck*

good luck wih everything! Moving is never fun... packing bites the big one!

I would vote for getting married in 6 months!!!!!
one vote for 6 months.....check!

Packing is definately a pain in the @#$.

Whe will he find out about OCS?

Keep a mini travel log of your move so you can give us all the details later, and DRIVE SAFELY!
that sounds like a from TR. i will do it!! :cool1:
i hope he finds out soon. he was supposed to call them today. but i'll call him when i get off work.
Good luck with the move, I hate packing, but it's good that you're already almost done. I know where does all the stuff even come from, lol! Have a safe drive!
I hope the move is going well. Moving can be annoying! I was an AF brat so I think it's the best way to go! I hope he can get in because that would be a waste for him to go enlisted. If he enlists can he become an officer later? I agree about being a mommy also. Hopefully this time next year that will be my job also!:goodvibes
Good luck with the move, I hate packing, but it's good that you're already almost done. I know where does all the stuff even come from, lol! Have a safe drive!
Thank you!!!! but i have to admit that im a pack rat at times. shhhh but tell no one lol!!

I hope the move is going well. Moving can be annoying! I was an AF brat so I think it's the best way to go! I hope he can get in because that would be a waste for him to go enlisted. If he enlists can he become an officer later? I agree about being a mommy also. Hopefully this time next year that will be my job also!:goodvibes
that is what i was think too. if he does enlist he can be an officer later, but it may take a BIT longer than he wants. so im not sure what he will choose. are you trying to add another member to your family? or do you mean that you will get to be a stay at home mommy for your little princess?



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