Niece's SURPRISE 9th Birthday Trip (and My First PTR)! - September 2018


Earning My Ears
Mar 21, 2018
Hello! Thanks for checking out my first pre-trip report. I'm excited to share the details of my obsessive planning here!

First up in the band of travelers...
  • :earsgirl:Me (Brittany) - 31, master planner and coordinator of our trip. I love all things Disney but haven't been since I was 12.
  • :earsboy:Steve a.ka. Joe* - 31, my boyfriend. Steve/Joe likes watching Disney movies and went twice as a kid, the last time while he was in high school.
  • princess:Aubrielle - 8 (turning 9 while we're in Disney!), my niece. She's been asking to go to Disney since she was just a wee beastie. SHE HAS NO IDEA WE'RE GOING YET! :hyper: We're still working on the details on how and when best to spill the beans...
* We have no idea why, but for some reason, Aubrielle has always insisted on referring to Steve as Joe. We think it may have something to do with the transition between hosts Steve and Joe on Blue's Clues. She's not even sure why she started it at this point, but it stuck

(Steve/Joe, Aubrielle, and I at Disney on Ice earlier this year!)

Next up in our cast of characters...

  • :earsgirl:Becca - 25, my sister. Her last trip Disney was the same as mine but she was 6 at the time.
  • :earsboy:Craig - 28, my sister's now-fiancee but soon-to-be husband. Becca and Craig are getting married 7/13/2018 so I want to be sure they get some alone time on our trip. This is taking the place of a "real" honeymoon (aka one without kids and in-laws :thumbsup2)upload_2018-3-21_18-11-2.png
(Craig and Becca at Thanksgiving this year)
  • My parents - :earsgirl: Mom, Laurinda (55) & :earsboy: Dad, Michael (60). They both enjoy Disney and spent their honeymoon in Orlando at WDW, Busch Gardens, and Seaworld.


:earsboy:September 10-17, 2018

:earsboy:Pop Century (me, Steve, Rebecca, Craig, and Aubrielle)
:earsboy:All-Star Music (Mom and Dad)

:earsboy:7 Day Park Hopper Plus and Disney Quick Service Dining Plan (we're all getting these tickets)

We'll all be traveling together to and from Orlando. No flights booked yet but we have a good idea of the flight we'd like to try and get everyone on. We do have a reservation with the Alamo at Disney Car Care for a full-size SUV. We want to really utilize our Park Hopper passes and not have to rely on Disney transportation all the time. Seems like there is the potential to waste a lot of time on bus transfers. This way we can speed up our transport time a bit but still have the buses as a back-up if we want to split up. We looked into picking it up from MCO but wanted to be able to utilize Magic Express. We won't be entering any parks our first day so I'll probably Uber over there and pick it up then.

On the next installment:

  • results of ADR day! popcorn::
  • itinerary planning:surfweb:
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