No Dreams but a real NIGHTMARE!!!

I am so sorry this happened to you - especially the WAY it happened! Wow, this hits home for me and my family! We went to WDW the first time over Christmas of '03 and were planning to go again for the holidays in '05. Two weeks before we were to leave (3 weeks before Christmas!) my DH's company "downsized" and since he was new guy on the totem pole (only having been there for 9 months) he was let go. We had no choice but to cancel our trip... thankfully we were able to do that w/o losing any $ because we were going to drive there and stay at the DTD Hilton and hadn't bought our park tix yet. His loss of his job actually turned out to be a pretty good thing though! He was traveling all the time and really missing out on life with the family. Since the economy was really bad where we were (MI), we decided he should search nationwide for a job. Long story... I'll sum up! We ended up in the Raleigh, NC area and we LOVE it! My DH has a terrific job that is less stressful, he doesn't travel and we just found out he is going to get a MAJOR bonus next year! As you can see by my ticker, we are going back to Disney in a few months... as we promised our kids we would do as soon as we recovered from the financial blow of having to sell a home (we took a huge loss) and move, etc. So... keep an open mind and be faithful... I am sure it will work out for you in the end! I can say that because I have lived it. I'm sending you lots of pixie dust in hopes that his job search will be short and that you'll be better off for the change!
pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:
Had to share my sympathy and best wishes as well.

Financial stress and job worries are so hard to deal with... and what a lousy way to find out. In a time when things are tough all over, you just hope and pray it doesn't happen to you, or, if it does, you can make it thru.

I do believe that things happen for a reason though, and everyone else's stories hear will offer some hope in that direction I hope.

My DH worked at jobs he hated for years. He finally went back to school and tried so hard to work for himself. After 3 years of being on the cusp of making it, but always struggling, he finally decided to give it up and work for himself. He found a good job and went to work... for 3 days. It just didn't work out for him. After resolving to go to work for someone else, and give up part of his dream, he had to go back to it as a last resort. It was a struggle since he had already started closing up shop, but we got thru it, and he wound up finding a job w/ another upstart business owner who had made a better go of it. He got to take along some of his favorite customers, and he doesn't hate going to work everyday anymore.

Just hope this adds to the piles of reasons to keep on, keepin' on.

Best of luck and pixie dust.
I have a similar story to share if you don't mind. We just got back from a quick vacation last night to Ocean City, MD. Well as I was unpacking, I get a phone call from my boss. His first words to me were "I'm sorry, but this isn't working out". I couldn't believe it! I was there for about a month at this point. Anyway,to make a long story short we talked it out and I'm still employed. But I do know how you feel. My husband was laid off a few months prior to our last Disney vacation and his unemployment checks had run out by then. It was difficult but we made it through and he ended up getting a new job about 3 weeks after we returned.
That is just awful for that company to do that!!! I am so sorry that you had to start your vacation that way but it sounds like just being at WDW might have made it just a teensy bit easier to forget it (or put it towards the back of your mind) for a little while. Sending you *Pixie Dust* that a better job comes along soon. :hug:
I know exactly how you feel, last year my father died, my husband came back from bereavement leave, [on my birthday as it happens] and as soon as he walked in they notified him he was laid off.
I know the anxiety and worry you are in now. I hope things will go well for you and he finds a good job quickly.
My husband was laid off 4 weeks before Christmas. Then within the month the CEO/President of the company received a 3.5 million dollar bonus. Money and greed are powerful things.

My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. We had to move out of state and we had just built our dream home. It was a fabulous move for us. I really believe my children are better people and have had more chances then they would have.

Be positive and it will follow you!
I just wanted to say I am sooooooo sorry for your husbands job loss. I will say that you are blessed if your family is healthy, my mom always says this too shall pass and this will. Your family will have good times ahead! Here is a big hug for you and your family!:grouphug:

Bad mean bosses!!! Cooperate america stinkspirate:
I'm so sorry but glad you were able to forget (somewhat) about your troubles and have a nice vacation for awhile. My DH was laid off from work the day for Thanksgiving once. We hadn't even been married a month. I hope something new and better comes along real soon.
How awful! I agree with Bytheblood that they could have told you in a nicer way with better timing. I hope your hubby finds a job soon, and I hope it is with a company that treats their employess better than that. Prayers, pixie dust and a great big :hug: headed your way!!
That is really terrible. I am so sorry. Sure hope it all works out well real soon and he finds something even better.
We were getting ready to make the final payment and my husband spoke with his boss to make sure he'd be coming back to a job. My DH had an inkling in hindsight. The boss told him no problem. We paid it off on a Sunday! :cool1: Monday morning at 7:30 my husband tells me Friday would be his last day. :confused3 He found a new job on Thursday and was not out of work at all! :cool1: Unfortunately all of those paychecks bounced and he was cut from that loser on July 5.:scared1: So, basically he'd been working for free for 6 weeks. Here's the blessing: He got on with a wonderful company that he enjoys and they actually pay him! :cool1:

Moral: When a door closes, the window will get jammed, but somewhere there is a skylight. :hippie:

Here's hoping your hubby will find the right position for him and your family quickly.
I'm so sorry we didn't get to meet each other that day so I could sprinkle a little pixie dust on all of you.

Sending gentle thoughts your way for better days ahead.

Best wishes.
Sending you and your family comforting thoughts.

I have a long and horrible story as well, but just wanted you to know that as that awful door closed another opened with better opportunities for us.

I hope that your situation will be over with as soon as possible, please keep us updated and keep up your spirits.
I'm very sorry to hear about your husband's job. I could not imagine looking for a job at my age. Luckily I work for a decent city and as a fireman would be one of the last to be let go if the city went under.

I know it's hard to imagine now but I read a post recently that this happened to another person and it ended up being a blessing. He went back to school and now does his real dream job making great money. Sometimes God puts up road blocks to make us turn the right way. God Bless your family.
Ya know what? :goodvibes I say goodbye and good riddance. It is probably hard to see it now, but it sounds like you guys are better off. I mean really! WHO DOES THAT??? :mad:

Yep, better off. If it hadn't been this it would have been something else. They sound like they are a little full of themselves to me.

Hang tough, stick together and you will not only make it through this, but will be stronger and wiser for your trouble. ;)

Like my Great-Grandma used to say: "They can't eat ya."

Here is your pixie dust

pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:


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