Niki is going to get back to pre -baby weight..............


<font color=blue>This is my first exchange so play
May 10, 2003
.............but my baby is 4 1/2.At the first of the year I started weight watchers and have lost 16.4 lbs so far!!! I started at "gulp" 253.4 and i am now 236.9 . I am 5'8 and would like to get down to 155. I know it sounds like alot to some but I am "big boned" so that will be good for me. I got married a year ago and i gained 20 lbs from Feb last year to Dec of Last year. I guess I came here for support. i would like to be at 220 for my disney trip.princess:
hey niki, welcome to journaling! that's a great goal that you have set for yourself (well, actually great couple of goals, including the mini one for your disney trip! :) ). i do ww too, although, i do online, i' mnot sure if you do online or meetings. i love the flexibility! i hope the journaling is a positive experience for you! be sure to stop by often, we'll be here for you :hyper:
Niki, Welcome! I hope to see you back here soon. Your goals are definitely attainable. You're already off to a great start--keep it up. :sunny:
:D Hi Niki,
I'm also carrying around a lot of extra baby weight and my "baby" is also 4 years old! Good luck to you in reaching your goals. A Disney trip (and looking and feeling good for it) is definitely a great motivator :D .
Hi Niki! :wave:

We're at close to the same weight right now, and I have a goal of 154 pounds. Another big boned gal here at 5'6. My baby is 5 years old, and I had another one 7 months ago. I actually lost weight during both my pregnancies, but I gained it all back (and then some) shortly after the kiddos were born. :rolleyes:

You've got the right idea with establishing mini-goals on your road to your final goal. It's much easier to strive for something that's a month or two away than to look at the total we want to lose. It can be so intimidating!

These boards are a wonderful source of support so check back often. Continued success to you! ::yes::

Niki, welcome to the WISH Journal board! Glad you decided to join us on our journey to healthy living!!

Stop by often! I know that writing down what I eat, the amount of exercise I get, my moods, etc. has really helped me stick to this healthy lifestyle. I hope it helps you too!
okay, not about dieting, but I go by Niki too (or Nicole) and my maiden name starts with M!! Now its a K, bu I just thought that was cool.

Happy weight loss!!!!!!! one month i have lost 1.1 lbs.........thats horrible isnt it???????? Oh well I will keep trying princess:
I know others who have gone through this. You should evaluate your diet, what are you eating. You might not be eating enough oddly enough! Protien and fiber both help break down fat. If you are eating mostly veggies, it might not be enough....Just a thought.

Dont give up! I know I am feeling like that myself and all these great DISers came and left supportive replies, its really helping me this morning to read them.
Niki, no need to worry or feel bad! First of all, you LOST over a pound! :Pinkbounc That means you didn't GAIN and that's something to celebrate!

I know you'd like the weight to come off faster. Could you post what you're eating each day? Maybe you just need to tweak things a bit. There are lots of people here who are great at spotting things that might be slowing your loss.

Hang in there, Niki! Sometimes it just takes a little time to figure out what works best for you! :sunny:


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